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By now, you probably understand the importance ofsegmentation in marketing。Just consider the stats for segmentation in email alone.根据阿伯丁集团,个性化电子邮件将点击率提高14%,转化率提高10%。简而言之,营销中更好的细分和个性化会带来更好的结果。

But segmentation doesn't have to be limited just to email marketing. Using动态或“智能”内容, you can apply this powerful element of personalization to your entire website, showing visitors personalized content and calls-to-action (CTAs) based on the information you've collected in your contacts database.

Consider this scenario for a moment: A visitor lands on your website and downloads your most popular ebook. Liking the content, they come back to see what else your company has to offer. Does it make any sense to show them a call-to-action for the same ebook they’ve already read? Not at all. But with dynamic content, you can make it so that visitor automatically sees a brand new CTA when they return, targeted specifically to them based on what you already know about them. The result? A much more effective way to capture new leads and nurture existing ones into customers.

听起来很神奇,是吗?Think you might want to startimplementing dynamic CTAsin your own marketing? Let's walk through exactly how dynamic CTAs work and how you can start incorporating them into your own marketing efforts.

How Dynamic, Smart CTAs Work

如果你还是有点朦胧的概念”ynamic content," it's the term for aspects of a website or email that change based on a website visitor’s profile data or history of interactions with a company. As a result, dynamic content creates an experience that is tailored specifically to the user. So when we say dynamic CTAs -- or智能CTA, as we refer to them at HubSpot -- we're simply applying the concept of dynamic content to the calls-to-action on your website or in your emails.

Think, for instance. When you visit that website, you see one set of purchase suggestions. Your friend, on the other hand, will see a completely different set of suggestions. It makes a lot of sense, right? You each have different identities, with your own preferences and needs. The website should adapt to match your browsing behavior, not the other way around.


  • A Centralized营销Contacts Database
  • 一个聪明的内容创erator
  • Malleable Web Pages
  • An Integrated Email System


To set up Smart CTAs, the first thing you need to do is set up your segmenting criteria. This criteria is what will trigger your smart content generator to display certain CTAs to different website visitors. The beauty is that there's really no shortage of ways you can segment your Smart CTAs. UsingHubSpot's tools, for example, you can either segment by customer lifecycle stages or a variety of variables you can set up using dynamic, Smart Lists (lists that get updated with contacts automatically when certain criteria you set up are met).


A visitor's "lifecycle stage" refers to how far along in their decision-making process they are with your company. Is this their first visit? Are they just doing research, or are they comparing your product/service to that of the competition? Have they been a customer for a while? The idea is, you should show your visitors different CTAs depending on their particular stage in the sales cycle.


  • Subscriber
  • 带领
  • 营销合格的潜在客户
  • 销售合格的线索
  • Opportunity
  • 客户

smart cta  lifecycle lead2) By List Criteria

除生命周期阶段外,您还可以选择基于动态智能列表进行分割智能CTA,可以使用任何信息(或信息组合)在联系人数据库中使用的任何信息(或信息组合),从个人资料信息到网站活动- 甚至游客的参与离开您的网站,例如打开或单击您的电子邮件或点击您在社交媒体中共享的内容。

For example, you could set up a Smart List of contacts who have downloaded a particular ebook, and decide to show them a CTA for another ebook you have on a similar subject. After all, if they were interested in that subject to begin with, it's likely they'll appreciate more information on that topic. Or, if you sell to people in various industries, you could create a list of contacts within a particular industry and target them with calls-to-action for offers that cater to that particular industry. And that's only the beginning; the possibilities really are endless. This is where the possibilities really get endless. Here are27种分割联系人的方法to get you started.

Aligning CTA Content With the Appropriate Segments

It's just not just enough to create segments for your Smart CTAs. You'll also need to对齐您的呼吁行动正在促进各个细分市场you set up. After all, doing all that work to create specialized, targeted segments of your audience will be a royal waste of time unless you're triggering CTAs that cater to the interests and needs of each of those particular segments.

Start Simple, Then Get More Advanced

Before you start setting up a ton of detailed smart lists with very specific targeting criteria, make sure you conduct an audit of the offers you have at your disposal. When you just get started out, you should aim only to create segments for which you have appropriate offers with which to target them. Because there are far fewer segmenting options when you target CTAs by lifecycle stages, I recommend getting started with Smart CTAs using that triggering method.

First,map your offers to their appropriate lifecycle stage。正如我们前面提到的那样,诸如教育电子书或网络研讨会之类的更高渠道可能会在宣传阶段映射到访问者 - 例如订阅者或新的潜在客户。另一方面,对于将居住在评估或购买阶段的营销或销售合格的铅生命周期阶段的访客来说,您会绘制更多以产品为中心的优惠,例如免费试用或产品演示。

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Once you get comfortable using Smart CTAs by lifecycle stage, you can startbuilding up a heftier arsenal of very targeted offersand start implementing more advanced segmentation using dynamic lists. For example, you might create a specific ebook tailored just for contacts in one particular industry you target, which you can then display to a list of people who fit that industry criteria. Or maybe you create a free trial geared specifically toward contacts of a certain age group. And so on and so forth.

Choose Your Default CTA

Your smart content generator should also allow you to set a "default" CTA. This is the CTA that will get shown to any visitors who doesn't satisfy the criteria of any specific segmentation you do. For example, if you set up a rule that triggers a specific CTA to show if a visitor has the lifecycle stage of "lead" in your contacts database and you have no other rules set up, your default CTA will show to anyone who不是联系人数据库中的潜在客户。明智地选择此CTA。这很可能是您知道的通话行动,在广泛的受众群体中表现良好。

And remember: because you can only segment your Smart CTAs based on the information you've already gathered about your contacts, your default CTA should probably be set as one of your top-of-the-funnel, awareness stage offers, since you'll have no information about brand new visitors to your site, and these are people who are most likely in the awareness stage.

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Aligning Smart CTAs With the Right Channels


1) On Your Blog

When setting up Smart CTAs for your blog articles, it makes sense to set your default CTA as one of your top-performing, top-of-the-funnel offers that aligns with the content of that individual blog post. So if you typically blog about 6 different topics (for HubSpot's blog, for example, those categories might be SEO, blogging, social media, lead generation, lead management, and analytics), you could set up 6 different Smart CTA groups with the default CTAs for those groups set as an offer targeted at each of those 6 different topics.


2)On Your Various Web Pages

当将智能CTA与特定网页保持一致时,请考虑如果您到达该特定页面,则可能会在网站访问者中处于可能的阶段。例如,在您的“关于我们”页面上闲逛的人可能与查看您的产品定价页面的人不同。Map your website pages to different stages of your sales cycle, and set up your Smart CTAs accordingly.

3) On Your Thank-You Pages

Thank-you pagesare the pages visitors get redirected to after completing a form on your website, usually to redeem the offer they just converted on. Keep in mind that because this is the case, you'll have information about these users that you can use to your advantage in CTAs on your thank-you pages. Consider making the default CTA tailored to the subject of the original offer, and use your CTA segmentation to display CTAs that will move them further along in the sales cycle.


这是正确的!如果你有all-in-one marketing software solution like HubSpot, you can even use dynamic Smart CTAs in your email sends! So if you were, say, sending an email to a certain segment of your leads who have already downloaded 5 pieces of content and you know are engaged with your brand, you can send them all the same email asking them to sign up for a product demo -- but displaying different, industry-specific demo CTAs depending on the profile information of each individual recipient. This saves you the time from creating and sending multiple emails, but still gives you the benefit of very targeted, segmented CTAs!

5) On Other Websites


Designing Your Smart CTAs

一旦制定了细分规则,选择了要约内容,并将智能CTA与预期的营销资产保持一致,您仍然需要设计单独的CTA。您在这里有一些选择:雇用设计师,使用CTA generator like HubSpot's, or take a stab at使用PowerPoint这样的工具来设计自己or PhotoShop.


  • 结合引人入胜的图像..
  • Demonstrate the value of the offer
  • 使用可操作的语言,从而产生紧迫感(例如“下载”)。
  • Choose language and terminology aligned with the CTA's target segment.
  • Consider the placement (think about sizing, shape, and dimension limitations based on the marketing asset your designing for).

Voila! Once you startimplementing dynamic CTAs,您将开始获得极端个性化和细分的好处。祝你好运!


最初发布于2012年10月17日12:20:00 PM,更新于2021年6月11日


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