
Scott Tousley
Scott Tousley



没有人想要拖延。没有人想要感到压力很大。没有人想要to face distractions every day.






  • 他们如何保持专注并克服生产力杀手?
  • How do they maximize the amount of energy they have throughout the day, without overly relying on caffeine?
  • 他们如何避免拖延困难,薄荷lly-challenging tasks?

After hours upon hours of research, we uncovered 15 fascinating trends.


研究验证(hereandhere) that brief breaks from a task dramatically improves one’s focus and productivity. Why?


  • 昼夜节律
  • 超级节奏



For example, we can be “in the zone” for 90 minutes, but after that, we’ll feel a little tired and need to re-charge. That’s our body’s natural Ultradian Rhythms kicking in, which look like this:



And the "Pomodoro Technique" is an efficient way to start putting this into practice ...

Action Step: Try the Pomodoro Technique

To sustain energy throughout the day, tryPomodoro技术。Work in 25-minute intervals, then take a 5-minute break. It looks like this:


有关更多信息,请阅读the step-by-step process如何开始。

Habit 2: They work backwards from the future.



Steve Jobs

如果太多天通过答案是“no,” he’d adjust his lifestyle until he hit a consistent yes (which eventually created a company worth $702 billion). This forced Steve to define long-term goals and stay motivated.

Highly-productive people think about the end of their lives. They define how they want to be remembered. What legacy they want to leave. Or what people will say about them at their funerals.

Then they workbackwards实现这些目标。

This touches on the psychological theories and models of motivation. If we’re driven by a purpose, we’re more likely to work extra hard. As award-winning author, Simon Sinek, says:


Simon Sinek

Thus, it all starts with defining our purpose. What is yours?

Action Step: Define Your Personal Mission Statement

Writing a personal mission statement requires introspection. Asking yourself:

  • 我是什么实际上passionate about? (Lifehack alert: To find what you're passionate about, ask yourself,“如果所有工作都付出了同样的费用,我将为工作做什么?”)
  • 我能比大多数人做得更好,或者对我来说比其他人更容易?
  • What do I want people to say about me at my funeral?

For inspiration, read thepersonal mission statements of five famous CEOs

Habit 3: They create to-do list sub-deadlines the night before.

For example, let’s say the most important task is getting a 10-slide presentation deck finalized. A highly-productive person would create sub-deadlines for that task the night before, which looks like this:

  • 9:00 - 10:00 am: Outline the presentation
  • 10:00-11:30 AM:为演示文稿写副本
  • 11:30 - 12:30 pm: Create all images for the presentation
  • 12:30 pm: Lunch w/ Rose

创建子标线迫使人们遵守帕金森法律。This essentially means if something is due at the last minute, it only takes a minute to do.

Action Step: Write Your To-Do List At Night

Plan your entire day the night before.

Step 1:定义您最重要的任务。

Step 2:Break that into smaller sub-tasks.


This forces you to abide by tighter deadlines and be realistic about what you can accomplish.


Sure, it’s easy to plan our days, but distractions happen. And they come in two forms:

  1. Distractions from ourselves
  2. Distractions from other people


All four of these tips will drastically reduce distractions. But what about distractions from others?

Action Step: Save Yourself From Distracting Yourself

Stop internal distractions by following these steps:

Step 1: DownloadStayFocusdto stop procrastinating on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Step 2: Bury distracting apps on the last page of your phone

Step 3: Shut off your Wi-Fi to remove any potential "Black Hole Browsing"

习惯5:他们保持分离to-do list for daily distractions.

How do highly-productive people stay focused in the midst of emails, phone calls, chat messages, text messages, and request from others?

They keep a separate to-do list for daily distractions.








Then this request is logged on a separate to-do list, which is completedafter这一天最重要的任务:

Dwight Eisenhower has a beautiful quote on this:

What's important is not always urgent. And what's urgent is not always important.


A helpful tool for defining these distractions is the Eisenhower Matrix, which helps clarify important versus urgent tasks. Here are a few examples:

To define your Eisenhower Matrix, start by deciding what tasks are important to you? Which are not? What are frequent distractions? Write them down:

  1. The tasks that have the greatest impact on my career are ______________.
  2. The tasks I do often, but I don't really benefit long-term career growth are _________.
  3. My most common day-to-day distractions are _____________.

Then figure out how you can outsource or delegate the tasks that have the least impact.

习惯6:他们使用电子邮件工具 /系统来优化其收件箱。

Email sucks.

It can feel like the Greek story of Sisyphus. Despite how determined we are to get to inbox zero, there’s always something new coming in. It can feel like we’re pushing a boulder up a hill:

项目管理软件bob电竞官方下载can integrate with email software such as Outlook and Gmail and help centralize your communication and workflows to create a unified workspace. Integrated email communication can make siloed email threads visible to anyone you work with, cutting down unnecessary time spent syncing with your team.

Email batching, the systematic approach of checking email in certain blocks throughout the day, helps keep email under control. But if it’s REALLY crazy, and you’re receiving hundreds of emails per day.

SaneBox在各种行业中都有成功的人使用,例如Hiten Shah(Kissmetrics的首席执行官),Tony Robins(媒体人物)和Amy Hubbard(艾米·哈伯德(Amy Hubbard)The Hobbit)。



CleanEmail是另一个很棒的电子邮件取消订阅工具。除了摆脱不再需要的新闻通讯和促销邮件外,Cleanebob官网官方网站Mail还将所有电子邮件组织成易于评估的捆绑包,例如财务电子邮件,旅行电子邮件,“ Dead Encor”的电子邮件,等等。此外,它的自动化功能使您可以使用它在没有任何手动工作的情况下,将任何操作应用于新的传入电子邮件。

最后,学习电子邮件快捷方式每年最多可以节省60小时。有电子邮件快捷方式Gmail,Outlook, andApple Mail

Action Step: Download Email Productivity Tools



搭档for seeing when someone opens an email (plus email scheduling and contact profiles).


These are the "big three" email productivity tools that an inbox much easier to manage.


布莱恩·巴尔福(Brian Balfour), a successful entrepreneur and investor, views his brain as a muscle:


Research proves锻炼使我们的大脑机敏,专心,并能够更好地集中精力。就像我们吃的东西一样,这是我们大脑的燃料。例如,比较这两个午餐:



And as we all know, it’s impossible to focus through a food coma.


斯坦福大学行为心理学家BJ Fogg博士鼓励人们尝试“小习惯”。这些是小型,易于做的动作,触发长期行为改变。

To exercise more:首先每天只跑步两分钟。因为您更舒适,请跑三分钟。然后四分钟。以微小的间隔增加,直到您成为习惯。

吃得更健康:Eat salad just on Wednesday for lunch. Eat unhealthy any other day.下周,在星期三和星期五吃沙拉。此后的一周,在星期一,星期三和星期五吃沙拉。只需保持微小的间隔,直到适应您的日常工作。


Highly-productive people are lightning-fast on their computers. Here are a few ways they do it:

  1. 它们增加了鼠标的速度。We use our mouse every day, so why not make navigating our computers even faster?
  2. 他们学习键盘快捷键。Keyboard shortcuts for Google Chrome, Evernote, email, Google Docs, Mac navigation, Windows navigation … the list goes on and on. They’re a huge time saver.
  3. 使用工具快速查找应用程序。A favorite of entrepreneurNoah Kagan是一个免费的工具Alfred(对于Mac)。它有助于快速找到我们需要打开的程序。
  4. 提高我们的类型速度。更快地输入意味着完成工作的速度更快。如果您慢于80 wpm(自由的typing test here),与计算机相关的工人的平均值,专注于提高速度。
  5. 使用dual monitors.这种设置可以提高您的生产率高达50%。任务和文档之间不再切换。

These are just a few simple ways to increase the speed of your day-to-day life on a computer.


According to PhD psychologist, Carol Dweck, we have two possible mindsets:

  1. Fixed mindset
  2. 成长心态

A fixed mindset assumes that our skills, qualities, and character are given.

这就是使人们说的“Oh, I’m just not a people person.”或者,“我从来没有参加过考试者。”他们接受失败,将自己的技能和能力视为授予他们的某种不变,预定的技能。他们寻求他人的批准,并将失败视为失败。

A growth mindset, on the other hand, believes all skills and qualities may be learned.

If you suck at writing, you can learn to become a better writer. If you are terrible at sales, you can learn to be better. They thrive on challenges and view failure as a learning opportunity.

Here’s a beautiful illustration fromNigel Holmes关于固定和成长心态之间的差异:

Take a few moments to think about people in your life with these two mindsets. Who gives up easily, admitting defeat? Who is always striving to learn something new?


Action Step: Self-Reflection Time

Ask yourself if you've ever said the following:


"I'll never be good at public speaking. I just get nervous, start sweating, and feel uncomfortable."

"I've always been a terrible writer. I've just accepted the fact I'll always be bad."


For more on adapting your mindset, check out Carol Dweck's book,Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success


Insanely-productive people focusonlyon things they specialize in ... then outsource the rest.


  • 无意识地将数据输入电子表格。从$ 5- $ 10/hr中获得虚拟助手上班or花式来帮你。
  • 洗衣服,清洁卧室,然后擦洗浴室地板。使用a service such asHandyto outsource your housework.
  • Pick up groceries from the store.使用Instacart要把杂货送到您家门口。

Highly productive people don’t think,“But this is so expensive! I’d rather save money and do it myself.”

Rather, they consider their salary on a per-hour basis. For example, if someone makes $40/hr and they needed to complete 6 hours worth of chores, they could:

  • 以240美元($ 40/hr x 6小时)自己做。
  • Pay someone else for $90. ($15/hr x 6 hours).

现在将这些杂务外包给了6个小时,通过工作而不是清洁来赚取$ 40/小时。

在那个时期,该人可以赚取240美元。从外包中减去$ 90,此人节省了150美元,而不是自己执行任务。

Considering tasks on a per-hour basis doesn’t only save time … it saves money.

Action Step: Identify Tasks To Outsource

Follow this three-step process:

Step 1: Identify what tasks you hate doing, but are easy to do. Spreadsheet data entry? Laundry? Picking up groceries?

Step 2:找到将您的工作外包给他们的网站。使用上班or花式for virtual assistants.Handy对于房子周围的家务。Instacartfor grocery delivery.Fiverr对于专业项目,价格为5美元。或尝试99designsfor design projects. If there's something particular you'd like to outsource, not mentioned here, comment below and I'll help identify a solution.

Step 3:给出指示本身需要时间。使用电子邮件模板将您的工作外包外包,以节省每年520小时。

Habit 11: They meditate.

Some of the most respected people in the world practice mediation. This list includes:

  • Mark Benioff, CEO of Salesforce
  • 阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger),演员兼政治家
  • Tim Ferriss, entrepreneur and author
  • Martin Scorsese, film director
  • Ray Dalio, hedge-fund manager










我们需要一个不会增加我们职业的事情的“不要”清单。为了使拒绝更容易,请尝试“不模板”。它们是由硅谷风险投资家和天使投资人马克·苏斯特(Mark Suster)开发的,看起来像这样:

Re: 15 minutes of your time?


感谢您写信给我 - 很高兴通过电子邮件收到您(或与您见面)的来信。

幸运的是(我的公司)已经开始脱下bob全站app我n ways that I couldn’t have imagined just a short time ago. Unfortunately that means I don’t have as much time as I used to have to take meetings with people.

I hope you’ll understand. I’m now under a lot of pressure from my board to deliver against some pretty ambitious goals. I do try to get to tech social events from time-to-time so I hope we can catch up there.

Hope you understand.

- Mark


We want to help. But to be productive, we have to learn when to say no and focus on our original goals.

This is especially important when it comes to会议。根据Atlassian的说法,普通人每月在会议上花费31个小时,但只有50%的时间效率。仅仅因为您被邀请参加会议并不意味着您有义务参加 - 要求议程,考虑您提供和获得的价值,然后打电话。

Action Step: Save "No Templates" As a Canned Response

Follow these steps:

Step 1:Set upGoogle Canned Responsesin Gmail or downloadTextExpander对于微软。

Step 2:Create a "no template," modeling your response off Mark Susters.


Habit 13: They count their blessings and practice gratitude.


  • 耶鲁大学studies saya gratitude journal will result in higher alertness, enthusiasm, determination, attentiveness, and energy.
  • 哈佛大学研究表明感恩改善健康并加强关系。
  • UC-Berkeleyresearch indicatesa gratitude journal improves sleep and decreases illness.
  • Columbia University研究说感激可改善免疫系统,同时减轻焦虑和/或抑郁症。

Research provesgratitude increases happiness; and happiness increases productivity. Thus, gratitude improves productivity:


Being grateful for what we have is one of the fastest way to not only increase productivity, but overall quality of life.


从扎克伯格(Zuckerberg)到工作,领导者通过消除琐碎的选择来避免决策疲劳,例如每天穿同样的连帽衫或黑色高领毛衣。史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)经常吃了一种食物数周 - 一旦吃了很多胡萝卜,他的皮肤就变成橙色。


Habit 15: They love productivity hacks.

Have a new way to shave .5 seconds off a task? Insanely-productive people want to know your secret. Here are a few productivity hacks you can try out in your workflow:

      • Make your lunch in batches at the start of the week
      • 在其他人面前的日历上阻止时间
      • 不要在日历上使用一个小时的默认值
      • Take a 30-minute nap and boost performance 34%
      • Turn off phone notifications
      • 听环境声音而不是流行音乐
      • Sit by a window
      • 将恒温器设置为70-77度
      • Work in varied environments like coffee shops and parks
      • 将您的Gmail静音与收件箱暂停
      • Black out background browser tabs/notifications
      • Try a dictation app
      • 按“必须,应该,想要”的任务对任务进行排序
      • If it takes less than two minutes, do it now
      • Work on a big task for just 5 minutes



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