



Scaling your sales team almost always means bringing on new reps. And while that's exciting in its own right, it means that you — as a sales leader — have more balls in the air.

这意味着更多的错误空间 - 尤其是在误解员工或不小心过多的现有领土时。成功扩展销售团队意味着优化效率,如果您随意分散新员工,您将不会看到他们的全部潜力,并且可能会阻碍您现有团队的运营。

So, how do you avoid that dilemma? Well, you start by looking at three key factors: A territory's potential, its existing accounts, and your reps' broader workload.

Do you have sufficient green space in the territory? Are your current customers in the area productive and satisfied? And do your reps in the region have the bandwidth and energy to get more out of it?

With that information in mind, you can get a better picture of what kind of hires you can make for a given territory — if you need to make any at all.

2. Hiring Out of Desperation

大量的时间can pass between determining you need headcount, receiving budgetary approval, posting a job listing, and thinning the herd of candidates down to a top three.

在整个过程中保持对细节的全面关注是关键的,但长期的“雇用困境”可能会损害您的团队 - 但是您不能让这种挫败感对您的决定有太大影响。


Low-quality hires dilute your team's collective talent, can mess with your culture, and ultimately undermine your sales org's results. Make sure you make the best hires you can — even if it takes a while — and your team and business will benefit as you continue to scale.


If you're not investing in a sensible, effective, comprehensive training program for new reps, you're selling your team short. Onboarding new hires with a single day of orientation and a few weeks of shadowing are certainly convenient — particularly for small or rapidly growing sales teams — but it makes for inconsistent and low-quality work from your reps.


Before hiring to fill a gap, take a look at your salespeople and decide whether training or coaching could help them perform at a higher level. If you can make existing reps more efficient, invest there before expanding your team.


薪酬是最终激励措施。从字面上看,这是任何销售人员首先工作的主要原因 - 因此,如果您想确保您的团队保持尽可能的效率,那么您需要制定一个周到,有效的薪酬计划。





You can't know whether it's time to hire if you're not evaluating the right metrics, but finding them is easier said than done. One place to start is by tracking your reps' base compensation.

Once you have those figures, take a look at their variable compensation at the rate at which they meet their quota. Finally, review their average deal size and churn.



6. Ignoring Role Pollution


You can't afford to pollute your senior reps' jobs by having them pull too much administrative weight — so if you're finding that those salespeople are squandering time that could be better spent selling, consider making your next hire a BDR or administrative assistant as opposed to another sales manager.


By that same token, you need to make sure roles aren’t being diluted. If you have reps that aren’t functioning at full capacity, see if they can take on more responsibility before making another hire. If they can’t meet the numbers you need from them, it might be time to replace them instead of hiring additional headcount.

7. Not Aligning With Marketing

宽恕SAT的消息,但是您的销售和营销部门必须是共生的 - 一个没有另一个就无法有效地运作。即使是最有效的销售部门,只有在没有喂养高质量的潜在客户的情况下才能变得如此远。




预测对于衡量团队的潜在成功,建立适当的期望,设定配额并实现合理的目标至关重要 - 所有这些都是您团队成功的中心组成部分。



If your reps aren’t constantly improving, it will affect their growth potential down the line. By investing time and resources into making your employees better, you might be able to accomplish more without expanding your team.




如果您已经有了可扩展和高效的销售流程,那么最好雇用代表来处理它。如果您缺乏这样的方向或需要对销售团队的出售方式进行重大大修,那么将Fortune 500雇用的租约可能符合您的最大利益。

您不想获得昂贵的租金,您没有销售团队和收入来支持 - 因此,在招募高级人才之前,请尝试连续使用您的小巧,低级鸭子。


If you scale strategically, you should be able to avoid making large-scale layoffs — but making periodic cuts is a natural, healthy part of how a growing business operates.


您的一些团队成员可能会在自己的职位上沾沾自喜 - 依靠他们在您的公司任职,认为他们缺乏增长。bob全站app

Keep a pulse on your sales team, and be honest with yourself and your current reps about whether their underperformance warrants replacing them with new hires who will bring more energy, enthusiasm, and life to your organization.


Ambition is obviously key to the success of any growing business — if you didn't have it, you wouldn't be scaling in the first place — but it gets away from a lot of companies as they expand.

No matter how confident you are in your sales team's ability to absolutely nail every last challenge that comes your way as you scale, you need to take a deep breath and measure your expectations.

Make sure您的目标可以实现。这可能意味着确保您的收入目标足够合理,可以让您建立代表可以达到的配额,同时仍保持脚步。


Also, be sure to break down your broader strategic objectives into more easily digestibleoperational objectives使您的代表保持正轨和更高的精神。

扩展您的销售团队是令人兴奋,但是你不能让自己也得到可兴奋。确保您缓和雄心壮志,并设定销售团队可以达到的目标 - 如果正确执行此操作,您将处于良好的位置,以达到那些胸怀高昂的目标,进一步发展。


您不能在不带新客户的情况下扩展销售团队 - 或多或少是缩放的方式,但您不能专门针对该过程。您必须了解如何在开始进入新市场之前保留客户。


Take the proper strides to keep your new customers on board. Make sure your reps are keeping in touch with the customers they bring in, ensuring that they're thriving with your product or service. Also, make sure your company has a solid customer support infrastructure in place to keep your customers satisfied.


在正确的时间进行正确的雇用,并在此过程中避免这些错误 - 您的销售团队,执行领导,整个公司和底线都将感谢您。bob全站app

编者注:该帖子最初发表在September 2017并已更新以获得全面性。




