Online retailerzappos.com刚刚启动了一个新应用对于iPhone,iPad和Android。这是一本数字杂志和目录,可提供编辑内容以及在应用程序中购物和购买产品的能力。他们在主页上宣传该应用程序,在Google和Facebook上付费广告,很快将推出社交共享功能。为了激励人们使用它,他们为应用程序中的任何购买,而没有最低购买价格免费提供第二天的免费运输。及时谈论那些最后一刻的假日购物者!

As usual, Zappos has nailed another aspect of its marketing. They've crafted a useful, beautiful app and executed a successful launch. But let me ask a question to all you B2B marketers and business owners out there: are youthatsurprised? Doesn't it feel like if you were in the B2C space, you could conjure up an app thatdrives conversionsin the snap of a finger?

B2B营销人员确实确实有更艰难的时光提出了有关好的应用程序的想法,这可能是为什么尽管市场迅速发展,但他们仍将资金投资于移动应用程序的原因。毕竟,为什么将有限的资源分配给平庸的想法,您只能猜测的结果?bob体育苹果系统下载安装如果您有兴趣开发一个B2B mobileapp but just can't get your creative juices flowing, consider these 10 ideas for B2B mobile apps that you can customize to your business to yield real results. You may just find that B2B and B2C aren't so different after all!

10 Fantastic Ideas for B2B Mobile Apps

1.)供应订购应用程序:你是一个商业产品增刊吗lier? Create a supply ordering app that lets people order new supplies by photographing a bar code on the product they need restocked. Users can securely store their shipping and billing information in the app, edit the quantity, and quickly get more of the supplies they need. Make their lives even easier by tapping into their buying history and providing push notifications for when they are likely running low on a certain supply. You should also include reviews, recommended products, and shipping status notifications for a superior experience.

2.) Event App:打算hosting an event this year? Create an event-specific app with exhibit maps, session schedules, speaker bios, and attendee-provided contact information for networking. You can also let people push out messages to Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook right from the app.

3.) ROI Calculator:ROI计算器是一个久经考验的应用程序,对于经常证明ROI的商业人士。无论您希望您的潜在客户采取什么行动,都可以让他们快速计算其某些方面的投资回报率不仅使他们更快乐,而且还使您的销售更加容易。

4.) Code Generator:Have an audience that has to do online design during their day job? Create a code generator to make it easier! For example, a marketer who is a novice with HTML might select your HTML code generator to quickly figure out how to code her next email campaign. That's one helpful app that can be used over and over, and spread to a wider audience quickly.

5.) Security Alert App:Are your customers concerned with online security? People in IT security or software can create an app that delivers security alerts when customers experience a security breach. IT departments the world over will love you for it.

6.) Networking App:使用移动设备的位置感知功能来创建一个应用程序,使您的潜在客户和客户在其行业中找到与之交流的人。与此搭配thought leadership content通过您的应用程序交付,您正在成为行业的LinkedIn。

7.) Content Segmenting App:您的内容是您最大的资产之一吗?如果您要发布大量内容,请创建一个应用程序,使您的读者只能选择他们想要学习的主题,并在发布有关该主题的新内容时接收更新。

8.)软bob电竞官方下载件功能应用程序:If you're a software company, make an app that lets people use features of your software on their mobile devices. For example, create an app thatalerts your sales team when a new lead needs to be contacted. This way, they can beat your competitors to the punch and make sales even when they're not at their desk!

9.)计算器应用程序:B2B companies with an audience in a mathematical field can create a calculator app. Provide quick calculations based on frequently used formulas to help them out in their day-to-day job. This will solidify your status as a reliable and helpful resource in your industry and make you a part of their daily lives.

10.) Legal Compliance App:Do your prospects and customers work in a highly regulated industry? Create an app that answers legal questions, delivers results for government guidelines, and provides safety requirements so people can figure out if they're being compliant at all times.



free mobile marketing guide

Originally published Dec 22, 2011 1:30:00 PM, updated July 28 2017

