描述图像This is a guest blog post written by Hunter Boyle. He is the senior business development manager forAWeber以及经验丰富的优化和内容营销策略师。Hunter还谈到了多渠道营销,重点是中小型企业和非营利组织。

We all know that today,high quality content这有助于潜在客户和客户解决业务问题是最有效的营销类型。


当被问到他们的顶部时email marketing2012年重点a recent营销Sherpa对2700多个电子邮件营销人员的调查,"delivering highly relevant content" ranked first among large and mid-sized companies(分别为70%和62%), and在小型企业中第二名(71%)仅通过“增长和保留订户”而超越,这当然也很大程度上取决于内容。这是个好消息,因为它建议电子bob官网官方网站邮件将在2012年继续改善。



There's no shortage of tactics forgrowing email lists,但这太容易了,以完全制定的计划为代价,以牺牲他们为代价。您的电子邮件策略是否会说明如何以及何时应用各种策略,何时测试其他策略以及进行分析和调整的一致过程?不到三分之一的电子邮件营销人员说,他们以明确的转换目标发送了相关电子邮件向分段的受众发送,这是改进的领域。

2. Set Clear Expectations for Subscribers

As marketers, we often don't see the disconnect between our perception of how our offers are presented and how prospects see and understand them. In particular, short email forms that simply ask for name and email and offer little context or information about send frequency, specific content options, or address validation, tend to generate larger lists but include lower quality contacts. We may know what's behind our opt-in form, but how clear is it really to a first-time site visitor who got served a pop-up window before even reading the page? That's why it's critical to set expectations with your potential subscribers so they know exactly what they're signing up for and exactly what the value is.


Whether you're segmenting lists based on behaviors such as opens, clicks, and downloads (or lack thereof); on stage in the sales cycle; or on more specific demographic data, the bottom line is that segmentation is a huge factor in establishing relevance. Matching segments to your organization's ideal customer personas makes your content more engaging and your offers and campaigns more likely to succeed. So why are only about half of email marketers using these techniques regularly?

4. Automate Your Campaigns

Thank you, welcome, and transactional emails are widely used by organizations of all sizes, but research shows a significant drop-off in other types of automated messages.Lead nurturing,滴水活动,重新参与广告系列和自动响应者使营销人员更容易创建具有建立关系意图的电子邮件系列;但是,这些类型说明调查受访者发送的电子邮件中大约有三分之一或更少。如果您的内容组合包含“常绿”信息,例如如何失去新闻价值的方式或培训视频,bob官网官方网站marketing automation绝对是值得探索的选择。


引用《 CarlectingsHerpa报告》,“连续实验是达到峰值性能的最快途径”。然而只有28%的小型企业定期测试并优化电子邮件。中型和较大的组织表现更好,但仍只定期测试一半。截止日期和完整的工作负载是常见的罪魁祸首,但假设您进行了一项测试,该测试可以产生18%的响应 - 您可能会找到时间进行下次更一致的测试,对吗?有趣的是,主题线是最受欢迎的测试之一,但与其他领域相比,它们通常会产生最小的收益landing pages和目标受众。不要害怕测试您的电子邮件营销工作的各个元素to optimize email performance.

The tips above are a starting point, but for more detailed charts from the survey plus recommendations and links to case studies, how-to articles, and online tools related to these five steps, you'll want to get the完整的特别报告电子书和电子邮件系列。MarketingSherpa和Aweber将免费提供该系列,直到12月31日。


Originally published Dec 14, 2011 8:00:00 PM, updated June 10 2021


Email Marketing Email Marketing Tools