Twitter鸟ClickZ recently reported该Twitter正在推出其促进推文计划的增强功能,该计划将使品牌能够吸引更多Twitter用户。促进的推文将很快在整个Twitter网络中分发到用户流中。直到更改为止,促销推文仅向关注您的Twitter用户名的用户展示。


没有比现在更好的时间开始使用twitter for Business。而且,如果您的业务现在建立了其促进的推文帐户,一旦向所有全球用户打开这些甜美的新广告功能,您将领先于曲线。

If a tweet falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

Promoted Tweets make your tweets heard by hitting users at times when they are most likely to read your tweet, see your awesome comment or link, follow you, retweet, or even visit one of your landing pages. Also, much like you would pay for PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. you only pay for your Promoted Tweets when someone engages with your tweet. This means you are charged only when someone clicks, replies, retweets, or favorites your tweet. Twitter calls this a CPE or cost-per-engagement model.


6 Ways to Use Promoted Tweets to Maximize Your Brand’s Twitter Reach

1. Hit Your Followers at the Right Time:这可能是最基本的使用促进了Tweets. You can set up campaigns that push your tweets toward the top of your followers’ timeline when they log in to Twitter. Set up Promoted Tweets that are targeted to your followers so you can ensure that your most important tweets have the best shot at being read, clicked, retweeted, favorited, etc.

    2。Target Relevant Keywords:A critical component of Twitter is its search functionality. Twitter’s search engine allows users to search for tweets using keywords and phrases so they can find other users who are talking about stuff they're interested in. Promoted Tweets allows you totarget specific keywords or phrases因此,您的推文出现在他们的搜索结果中。这是针对尚未关注您的人的好方法。

      3。找到类似于您的追随者的人:推特’s latest enhancement will let you target users who resemble your current list of followers. Obviously, this is an excellent way to increase your follower base while ensuring that your tweets hit qualified eyeballs. Very cool!

        4. Use Geo-Targeting for Events and Local Businesses:You can also set up a Promoted Tweets campaign that is targeted to a specific geo-location. It will then only trigger your ad when a targeted user is in that location. This is great if you want to establish anevent-specific hashtag或者,如果您正在营销本地企业。

          5.促进报价:使用促销推文让您的追随者知道即将到来的交易和优惠。更好的是创建要约that’s exclusively for them!

          6.测试内容和消息传递:Use Promoted Tweets to determine what sort of messages resonate best with your follower base. Maybe they only like syndicated content, or perhaps they are most interested in your latest deal. Use Promoted Tweets to identify which types of content and messaging get the most action. You can then also implement these findings in your normal Twitter activity.






            Originally published Sep 16, 2011 9:00:00 AM, updated October 20 2016

