砖和灰浆如果您过去不确定投资网站内容和SEO是否有意义,那么这项新研究可能会帮助您了解业务的潜在价值。根据新study released by Pew Internet,,,,51% of American adults get information about local restaurants, bars, and related businesses from the internet。对于其他不适合这些类别的本地实体企业,有47%的美国人也从网络中获取有关这些当地企业的信息。这可能不会让任何人读过这本书感到惊讶,甚至可能有点低落。但是在您开始批评之前,请记住,一半的美国成年人仍然是一个很大的数量,尤其是考虑到近25%的美国人在家中没有个人计算机。


What's more interesting is how those adults responded when asked which online services they used to find this information about local businesses.Search engines like Google and Bing claim by far the largest share of Americans -- 38% -- who use the services to find out information about local restaurants and bars。对于寻找有关其他当地企业的信息的人,有36%的美国人主要是use search engines to get information about those local businesses也是。这些统计数据表明,在社交媒体网站看起来非常时尚的时候,主要的搜索引擎仍然存在多大的关键。实际上,即使是较小的搜索引擎,就对当地企业的影响而言,所有社交媒体网站都完全使所有社交媒体网站相形见,,

For both of these populations, search engines were dramatically more dominant than speciality websites like Yelp (which came in around 16%) or any type of社交媒体网站((餐馆仅收入3%,其他企业只有1%). According to the study, people who are conducting research on local businesses are not using social media very much in their research, despite the fact thatalmost half of Americans are on Facebook,,,,and a half of them are using it daily.

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Of course, there could be some chicken-or-egg problems with this: If most local businesses aren’t participating in social media or don’t have their information readily available there, people will shy away from using social media services to find local businesses. Most adults who are familiar with their community will quickly realize where useful resources are and aren’t available for the businesses in their community.


当地以当地的企业仍应确保他们至少在主要网络上具有基本的社交媒体形象 - 例如Facebook business page-- and that they update it regularly. After all, the number of people using social media to find local businesses is only going to rise, not fall. That way, as users start to use social media more for this kind of research, your business will already be present, positioned well, and have content to share on social networks.


The only other method that was even close was print newspapers, at between 26% and 29% depending on what type of business was being researched. Great search engine optimization,注册Google Places,创建内容对于确保您引起您所在地区购物者的注意至关重要。

Is your local business putting enough emphasis on the importance of本地SEO?如果没有,可能是时候打电话了。

Image Credit:heliosphan


经过布莱恩·沃利(Brian Whalley)

出版2011年12月23日1:30:00点,updated October 20 2016
