你是一个营销人员想提高你的experti吗se and increase your earning potential?

Great! You’re in the right place.

It’s no secret that individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher are more likely to find employment andearn higher incomesthan those who do not. But did you know that earning a certification can follow this same trend?

Now, I’m not saying that a certification and a master’s degree hold the same weight in the eyes of a hiring manager or a client who’s considering working with you on a marketing project. What I am saying is that having specialized education in your field won’t hurt and it’ll typically help you.

I know what you’re thinking, “I can learn on the job — experience is more valuable than a certificate.” And you’re not wrong — 15 years of experience compared to five years of experience and a certification isn’t exactly a one-to-one comparison. For entry-level generalist roles, promotions, and freelance work, though, certificates can be the fastest and most affordable way to get ahead.

Learn the fundamentals of inbound marketing in a short online lesson from  HubSpot Academy. 

Given the frequency at which new digital marketing technologies and software are developed, it can be overwhelming to continue learning through blog posts and ebooks alone. That's where self-paced online courses come in — but which do you choose?

Don't fret, I’ve done the hard work for you. Below are the best free online courses you can take to strengthen your digital marketing skills. I’ve taken many of them myself and can assure you they’ll be worth your while. Each of these offerings varies in time commitment, but many are self-paced so you can learn on your time. The topics these courses cover include:

Want to learn more about brands and organizations that offer the courses on the list below? Scroll to the end of this post, or click here, to find affordable online marketing courses.


Free Content Marketing Courses

1.HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification - HubSpot Academy

2.HubSpot内容营销认证-Hubspot Academy

3.智慧人的互联网营销 - 杂格

4.Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content - Coursera


6.copyriting错误 - 乌德米(Udemy)

7.Content Marketing for B2B Enterprises - Udemy

8.Semrush Content Marketing Toolkit Course - Semrush

9.Copywriting Quick Start: Top FREE Writing Tools & Hacks - Udemy


10。免费的社交媒体认证-Hubspot Academy

11.Developing an End-to-End Instagram Marketing Strategy For Your Business - HubSpot Academy

12.Diploma in Social Media Marketing - Alison

13.Facebook蓝图- Facebook

14.Social Media Analytics - Quintly


16.Semrush Social Media Toolkit Course - Semrush

17.Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate - Facebook


18.SEO培训课程 - 集线器学院

19.Google Digital Marketing Course - Google

20。SEO Training Course by Moz - Udemy

21。SEO - QuickSprout

22。SEO Specialization Course - Coursera

23.Semrush SEO工具包 - Semrush


Free Email Marketing Courses

25.HubSpot Email Marketing Certification - HubSpot Academy

26.电子邮件营销课程 - sendinblue学院

27.Email Marketing Made Easy for Beginners - Udemy

28.Email Marketing for Beginners - Skillshare

Free Web Development and Site Design Courses

29.Make a Website - CodeAcademy

30.Learn Javascript - CodeAcademy

31。Learn Ruby - CodeAcademy

32。Learn Python 3 - CodeAcademy


34。学会编码很棒的网站 - 大会

Free Online Advertising & PPC Courses

35.What Digital Advertising Is and How to Do It - HubSpot Academy

36.How to Build a Paid Media Strategy - HubSpot Academy

37.PPC University-Wordstream

38.Advertising Your Business Online - Alison

39.Advanced Competitive Research Practices with Semrush

40.Copywriting 101: Crafting Your First Ad Campaign - Skillshare

41.Semrush Advertising Toolkit Course - Semrush

Other Free Digital Marketing Courses

42.Graphic Design Basics - Canva

43。Graphic Design Specialization - Coursera

44。Photoshop 2020: One-on-One Fundamentals - LinkedIn Learning

45。InDesign 2020: Essential Training - LinkedIn Learning

46。Video Marketing Course- HubSpot Academy

47.Event Marketing Course and Certification - Eventbrite

48.Event Sponsorship Course and Certification - Eventbrite

49.Affiliate Marketing for Beginners - Udemy

50.YouTube Ads Certification - YouTube

Benefits of a Digital Marketing Certificate

The most well-known benefit of earning a marketing certificate is the potential for better pay and career advancement, but there are plenty more rewards to reap by honing your skills. Here are a few of the top advantages of earning a digital marketing certificate.


The “jack of all trades, master of none” mantra is the marketer’s enemy. Any experienced marketing professional will advise someone looking to enter or grow into the field to narrow their focus. There are simply too many types of marketing to do all of them well. Certifications come in handy because they’re narrow enough in scope to give you a high-level overview of how the skill fits into a larger marketing strategy but tactical enough to show you exactly how to execute the skill in your day-to-day work.

Communicating Advanced Marketing Concepts

无论您是面试营销角色还是推销客户,一件事都是肯定的 - 您需要听起来像个熟练的营销人员。当然,您可以伪造它‘直到您做到这一点,但是我不建议这条路线。shibbolethswill only get you so far before someone notices a gap in your experience. Certification courses are comprehensive education tools that will teach you essential marketing lingo and exactly what it all means. Best of all, you’ll be able to communicate advanced concepts confidently without over or under-explaining which can undermine your credibility.

Building Your Resume

When it comes down to it, your resume will almost always precede your presence. Before an interview or a client meeting, people will look to your resume and portfolio first to verify your skills. Adding the certifications you’ve received after completing marketing courses is a smart way to get picked up by resume scanners and it’ll catch the attention of human eyes, too. Even if you have several years of experience, a certificate can still help get your foot in the door so you can speak in detail about your experience during an interview.

Where to Find Free and Affordable Courses


Hubspot Academy

Hubspot Academyoffers certification and training courses to teach people how inbound marketing and HubSpot software work. Classes are often taught by marketers at HubSpot and are made up of video lessons, quizzes, and tests. Most HubSpot Academy classes are available free of charge, and if you pass the certifications, such as the two below, you get a nifty certificate and badge to share on your social media profiles.

HubSpot Academy营销认证课程主页


CopyBlogger是一家内容营销公司,可创建有关内容的内容(So bob全站appMeta)。它的博客提供了有关数字营销的大量资源,而这一类“针对智慧人士的互联bob体育苹果系统下载安装网营销”由电子书和电子邮件的课程和其他课程材料组成。CopyBlogger拥护内容营销成功的四个支柱,并在此课程中深入研究。


Coursera offers MOOCs (massive online open courses) created and taught online by universities such as Northwestern University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of California system. These courses start at various times throughout the year, so browse the catalog to see when one lines up with your schedule.

Coursera marketing certification course homepage


Udemy is anotheronline learning platformthat focuses specifically on courses related to skill building for working professionals. One thing to note about Udemy: The classes we've highlighted are free, but the site features a myriad of other paid options for as little as $10, in some cases. If you have a good experience with a free course, try a paid one to get even more value from the content on this site.


Wordstream is a search engine and social media marketing software company that helps marketers drive the greatest ROI from their paid search and social media campaigns. These free guides and ebooks distill learnings and best practices for users with varying levels of expertise running pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. Here are some of its topics and offerings:

Wordstream social media marketing course on how to run PPC campaigns

Social Lock

Social Lock is a social media consulting, management, and strategy agency that also provides educational content and courses. TheStandout Social Content Courseis a comprehensive guide for small business owners who want to grow sales through social media. Although this course isn’t free, it’s available at an affordable rate and can even be paid in installments if you’re on a tight budget. If you need free resources that can teach you how to generate revenue that can pay for a course like this, Social Lock offers aHustle with Hashtags eBookSocial Media Post Ideas.


EDXis another MOOC provider that features courses offered by top-tier universities, including Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Boston University. Like Coursera, classes are taught online and start at specific times throughout the year. Here are just a few of the many courses you can find on edX:

EDXmarketing certification course homepage

The 4-day Creative Brief

Before a marketing campaign is launched, you’ll need to get your design team onboard, and one of the best ways to do this is by developing a creative brief. The four-day creative brief is an online, self-paced course designed to hone your writing skills and help you convey your unique ideas. Advertising and branding expert Yadira Santana-Dowling condenses this process into just seven lessons so that by the end of it, your creative team has all the information they need to bring the campaign to life.



艾莉森(Alison)提供免费的在线课程,以各种专业技能,用户可以按照自己的速度进行。该内容存储库包括导致证书和文凭的课程 - 您选择最适合自己的目标的课程。对于更严格的课程,您可以选择一条学习路径,将几个课程和课程结合到一个学习轨道中,从而为您提供全面的学习经验。


At this point, you probably already know what Facebook is and what it does. What you might not know is that the company offers several training and certification programs. Facebook Blueprint offers self-paced and live e-learning courses for marketers seeking to grow their organizations using Facebook. Blueprint offers classes in different languages on how to use Facebook and Instagram.

Facebook蓝图marketing certification course homepage

quintly Academy

quintly is a social media analytics tool that offers courses through quintly Academy. The self-paced course provides an overview of social media analytics, benchmarking, and goaling using downloadable written materials and video lessons. These courses are available to take at no cost — simply sign in to enroll for free.


Google is another company you've probably heard of before, and its digital marketing course offers a ton of valuable information if you plan to advertise on the search engine. You can even take a Google AdWords certification at the end of the process that helps you beef up your resume. Google has expanded its course offerings to include other types of digital marketing, too, so check out the site for up-to-date insights in the marketing world.Google Digital Garage marketing certification course homepage


CodeAcademyoffers free, interactive coding classes that take you from bare-bones to building a fully functioning website. The courses we've highlighted below just scratch the surface, though. Codeacademy offers a variety of course topics so you can truly focus on your niche. These classes include lectures and a workspace in the same browser window so you can see the effect of your work as you create it — how cool is that?

CodeAcademydigital marketing course workspace

Image Source

General Assembly




帆布helps people easily make beautiful images for web design, and帆布Design Schooloffers design courses that are valuable for any kind of storyteller. The Creativity course explores the challenges of constant creation and innovation and how to do it well — with visuals, of course.


Become a Marketing Powerhouse with These Free Certifications

我敢肯定,所有营销人员(包括我本人)都可以同意,在这一领域进一步发展我们的教育是推进我们职业或企业的一种有价值的方法。从信誉良好的在线课程中获得证书是实现这一目标的最方便方法之一。无论您是想参加免费的在线营销课程,还是想将更多的时间和资源用于付费,您都不会从此列表中出错。bob体育苹果系统下载安装只需记住将学习集中在特定的营销领域,并发展了一个小众技能 - 您将在成为最佳营销人员的成功之路。

Editor's Note: This blog post was originally published in May 2018, but was updated in July 2020 for comprehensiveness and freshness.

Start the free Content Marketing Certification course from HubSpot Academy.




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