企业往往依靠博客、文章和副部l media to engage with their consumers and attract new clientele. However, creating new and exciting content can be a time-consuming process. A great solution to this dilemma is to repurpose existing content.


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Have you ever heard of “Jake from State Farm”? I'm sure you have. He’s been featured in nationwide State Farm commercials, blog posts, memes, and videos — State Farm hit gold with this idea. The insurance giant's content reach consists of the repurposed use of “Jake” in new and inventive ways. This includes creating intriguing storylines that mix plausible life situations with the use of its insurance policies. Customers can see themselves in the everyday interactions Jake has with his customers.

Content Reach Example: State Farm



T-Mobile的新闻bob官网官方网站编辑室不断使旧内容再次新。品牌的Loyalty Program, T-Mobile Tuesdays, for example, has been around for five years. The content strategy involves images, videos, app links, and articles that strive for engagement through consistency and fun contests, polls, and incentives. The Loyalty Program runs every Tuesday with slight alterations each week.

Content Reach Example: T-mobile Tuesdays



Netflixhas created a new way to introduce its content: by sponsoring articles. The company often chooses content that works alongside its tv shows.

一个示例包括一个《纽约时报》文章on women inmates for the Orange Is the New Black series. These articles are recycled with fresh storylines to attract new readers and customers.Content Reach Example: Netflix Orange is the New Black




One way to give languishing content a new twist is by adding visuals. Research shows that clear, concise visualization aids can boost engagement in even the most complex subject matter. This can include graphs, charts, videos, and信息图表

2。Use Keywords

SEO,或搜索引擎优化, is a way for consumers to find blogs and posts quickly. Google’s search engine has algorithms that search for the best content to give to its visitors.

This content is typically full of helpful words and phrases related to a particular subject. The result is a more helpful site for the reader which can bring more traffic to your site, too.

3。Use the Power of Social Media

The great thing about social media is that it is versatile. People can like, share and comment on many platforms and move these conversations to other platforms. You can repurpose older content to get a fresh take from users on other social media streams.


Backlinks are an example of this kind of approach. These are hyperlinks from one site that link to another. This signals to the search engine that the content in the two articles is related. The anchor text used to link the two articles together further helps the search engine infer the relationship between the two, which can give your page and site more authority if your反向链接策略做得很好


Content doesn’t have to be two-dimensional. Bringold content to life使用游戏,民意调查,视频,甚至可单击的幻灯片。研究显示互动内容提高参与度and sales. You can use tools like Slideshare to create彩色幻灯片使分享您的信息轻松而有吸引力。

6. Write an Ebook



Email newsletters can also serve as a way to repurpose older content by reminding audiences of previous campaigns.

The e-newsletter is a good way to mix in new content with older content in templates that cater to specific audiences while maintaining the interests of existing subscribers. Some excellent newsletter services include MailChimp and Constant Contact.

8. Include an FAQ or Resource Page


9. Use a Podcast

Turn an old blog post or article into content for a podcast. Podcasts are an excellent way to connect with consumers since they appeal to auditory audiences and offer an alternative (and efficient) way of consuming information. Podcasts also allow for a more personable approach that can make your audience feel like a part of the story.





12. Create a Part-Two

Follow-up posts are a good way to repackage content. It can posit a concern or problem that is still relevant while adding new points. This approach can bring a whole new dimension to a subject. It also allows for a more thorough analysis of old information.


13. Invite Others to the Experience


For instance, an expert baker may have great things to add about your catering company. You can use some of their tips and ideas in new content and couple this with references to older content.


Companies often do this to re-energize marketing. This approach utilizes new marketing strategies such as viral video to engage consumers with old, tried-and-true content.



Awkward phrasing, misspellings, and low SEO rankings can hurt your ranking potential, but it’s common in old content. Editing with services like Grammarly can eliminate some of these issues. In addition,更新统计信息并替换旧信息可以为您的交通潜力带来不同的世界。

16. Combine Old Posts

If your content library gets large enough, posts could begin to overlap. Generating new content can be as simple as taking similar posts and combining them into one. This method can bring great ideas and repurpose them for a new audience while creating cohesiveness.


Improving your content reach can mean more sales and a bigger client base. You can recycle and repurpose old content in new ways. Get creative and make the most out of your content. The result is a stronger, better online presence.



内容promotion ideas

Originally published Nov 18, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated November 18 2021


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