
That said, sales execution can be elusive. There are many levers that teams can pull that contribute to the efficacy of their work. This blog post will break down the question,“What is sales execution?” and provide eight ideas for improving yours.

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When looked at holistically, sales execution includeseverythingleading up to the close of a sale. That can mean anything from your customer experience to the way that your sales team generates interest and reaches out to prospects to the nuances of your sales funnel.

Sales execution is inherently customer-centric — based on zeroing in on your customer's needs, determining focused solutions, and putting structures and processes in place to consistently deliver on them.

Knowing what sales execution is might be half the battle, but working towards it takes time and effort. Whether you’re just getting your sales team off the ground or already have a well-oiled sales machine, there are always aspects of sales execution that can be revisited and tightened up. Here are eight methods for boosting sales execution and your bottom line.

1. Identify your target markets.

Many companies wind up trying to sell to too many audiences, and that can be a tough mistake to make. When you take that sort of scattershot approach to targeting, you might end up being a“所有行业的杰克,无主。”You're much better off identifying a few key target markets that you would like to sell to and focusing on their needs and interests.


In that case, even if it sells to larger companies, those companies are likely to end up churning because the product isn’t a great fit. Instead of boosting your numbers upfront and paying with subsequent churn, identify your markets from the start — and focus your selling, time, and resources on them.

2. Create a plan

After identifying the markets that your product is best suited for, it’s time to创建一个计划来达到他们. There are a few steps for creating a plan:

  • Develop goals for your team as well as goals at an organizational level.
  • Identify your target audience and define how you will reach them.
  • Maintain an excellent sales team that feels motivated and excited by their work.
  • Work with marketing to create a demand generation plan.
  • Measure performance and coach team members towards goals.
  • Track sales activities and rectify bottlenecks.

Each of these helps create a cohesive, definitive plan for how your team will succeed in their movement towards sales execution.


People outside of sales often assume the field is straightforward — you find a customer and sell to them, right? Wrong. Sales is a complex dance of outreach, waiting, and well-timed pressure on the customer to ensure prompt closing. One of the best ways to ensure that leads move through your funnel as quickly as possible is to在销售管道中定义明确的阶段.


  • Awareness- 当买家意识到他们有问题时,他们需要解决
  • Consideration— When the buyer defines their pain point, creates a list of their needs, and evaluates their options
  • Decision— When the buyer is in the final stages of the process and assessing a few competitors

By identifying these stages, your team can create steps within your pipeline to address the particular needs of your prospects at each phase.

4. Build up your pipeline.

The best thing that you can do for your team’s sales execution is give them something to execute on. Without leads and prospects to work with, your sales team can’t meet their sales goals.

There are tons of ways to build up your pipeline, including:

  • Having your sales team actively prospect on social media like LinkedIn
  • Working on your inbound marketing content and collect leads via your visitors
  • Adding tools like Justunoto your stack to allow your content and site to generate leads passively
  • Dropping dead leads quickly, and constantly assessing your evaluation process for leads
  • Generating automated call lists for your sales team
  • Keeping your sales cycle short.



Automate as many steps in your process as possible to free up your sales team to do the hard work of direct selling. For instance, you can automate data entry and prospecting emails. By utilizing tools with analytics built-in, you can choose to trigger specific emails or outreach based on your prospects’ behaviors.



6. Iterate on your processes.

As with every other aspect of your business, you shouldn't set your sales execution strategies in stone. Take every opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of your plan and if it's still serving your team. There’s no need to maintain old habits that are no longer working to improve your sales velocity or bottom line.




Sales scorecardsare a great way to efficiently and comprehensively evaluate each of your team members. Identify whether you’d like to do a mix of manager-executed scorecards — or if you’d like to mix in peer review, and then develop a process to ensure that they are regularly happening. Scorecards help your sales team continue improving their strategies and serve as quality control for conversations with prospects.

If you don't leverage sales scorecards, find another way to ensure that you're keeping your thumb on the pulse of your team’s conversation quality. As soon as prospects start to doubt the efficacy of your team, your sales execution will plummet.

8. Align your teams

As I mentioned earlier, it’s not just your sales team that contributes to sales execution. Your marketing and customer-facing teams also have a significant impact on how many deals your team can close.

花点时间调整营销工作领导的类型和前景你喜欢to attract. Beyond that, work directly with your customer-facing teams to ensure that the appropriate expectations are set for treating leads at certain stages in the sales funnel. When everyone works together to provide the best possible experience for your leads, they’ll be banging down the door to buy your product.

Sales execution isn’t rocket science.

Your team is probably already doing some — if not all — of these things. That said, the best way to boost your sales execution is to continue to pay attention to the details of each of these practices. Even if you’ve done an excellent job historically, there’s always room to improve.

Start by identifying who you’d like to sell to, and then create a plan to make it happen. From there, identify the different stages that your ideal buyer needs to go through to execute a sale. Work to build up your pipeline so that your sales team has something to work with, and then automate menial tasks to free up their time.

It’s essential to constantly evaluate your efficacy and iterate on your processes to be better. It’s a whole team affair, so ensure that everyone is on the same page, and you’ll be moving fast with sales execution in no time.

sales plan


Originally published Jul 28, 2021 6:00:00 AM, updated July 28 2021

