Working on a product without a complete product vision is like walking into the street with your eyes closed.

创建和管理产品需要时间,耐心,精力和清晰的产品愿景。产品愿景必须引起利益相关者的共鸣 - 他们必须确信您的开发计划与公司目标保持一致,并且适合您的客户。bob全站app集结整个组织的合作对于创建成功的产品至关重要。



The product vision is the blueprint that outlines a product's core concept and features. It guides product development teams on what the product should look like and how it should perform in different scenarios. Creating a detailed product vision provides product engineers with the baseline needed to deliver an effective and attractive product to the consumer.

有些公司通过专注于提供令人愉悦的公司来掌握这一过程customer experience给他们的用户。例如,我们可以看一下B2C播放器特斯拉andIkea,其产品的开发是为了提升客户的生活。在下面的示例中,我们可以看到宜家的产品愿景围绕着他们对客户的奉献精神。

Strong ideas have the potential to spark our imaginations. But如何他们这样做吗?我们与产品管理专家建立了联系,以了解他们如何确切地发展产品的愿景 - 他们在下面分享了他们的秘密。

How to Create a Product Vision

To get a better idea of how the experts create their product vision, I asked them about their processThis is what they had to say:

1. Approaching the Product Vision

在创建开创性产品方面,入门通常可以证明是一项艰巨的努力。您的产品愿景是产品的基准,没有强大的起点,很难创建团队所设想的产品。重要的是要与您的产品愿景达到产品愿景customer's needs在您的重点的最前沿。

“We always start by looking at the business and what we're trying to accomplish as a business. At Drift, we're trying to create a new category of conversational marketing, so we think about our business goals, what do we need to do for the business -- and then we figure out what can we do as a product team to help achieve that vision. And then we work backwards from there.


Maggie Crowley

产品管理总监 @漂移


“Creating a product vision is like creating a signature dish. Along with the approach, what is also important is that you have the right ingredients for creating the vision

The ingredients that I have to come to believe makes for a solid foundational vision are -





e. Be inspirational. Like Steve Jobs said, “Your vision should be such that it pulls both your employees and customers.”


Jay Magdani

产品经理 @Clevertap



另一方面,这些问题需要mapped with your company's core values and skills. Not every company is in the best position to solve every problem. It is important to choose the problems that you can solve and you cannot. For example, a product company that breeds best of the breed engineers and data scientists will try to solve problems where AI can be best applied. On the other hand, a product company that is strong in design focuses on problems that need creative solutions. This is something a product leader should know about his organization and steer it in that direction.”

Srikant Kotapalli,



“My approach, as a product guy that's crossed from development to marketing, is that it's essential that the product vision and the marketing brand story are aligned. The story is the promise you are making to the client and the product is the delivery on this promise. Both need to represent a differentiated position in the market category and clearly define and express the customers need that is being solved. Too many product visions are focused on the product and not on the client, yet market share is won by being relevant to the client, not by creating more features.”

伊恩·特鲁斯科特(Ian Truscott)

执行策略总监 @ apropingo



“We do quarterly planning, which means that every single quarter we think about what we learned from the last quarter, what we heard from customers and what's going on with the business. That then gets broken down into big themes and every single product team sets their own goals based on those themes. So it's like every tech lead, every product manager, every engineer, every designer's involved in escalating the things that they've learned and then thinking about what they can do to contribute to those big goals.”

Maggie Crowley

产品管理总监 @ Drift


“Once you have the vision, build consensus, especially with customer-facing teams i.e. Sales and Marketing. Over communicate your vision. If your vision is easy to recite and remember, it makes your job easier. Make your vision a part of your employee onboarding process. Ensure that every item in your product roadmap showcases the traceback to your vision.“

Jay Magdani



“I feel this is a key aspect that every product manager/leader has to tackle. To align everyone with your vision you need to inspire them to truly believe in what you are building and project it with the same clarity to your market. A lot of skills, including story building, storytelling, data analysis, problem-solving are at play here. But I strongly believe product managers need to be excellent storytellers to align teams. How you tell a story is completely up to you, choose any framework, any medium, but at the end of the day, the story has to be simple and memorable.”

Srikant Kotapalli,




伊恩·特鲁斯科特(Ian Truscott)

执行策略总监 @ apropingo




We have a really strong product culture led by David and Elias who are always thinking about how we can put the customer first. And so even when we're talking about technical debt, we talk about what improvements can we make for the customers by solving for that debt. So even then, we won't build something that's just to make something better. It always to provide value to customers.”

Maggie Crowley

产品管理总监 @ Drift



Jay Magdani



“One of the key things that I feel product managers should endure is the temptation to change a product roadmap in reaction to external events. These events could include what competition is doing. It's one thing to recognize a trend and adapt your roadmap to it and it's another thing to react to competition and change the roadmap. This is one practical struggle that I see product teams face in terms of pressure from CXO, Sales or Marketing.”

Srikant Kotapalli,



“There is a lot that can break this focus; for example, overselling by sales creating a technical debt for the development team to deliver promised features, feature clutter as engineering add more options unchecked by client needs or mismanagement of client expectations leading to feature requests that are not relevant to the broader client base. All of which boils down to a disconnect between the internal teams and a lack of common strategy, creating an unhealthy conflict that can derail the execution of a product vision.”

伊恩·特鲁斯科特(Ian Truscott)

执行策略总监 @ apropingo


Your process of creating a product vision shouldn't be static. According to our experts, you should be reassessing your process on a regular basis to ensure you're continuously meeting the needs of your customers. Their needs will evolve, and without self-assessment your products won't be effective in captivating your target audience.


Maggie Crowley

产品管理总监 @ Drift



Jay Magdani



“没有什么能取代一个以数据为中心的策略。While it might sound cliche, data is truly the best weapon in the arsenal of a product manager. Product and design are two very subjective areas that several people try to influence in an organization and to ensure you are making the right decisions, data is the most important thing.”

Srikant Kotapalli,




伊恩·特鲁斯科特(Ian Truscott)

执行策略总监 @ apropingo


For more tips about product development, read about the best way to create a产品路线图

Product Marketing Kit

Product Marketing Kit


