5167671844 B26432C9AC M大小600在世界上inbound marketing,整合策略为营销人员提供了令人难以置信的杠杆作用。但是,集成通常可能具有挑战性,因为有时在孤岛中存在的单个营销策略很少合作。一对不太可能的力量夫妇尤其如此search engine optimizationemail marketing.

Search engine optimization is likely a strong source of traffic and leads for you already. Andemail marketingis most companies' primary inbound lead generation channel. While both tactics rock on their own, they experience some exciting amplification when combined. Let's look at a few ways we can combine search and email for even more leads!


1. Distribute Link Building Content Through Email- Yes, email is mainly about lead generation. But don't be short-sighted in your lead generation efforts. Search engine traffic can provide a steady flow of quality leads over time. For many companies, email marketing is their largest channel for marketing reach.

电子邮件lead generation- 基于优惠绝对是一个好主意,但是通过偶尔通过电子邮件分发诸如图表或出色博客文章之类的内容,您可以改善覆盖范围,随后,随后是该内容所在的页面的入站链接和权威。将来,您可以用很棒的潜在客户生成替换该页面上的内容,以利用页面所获得的所有搜索引擎流量。

2. Optimize for the Best Lead Generation Topics- Look at your email data. Which offers and topics have the best open and click-through rates? If you have been doing email marketing for a while, then you probably have great historical data related to your lead generation efforts. Use this data to help you prioritize your search engine optimization efforts. Then optimize for the top-performing keywords and offers from your email campaigns.

3.电子邮件发送之前的测试优惠转换- You don't have to email an offer to your list the second it's completed. Instead, you can use traffic from search engines, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and your blog to take a look at the conversion rate of the landing page and the offer. Use this data to make tweaks and improvements to the content or its landing page before sending it out to your entire list.

4. Use PPC to Boost Email Click-Through Rate (CTR)- In the crowded world of inbound marketing, your prospects usually need to be exposed to your ideas several times before they will convert. When planning your next big email send for lead generation,计划PPC广告系列这开始在电子邮件发送后的前一天和持续几天,以帮助提供电子邮件及其报价的更多支持。通过这些PPC广告建立的意识可以帮助提高电子邮件的点击率。

5.搜索引擎优化着陆页——不要隐藏你的登陆页面!登陆页面key to your inbound marketing success. Make sure that, beyond sending them out in marketing emails, you take the time to optimize the content of your landing pages for search engines. This means killer page titles, a great URL structure, and relevant copy optimized with keywords on the page itself.

6. Focus on Email Sharing for Link Building- Part of building links for search engine optimization is getting your content in front of as many people as possible. Simply sending out content to build links just isn't enough. Instead,add social sharing links to the content you are promoting in your email. Include a quick message that also encourages folks to forward the email to their peers.

7.使用PPC测试电子邮件主题行- Subject lines are a huge part of email marketing success. Instead of simply guessing which subject line you think will work best, use PPC to collect data on subject line options. Create five subject lines. Run a different PPC ad for each subject line. After you've accumulated enough data, determine which subject line had the highest click-through rate, and use it for your email send.

How else do you integrate search engine andemail marketing?


最初发布于2011年10月17日1:00:00 PM,2019年10月30日更新
