描述图像电子邮件营销不会说谎。它立即告诉您您的开放和点击率是多少。Test a number of subject linesand you quickly find out which ones get the best results. Recently we sent out five test subject lines for the same email and found out right away which one got the best results. See if you can guess.

  1. 营销Slide Show In-a-Box [Ready to use/share]
  2. 54个新数据幻灯片为您的营销甲板
  3. 65 New Charts for Your Presentations
  4. Get Key Marketing Trends from the Marketing Data Box
  5. 65 New Marketing Charts for Your Presentations

The open rates were fairly close, the range going from 14.3% to 13.7%, but the click through rates were dramatically different with the high being 26% and the low being 10.4%.

This points to the importance of subject lines, not so much as the way to improve your open rate, but more as a way to set the expectation. All of these subject lines introduced the identical email, so it wasn’t the layout or wording within the email that had an impact. It was the subject line that set the tone.

People Don’t Like the Bait and Switch

A lot of energy is often put into a clever subject line that gets a good open rate. However, if it has little to do with the content in the email itself, you not only get horrendous click through rates, but you also damage your brand.


Personalizing the Expectations

There is nothing worse than getting an email from a company that clearly has no idea who you are. The obvious example is women getting emails clearly addressed to men and visa versa.

In our latest eBook, “7个步骤来启动您的电子邮件营销策略”我们谈论将您的列表细分并更改消息传递以吸引不同的小组。例如,假设您想向潜在客户和现有客户或客户推广相同的报价。

首先,你会的测试类似主题行for both groups. You could further test tweaks to the winning subject line – one that acknowledges the customer or client.

Then in the body of the email, a slightly different greeting can make even more of an impact. The purpose is to let clients/customers know you are aware that they are clients/customers, while letting prospects know you understand their needs.

A general rule of thumb is that the more thoroughly you can segment your lists and personalize your message, the better your response rates will be. And if you can personalize those expectations in your subject line and greeting, you’ll get even better results.

And the Winner Is!

So which of the five subject lines did you choose as the winner? Here are the results(OR is open rate and CTR is click through rate):

  1. 54个新数据幻灯片为您的营销甲板- 13.7% (OR) - 26.0% (CTR)
  2. 65 New Marketing Charts for Your Presentations - 13.7%(OR) - 24.3%(CTR)
  3. 您的演示文稿的65个新图表-14.3%(OR)-22.8%(CTR)
  4. 营销幻灯片显示IN -A -Box [准备使用/共享] -14.1%(OR)-14.8%(CTR)
  5. Get Key Marketing Trends from the Marketing Data Box - 12.7%(OR) - 10.4%(CTR)
Which one did you pick? Why do you think the winning one got the best results?

Free Ebook: 7 Steps to Jump-Start Your Email Marketing Strategy

Free Ebook: 7 Steps to Jump-Start Your Email Marketing Strategy



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