seo lessons上周,Dreamforce 2011成为世界上最大的软件技术会议之一。bob电竞官方下载当我在那里做出贡献HubSpot在活动中的存在, I couldn't help but think about all the SEO parallels -- how a search engine would approach the crowd at Dreamforce as well as each space on the expo floor. After reflecting on those items, I broke them down into three big SEO lessons from what HubSpot did at Dreamforce that made us such an attractive target for people at the show, and what made the show a success for us overall.

Lesson #1: Remarkable Content Gets You Found

First off,创建出色的内容无论您放在哪里,都会帮助您找到。我们创建了一系列的非描述摊位,没有天花板上悬挂的标志,名称或横幅。取而代之的是,我们用穿着橙色连身裤的工作人员装饰了这些摊位toy unicornsand iPads. As a result, people couldn't help but approach us to ask questions and learn more. We also created an interesting iPad app that we demoed, which ran a网站Grader报告一个人的网站和竞争对手网站。我们的内容在灰色窗帘的背景下脱颖而出,人们想与我们互动。这是入站营销和搜索引擎优化的规则之一:创建令人敬畏,出色的内容,可帮助您在网上找到。

Lesson #2: Let Your Swag Drive People to You

独角兽就像一枚徽章或小部件b -- every single one was displayed, and they brought more people to us. People saw others walking around with little toy unicorns and wanted to learn more and visit our site as well. Just like distributing a badge or widget to other websites, every unicorn we gave away only further amplified our efforts and spread the word about我们在做什么


Lesson #3: Don't Bombard Your Audience With All Your Content at Once

Just because you have a ton of great content created and you're starting to pick up speed, doesn't mean it's time to blow out your whole funnel in one go. Unfortunately, we had only been able to acquire about 3,000 unicorns before we完全用尽了独角兽的供应在美国。在第一天赠送了将近一千个之后,我们知道我们必须对独角兽进行评估。如果我们没有任何独角兽要散发,我们的品牌印象和活动将受到严重限制。

尽管我们仍然会拥有“ Un-Booths”,但要产生新的线索并吸引游客进入我们的摊位,而没有很多独角兽会浮出水面。因此,我们必须有意识地分散他们的分布,以使他们在尽可能多的人面前。同样的课程对于您的博客也是如此。如果您在第一周发表五篇文章,但在本月剩下的时间内没有剩下的时间来加载博客,那么保持一致的受众和流量将变得更加困难。空间您的内容,并确保您的流量稳定,可以可靠地吸引搜索引擎和用户。

Image Credit:蒂莫西·武莫托(Takemoto)


最初发布于2011年9月7日8:00:00 PM,2016年10月20日更新
