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there's a reason food is such a popular subject for Instagram posts. Wholike scrolling through pictures of neatly arranged acai bowls, pastel-colored dollops of ice cream, and sandwiches bursting at the seams with sprouts and peppered tomatoes?

Let's be honest: We all love a good food picture.

the emphasis is on "good," though.Goodfood pictures are often well-lit, sharp, close in range, taken in a cool context, and make the viewer want nothing more than to jump into the photo and take a bite. Bad food pictures, well ... they're unedited, messy, bland, and plain old uninviting.

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如果您从事销售食品或饮用产品的业务,那么知道如何拍摄开胃图片非常重要。today's consumersexpect you to use visual platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to promote your products, offer recipe ideas, announce events and promotions, and show off the human side of your community and culture. (Check out this list of photo editing apps求助。)


15 Food & Drink Brands With Drool-Worthy Instagram Accounts

1)Bien Cuit

the phrase "bien cuit" is one French chefs often use to describe the darkest, crunchiest loaves of bread. It's also the inspiration behind the name of this New York City-based bread company, which takes consistently clean, symmetrical photos that combine dark, rich colors with off-white or block-colored backgrounds. Its images are always sharp so you can practically hear the bread cracking in half.


fomumarkets itself as an "alternative ice cream" company, so it's no surprise they use their Instagram account to post pictures of their non-traditional flavors, such as mulled cider, cardamom pistachio, and maple bourbon walnut.


Forequarter is a restaurant in Madison, Wisconsin, known for its unique and ever-changing menu. They keep their customer base up-to-date on the most delicious new offerings by taking teaser photos of them, which are always colorful and meticulously organized. The picture on the bottom right, for instance, pairs with the caption: "Lamb roasts all ready to be paired tonight with potatoes boulangere, garlic butter & rosemary." Excuse me while I make a reservation...


this well-loved brand uses its Instagram account to get creative with the classic cookie. They tend to use bold, block colors like bright blues, pinks, and yellows to form a contrast with its black and white cookies. Scroll through the Instagram feed, and you'll notice they post a handful of photos on a single theme for a short time, such as Oreo cookies covering people's heads or using the cookie as the terrain for miniature figurines in a whimsical scene.

5)Pabst Blue Ribbon

仅发布有关一种产品(一罐啤酒),Pabst Blue Ribbon肯定知道如何发挥创意。它的Instagram提要与该品牌的凉爽艺术氛围保持一致,充满了令人愉悦的照片。例如,在充满PBR的卡普里阳光的右下角的绘图是对令人垂涎的千禧一代观众的怀旧营销的一个很好的例子。


this New York City-based pizza company posts a lot of delicious photos of pizza in all different contexts. But they also post a lot of endearing photos of their staff, whether they're singing loudly, pizza peel in hand, or playing a guitar made from pizza. We love these silly pictures because it shows the human side of the brand.

7)Nature's Path Organic

this independent, family-owned business is known for the farm-fresh, organic ingredients in its bars, granola, waffles, and cereals. Its audience is interested in an overall healthy lifestyle -- which is why Nature's Path Organic consistently posts photos of its products in the context of healthy, active people. Whether it's a plate of waffles, fruit, and nuts or one of their healthy bars spilling out of a backpack on-the-go, its pictures were made for people who love wholesome, healthy food, nature, and adventure.


出去的任务不仅是卖啤酒,but to make people as passionate about craft beer as they are. One of the ways the brand accomplishes this is by posting pictures of the brewing and tasting processes, like flowing hops and the staff tasting and taking notes on new batches. Its photos are often dark, high-definition images with a smattering of browns, blues, and reds.


How many different things can you do with a few spoonfuls of yogurt? Chobani takes us up on the challenge by posting endless creative recipe ideas on its Instagram feed, like blueberry vanilla popsicles, chocolate peanut butter granola bowls, and yogurt spread on toasts with toppings its health-minded audience would enjoy.

10)the Boathouse Palm Beach





this fun, casual seafood restaurant in the heart of Williamsburg, New York, is all about hearty food and great drinks. Playing with color, symmetry, and sharpness, they make even the most basic lobster roll with fries and Ketchup look absolutely mouth-watering. (After all, fancy seafood dishes are great, but lobster rolls are classic and relatable.) They also post a lot of up-close photos of Rosarito's colorful cocktails that show off a well-placed garnish or salted rim. Finally, they use their Instagram feed to repost patrons' photos and announce happy hours and other events, so it's a place their customers know they should follow to stay in-the-know.


海洋喷雾肯定知道如何利用蔓越莓的丰富红色。它的Instagram feed是有趣,有趣的图形的组合 - 如下面的爆米花和自制的格兰诺拉麦片食谱 - 以及在全餐中更典型(但仍然很漂亮)的食品照片。Ocean Spray的人们知道,没有什么比晴朗,蓝天的蔓越莓沼泽更喜欢的,我们喜欢所有食品制作的照片。



Even health-minded people love a treat now and then -- they would just rather that treat include clean ingredients that leave syrups and additives out of the mix. Justin's, a nut butter company that's come a long way from its origin as a one-man operation, posts photos of its products being used in delicious, "clean" recipes ... like the milkshake below. The caption to that photo? "Sweet & Salty Chocolate Hazelnut Pretzel Milkshake. You neeeeeed it. Recipe link in profile." Done.

15)百丽·雪佛兰(Belle Chevre)

最后但并非最不重要的是Belle Chevre,这是一家山羊奶酪公司,在所有不同的食谱中都发布了精美bob全站app的奶酪照片。我们喜欢他们也经常张贴山羊的照片。通过透露更多有关产品制造方式的过程,他们可以使客户更加接近品牌。

Which are your favorite food brands' Instagram accounts? Share with us in the comments.

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Originally published Sep 12, 2015 8:00:00 AM, updated October 30 2019

