There's nothing worse than an ad that keeps popping up for something you'd never buy. About 39% of internet users agree, feeling that online ads aren't relevant to them. So it's no wonder that one in four people will leverage some sort of广告拦截器在2021年。




Global digital ad spend is expected to exceed $455 billion this year, which means an increase in the number of banner, display, and news feed ads. This barrage is pushing more internet users toward ad blocking tools so they can shop and scroll in peace. To truly understand ad blocking statistics, it's important to have a grasp on the digital ad landscape.






3. The average internet user spends six hours and 55 minutes on the internet each day. (Hootsuite,2021年)


5. Digital advertising revenue is projected to grow by 15.4% in 2021. (Statista,2021年)

6. 2019 - 2020年,全球数字广告支出增长了12.7%(430亿美元)。((Hootsuite,2021年)


8. In a study about how advertising influences customer perception, 41% of respondents said that an ad placed around relevant content sparked a positive brand perception. (Statista, 2020)


ads on websites vs ads in video资源


11. 35% of people feel marketing and advertising meets their needs. (Merkle, 2020)


12. Approximately one in four internet users will leverage some sort of ad blocker in 2021. (eMarketer,2021年)

13.在2019年的最后一个季度,全球有7.635亿个广告阻止者用户。((Statista, 2019)

14. 37.5%的全球互联网用户使用广告阻滞剂工具阻止在线广告。((Hootsuite,2021年)

15. 2019年,美国约有26%的互联网用户在其设备上封锁了广告,这意味着有四分之一的付费广告信息从未吸引他们的受众。((Statista, 2019)

16. 20% of online sessions are blocked with an ad blocker tool. (AudienceProject, 2020)

17.越来越多的人在其广告阻滞剂中使用白名单,使广告保持活跃。2020年,美国白名单的人中有54%的人从2018年的40%上升。((((AudienceProject, 2020)

18.大多数广告阻塞都发生在台式机和笔记本电脑上,因为在智能手机应用程序中阻止广告更难。((eMarketer, 2019)


20.美国排名前100名出版商中的56个使用了至少一个广告块货币化策略。((Statista, 2019)

21. 47% of internet users in the U.S. used ad blockers on their desktops in 2020, down from 49% in 2017. (Statista, 2020)

Ad blocker usage rates in the US on desktop资源


22.超过44%的广告阻止用户说,他们更愿意支持广告认证的网站,而不是对广告认证的网站更好。((Statista, 2020)

23. By the end of 2020, there were approximately 586 million monthly active users of mobile ad blocking browsers worldwide. (Statista, 2020)



  • Over 61% of people say there are too many ads.
  • Nearly 54% of people say ads get in the way.
  • 40% of people want to stop any inappropriate content from popping up.
  • 39%的人认为广告与它们无关。
  • 超过38%的人阻止广告以保护其隐私。
  • 33%的人使用广告阻滞剂来提高设备性能。
  • Nearly 27% of users block ads to prevent companies from collecting personal data.

data why people use ad blockers资源

25. In the U.S., 44% of internet users say they use ad blockers because they don't want their online behavior to be tracked. (Statista,2021年)

26. 71%的人使用广告阻滞剂,因为他们发现没有横幅广告的网站更易于管理(Statista,2021年)

27.美国有66%的互联网用户说,自动使用声音播放的视频广告是最令人讨厌的广告,而55%的视频广告对没有声音的视频广告表示同样的话。((Statista, 2019)

most annoying types of digital ads资源

Most annoying types of digital ads according to internet users in the United States as of July 2019


28.在对美国互联网用户进行的一项调查中,到2020年底,有33%的女性受访者和49%的男性受访者正在使用广告阻滞剂。Statista, 2020)


30. Worldwide, 19.6% of men aged 25-34 years old feel represented in advertising — the highest of any group. But this group also is the most likely to use ad blocker tools, with 43% using some sort of ad blocking software. (Hootsuite,2021年)

31. 10% of men and women aged 55-64 years old feel represented in advertising—the lowest percentage of any age group — yet this group is the least likely to use tools to block online ads. (Hootsuite,2021年)

32.到2019年,美国大约有7300万人已安装了某种形式的广告块软件,插件或托动器。((((bob电竞官方下载Statista, 2019)

33. 60%的18-24岁成年人使用台式机或笔记本电脑广告阻滞剂,而智能手机上的广告则为18%。((eMarketer,2021年)

2021 use of ad blockers by US adults资源

34. China has the highest percentage of people using an ad blocker tool at 46%. Ghana has the least amount of people using ad blockers at almost 13%. (Hootsuite,2021年)



37. 10% of people using ad blockers in the U.S. pay for the technology. (AudienceProject, 2020)

data on ad blocker use by age and gender资源

38. 45% of internet users between the ages of 15 to 25 use an ad blocker. The same is true for 42% of respondents aged 26 and 33 years, as well as people aged 46 to 55 years. (Statista,2021年)

39.收入较高的人更有可能感觉到个性化是侵入性的,无论收益如何,都不想分享他们的个人信息。((Merkle, 2020)

40. 86% of internet users in the U.S. knew what ad blockers were when asked. (Statista, 2020)

Apply Your Ad Blocker Knowledge

Ad blockers aren't going anywhere, so it's good to reference these ad blocker statistics as you set up your next campaign. With the right information on ad blocker usage, you can understand who's most likely to click and how to best reach your audience.



Originally published Nov 24, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated November 24 2021

