If you want to grow your business, great search engine optimization (SEO) is a must:Recent survey data发现所有可跟踪的网站流量中有53%来自有机搜索,这意味着,如果您想引起注意,则需要出现在搜索排名的顶部。

挑战?许多小型企业没有时间,技能或专业知识来处理与solid SEO strategy。从关键字研究到内容评估,从页面优化到内部链接,公司很容易获得通用的网络影响力,并不会激发参与度或推动转换。

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The result? It’s worth considering anSEO顾问或代理商帮助管理此过程并最大程度地发挥影响力。在本文中,我们将解决关键的外包业务,包括如何使您的业务受益 - 以及为什么SEO不能完全外包。然后,我们将分解顶级SEO陷阱,并提供可行的建议,以找到最适合您品牌的SEO代理商。


Designing an effective SEO strategy isn’t a simple task. Companies have to consider how search engines are evaluating content, what aspects of SEO offer the most impact, and where they could change their current content to better align with search engine expectations.

This is especially critical as search engines like Google continually refine their ranking process. For example,页面加载速度现在是搜索结果排名的因素。实际上,这扩大了SEO的角色;仅仅用流行的关键字编织并提供高质量的内容是不够的。品牌还需要考虑整个用户体验。

As a result, it’s often worth outsourcing SEO services to ensure that your digital presence is generating maximum impact and capturing the highest volume of prospective customers. In much the same way that companies将他们的营销工作外包给专家,外包SEO为品​​牌提供了一种识别关键战略目标,然后将实现这些目标实现的复杂过程提供给行业专家的方法。

For small businesses and entrepreneurs, outsourcing offers the big benefit of time: Instead oflearning about the ins and outs of SEO,测试新策略以及提炼结果,企业主和经理可以专注于客户转换,产品改进和新想法。

Why Your Business Can’t Fully Outsource SEO

While it’s possible to outsource much of your SEO strategy to an agency or consultant, there are aspects of the process that still rest within your business. These include:


Although an SEO expert can help pinpoint specific keywords of opportunity, you’re often the authority on the core keywords that define your business and operations. You know that if you stray too far from these keywords, your brand simply won’t be the same — and customers that do end up on your site may be there looking for something else. As a result, you always have a role to play in choosing ideal keywords.

Your Content

您网站上的内容是您品牌独有的。尽管SEO机构在创建旨在吸引您市场的目标内容方面变得更好,但您的现场内容有些方面 - 例如有关历史和历史的信息mission of your business— that you’re best-suited to create and manage.

Your Relationships

No matter how good your SEO provider may be, they can’t replicate the relationships you have with other businesses, suppliers and partners. This means that while they’re able to provide strategy for your SEO framework, you provide the connective tissue that makes it possible for your content to be posted (and reposted) across your industry network.


The unique nature of your brand perspective is what’s taken you this far — and it’s what will continue to drive your growth. Even the best SEO agency can’t be in your head; they don’t know what your brand means to you or how you want to communicate your message to the world. As a result, outsourcing SEO is ideal for laying a foundation for conversion and revenue, but it only works when paired with your perspective.

Your Growth Strategy

当你提供SEO公司总体目标— such as increasing your rankings for a specific keyword by X amount or boosting total website visits — you’re still responsible for your overall growth strategy. Where do you want to be in a month? A year? Five? And how can your SEO partner help you get there?

Five Common Pitfalls to Avoid in SEO

Every business is different, but the principles of SEO remain the same: Rank higher in search engines for popular keywords to drive more traffic to your site. The challenge? Reaching this goal isn’t easy, leading some brands and SEO agencies to make potentially costly mistakes. Here are the top five pitfalls to avoid.


如果有现代SEO的基本规则,那就是:Don’t keyword stuff

Stuffing is the practice of adding the same keyword over and over to your content with the intention of ranking higher. The problem? Search engines are now smart enough to detect this practice and will down-rank your site if keyword stuffing is detected. Generally speaking, one instance of your primary keyword per piece of content is enough to get noticed.


Next up is duplicate content. While more content on your site with keywords can help you rank higher, simply copying and pasting content — or slightly changing content to include a new keyword — lowers the overall value of your site and in turn your ranking.

Put simply? New content is always better than old.


Backlinks can help increase the relevance and authority of your content — but only if they link to high-quality sites. If your content links out to sites that are continually keyword stuffing or don’t receive many visitor views, you won’t enjoy a bump in search rankings. In fact, links to these sites may hurt your overall standing.

Unoptimized Images

Images help capture user interest, but it’s not enough to simply put pictures on your site: You also need to ensure they’re optimized.


这也是一个好主意的大小images. Here’s why: The more images you have on your site, the slower it loads. Optimizing images for size (without losing quality) can help improve the user experience and your search rankings.


Meta descriptionsare snippets of text that offer a quick description of content on a specific page. Here, clear and concise descriptions are critical. Muddled or vague meta descriptions make it easy for users to overlook your site. Ideally, you want to use your primary keyword and provide a quick overview of the page in question so users know what they’re getting into.

Simply put? Ask questions. Not sure which ones to ask? We’ve got you covered.

Let’s explore each question in more detail.

1. What makes you different?

尽管SEO的过程相当简单,但方法差异很大。一些公司仅依靠特定的指标,而另一些公司则选择一种更有机的方法或更中间的立场。结果,值得询问代理商和顾问是什么让他们与竞争对手区分开来 - 他们可以提供什么来提高您的排名并推动流量?


2. What’s your process?


3. What are your tools?

From theHubSpot Website Graderto Ahrefs, from SEMRush to Moz Pro, there are ahost of SEO tools available。Many agencies will also have their own proprietary tools they use alongside these popular offerings — look for a provider willing to specify what tools they use, why, and how.

4. How long will results take?

Beware any company that promises instant results. SEO rankings don’t increase until search engine “spiders” have crawled the web to assess site changes and their impact. Generally speaking, substantive results start showing up around the 4-to-6 month mark.

5. What are your metrics?

Metrics matter in SEO。其中包括新的推荐域,文本可读性,关键字排名,有机搜索量,铅转换,跳出率和点击率。所有这些都是相关的,具体取决于它们的上下文,所有这些都衡量了SEO影响的不同方面。始终询问您的潜在提供商使用什么指标以及为什么,并询问其影响结果的解释。

6. How often do you report data?

数据报告是跟踪SEO成功的关键。一些公司每周报告结果;对于其他人来说,这个频率是每隔一周甚至每月一次。在这里,请随身携带任何您的舒适性 - 虽然较长的报告期可能会显示出更多的变化,但他们也可能会错过关键指标,即策略无法正常工作或需要调整。


Finally, ask for references. If your prospective SEO provider is as good as they say they are, they should have data that shows how they’ve boosted the impact of other brands. If they’re short on specific data and big on promises, tread carefully.

Solving for SEO

A solid SEO strategy can help your brand rank higher in search engine results and drive more traffic to your business. Outsourcing is a great way to jumpstart this process — the right agency can give you the advantage when it comes to getting noticed and capturing customer interest.

But outsourcing alone isn’t enough. Your brand perspective is critical to drive success and avoid common pitfalls. Not sure where to get started learning SEO? HubSpot has you covered.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in June 2008 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published Nov 5, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated November 05 2021
