Retail is a pillar of the United States' economy — one that's projected to generate an estimated$5.35 trillion in 2025- 以及我们日常生活的主食。这很普遍,我们经常将其同时进行460万工人that sustain it for granted.

但是,耗资5.35万亿美元的收入不会产生自己,而大部分的销售人员 - 最常被称为销售人员- 值得一些认可,理解和关注。在这里,我们将讨论销售合伙人是什么,他们通常做什么,如何成为一员以及当前的销售合伙人如何改善他们的努力。让我们跳入。


You can think of a "sales associate" position as a directly interpersonal sales role with a customer service-oriented edge. In a lot of ways, the line of work is a blend of the two fields. A sales associate's responsibilities are immediate when it comes to solving customer needs.

They're often expected to answer a customer's questions, guide them through their buyer's journey, listen to and address their concerns, and sell them on relevant products — sometimes all in the same conversation.

They operate with an extremely condensed sales process and serve as customer's first point of contact when airing out problems with the retail outlets they work for. Here's a description of one of these roles from a typical sales associate job description.


A typical sales associate job description might look something like this:


  • Answer customers' questions both in-store and over the phone.
  • 向客户进入商店时打招呼。
  • 跟踪并保留产品库存水平。
  • Develop extensive knowledge of our company's suite of products.
  • Operate the cash register and process customers' payments.
  • 产品上的邮票和标签价格。


  • A high school diploma or GED
  • 至少一年的销售或客户服务经验
  • 能够晚上和周末工作的能力
  • 基本数学技能
  • 强大的口头沟通能力
  • 注意细节



销售量associates are usually the first line of communication between a retail location and its customers. They're often expected to greet customers as they enter the store. This responsibility requires some degree of enthusiasm and professionalism.

它为客户的零售体验定下了基调,并且是塑造他们对公司本身的看法的关键点之一。bob全站app这就是为什么最好的销售合伙人可以投射积极和专心 - 快速与潜在客户建立联系,并提供他们可能需要的任何帮助。


销售同事协商资源为customers. They need to be able to connect with consumers, communicate with them effectively, identify their needs, and provide appropriate suggestions to suit them. That ability rests on a few skills and factors.

首先,销售员工需要知道如何积极倾听 - 考虑客户快速和周到的何处。他们还需要能够在自己的前景中来回一些,挑逗客户可能甚至没有考虑过痛苦点。




Even the most empathetic, sensible sales associate can only get so far if they don't know how to apply the insight they gather through their conversations with customers — all of that leans on their ability to maintain solid product knowledge.

4. They help manage inventory.

Inventory management is another key responsibility that typically falls on sales associates. They're often expected to know how much of a certain product is in stock. This allows them to avoid any awkward, unfulfillable requests from customers. It also helps management keep tabs on what it needs to order.


零售地点需要吸引潜在客户的注意力。他们很少倾向于去看上去被废弃或匆匆散落在一起的店面 - 无论内部产品多么伟大。

眼店首先,,,,so it serves associates to have a visually appealing space supporting their conversations with customers. That's why visual merchandising is a key component of retail, and it's often on sales associates to put those kinds of displays together.






Like virtually any other line of work, you need to obtain the right qualifications and actively seek out the position that’s right for you if you want to become a sales associate. Here are the key points you need to address if you want to pursue one of these roles.

1. Look at your educational background.


对于那些希望扩大教育背景并成为销售伙伴的人来说,有许多虚拟或面对面的人销售量training programs这提供了成长为销售人员所需的工具。


与其他任何职位一样,您需要证明自己有能力通过结构良好的简历成为销售合伙人 - 理想情况下,背后有某种销售经验。

几个销售员工清单将要求您至少有一年的零售销售工作 - 但是,如果您在没有这种经验的情况下担任这些角色之一,请不要太快就放弃。

如果您对销售合伙人职位感兴趣,请尝试找到您拥有的其他经验 - 无论是通过大学课程还是在其他领域的工作 - 并量身定制简历以突出其元素,以使自己成为成功的销售员。


3. Research and seek out open sales associate positions.

You can't find sales associate jobs if you don't搜索它们— and when you do come across them, try to make sure the company's listing the positions are worth working for and within your wheelhouse.



当you get the opportunity to interview for a sales associate position, you’ll have to prepare accordingly. Focus on conveying your communication skills, personability, listening skills, and relevant work experience. If your previous positions aren't directly sales-related, touch on the transferable skills you gained over your professional history.

How to Be a Better Sales Associate

1. Take the time to thoroughly study the products you sell.

As I mentioned earlier, developing extensive product knowledge is a critical component of a successful career as a sales associate. And it might go without saying, but you can't expect to take on one of these roles and have that kind of insight automatically.

Like any kind of knowledge, product knowledge doesn't come arbitrarily — it takes some serious research and study. You need to buckle down and understand the nuances of your company's product suite.

每种产品都需要什么需求?什么样的客户将受益于使用产品a而不是产品b? And how can you convey the benefits of each offering most effectively? Being able to consistently address those questions makes an exemplary sales associate.







确保您站直,看起来尽可能地表现出来。表明您有能力超越口头交流 - 您可以对客户留下的每一个可能的印象都在店内销售中发挥作用。

4. Adopt an"onto the next one"应对拒绝时的心态。

Rejection is a fact of life for any kind of salesperson — and sales associates aren't exempt from that. You're bound to run into customers who lack interest in your products, aren't in the right place financially, or are flat-out unreceptive to your sales efforts.


话虽如此,你不应该完全ignoreany and all rejection. Every unsuccessful sale is a learning experience. Take an incisive, critical look at your sales efforts that fell short, and try to identify any patterns of behavior that might be holding you back.

Rejection doesn't necessarily mean failure — it often provides opportunities for growth, professional development, and future success.


零售环境正是这样 -销售量环境。这就是为什么了解某些销售策略(通常与常规销售相关的销售策略)可以为希望加强游戏的销售员工提供重大的推动。

方法和策略的要素咨询销售,,,,解决方案销售, 和“出售”命令销售都可以在销售助理的曲目中占有一席之地。


Having a feel for value-based selling principles — including prioritizing the customer's interests, taking the time to better understand their individual needs, teaching customers as the sale progresses, guiding customers through the buying process, and ultimately selling based on what the customer stands to gain from the product in question — will make you a more well-rounded, effective sales associate.

销售量associate life is a grind in itself. Dealing with disgruntled customers, having to streamline a sales process into a single conversation, and keeping tabs on some of a retail outlet's logistical aspects can be tough — especially when you have to do them simultaneously.


Apply for a job, keep track of important information, and prepare for an  interview with the help of this free job seekers kit.

Apply for a job, keep track of important information, and prepare for an  interview with the help of this free job seekers kit.

最初发布于2021年10月8日7:00:00 AM,更新于10月8日2021

