Closing calls are abigdeal.

And because they’re so important, they’ve acquired a certain mystique. Just saying the phrase “closing call” evokes all kinds of emotions for sales reps.


But you’re in luck -- below is thenine-step关闭呼叫序列多年来,这对我来说很好。

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1) Set an agenda.

Establish at the very beginning of the call that this will be a closing call. You should have already set the expectation in your previous conversation, but reiterate it right away for anybody who wasn’t in attendance.

I usually say,“So the goal of our call today is to get you started with HubSpot.”


Extra credit if you can set and sent an agenda (preferably in writing) before the call. Spell out in your previous meeting what you ’ll talk about in the next -- you ’ ll review what your prospect has learned and determine how to get them started.

2) Introduce everyone on the call.

Have everybody from both your prospect’s company and your company introduce themselves. There shouldn’t be any surprise additions at this point, but make sure you know whom you’re talking to. I like to have everyone state their name, title, and any specific goals they want to achieve during the call. If you need to inject some levity into the situation, you can ask them what their favorite cheese is.

3) Limit commonalities to two minutes.



向您的潜在客户提出问题,以开始对话。这可能很简单,“那状态如何?”或者“我们站在哪里?”Then sit back andlet them talk.

整个电话的方向取决于潜在客户的答案。他们要么回应,“We’re good to move forward, but we just have some last-minute questions,”或者they’ll say,“There are a few things we still have to figure out.”


You should be able to tell whether your prospect is ready to buy or not based on the decision maker’s voice. The decision maker is usually the leader of the group, and their voice tone will reveal if they’re ready to pull the trigger.

5) Establish an onboarding timeline.

如果您的潜在客户准备就绪,请讨论入门的细节 - 如何购买和实施您的产品。除了最后一个高级概述外,请说明入职和培训过程,以及持续的客户支持和付款。

Establish a start date for implementation as well. If your prospect isn’t ready to buy this week or this month, you’re wasting your time. Put the deal back in the pipeline.



  • “Your product costs too much.”
  • “Now just isn’t a good time to buy.”
  • “我不确定您是否比[竞争对手X]更好的选择。”

Luckily, you can prepare. Part of your job is to know your competitors’ products and your company’s competitive advantages inside and out, but you can also sync up with your marketing team for ready-to-go objection-defusing collateral.

7) Negotiate price.

进入关闭电话,您应该已经确定了最大可能的折扣。您不必提供它,但是您需要知道自己可以走多低。显然,您绝不应该从赠送商店开始 - 您无处可去,但要倒下。

Many prospects won’t require a discount to get started, so don’t offer if you don’t need to. Let them name a number, and go from there.

确保您正在与财务买家进行谈判 - 有权批准给定价格的人。您应该已经确定了这是谁,但是以防万一您不知道,请确认您在开始做出让步之前与合适的人说话。

8) Review the purchasing process.

此步骤可能不适用于您 - 并非所有潜在客户都有广泛的采购或法律审查程序。但是,如果涉及采购和法律参与,请确切了解您的潜在客户需要什么,并建立一个应该完成该过程的时间表。

9) Get started.

At the end of the call, if everything’s gone well, you and your prospect should be all set to sign a contract and start the onboarding process.

要清楚地表明每个人都在同一页面上。重申您在通话中讨论的内容,并从字面上说出这些话“Okay, so we’re in agreement here. I’ll send you a contract and expect to have it back by [agreed-upon date].”



Want to learn more? Get18 phrases to close a sales deal这里。

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Originally published Jan 30, 2017 7:30:00 AM, updated January 19 2021


Sales Closing Techniques