In marketing, offers are the gateways to领先一代。Without them, site visitors have no way of getting converted into leads. They are also a critical tool for培养现有的潜在客户into a position that makes them more sales-ready. But gosh, isn't the word 'offer' so utterly vague and abstract? What the heck is a marketing offer, and what are the qualities of a good one?

Because we see so many marketers get tripped up on this concept, let's discuss exactly what a marketing offer can be, highlight the characteristics of an effective offer, and explain how you can start using them the right way.


What an Offer不是



  • '联系我们!':好的,因此,如果是允许网站访问者向您发送电子邮件的表格,则可以将此表现出来。但这永远不会像真实的要约那样有效地带来潜在客户。
  • Product-Centric Content:We're talking brochures, product videos, etc. Yes, these can be great tools to introduce to leads who are close to making a purchasing decision, but there's no reason they should be gated behind a form. You should want your site visitors to be able to access this type of content freely and frictionlessly. And if site visitors are looking at this type of content, they're likely already in your sales funnel and much closer to making a purchasing decision.
  • 客户案例研究:就像以产品为中心的内容一样,customer case studiesare likely something you want to make it very easy for visitors to access. Making a visitor or lead fill out a form is unnecessary.
  • 事实说明:简而言之,事实表和其他以公司为中心的内容不是潜在客户的生成材料。bob全站app
  • 新闻发布:将新闻稿放在CTA或表格后面,将降低您将单词传出的机会,击败其主要目的。

What an OfferIs

The good news is, you have quite a few great options at your disposal in terms of the types of offers you can, well, offer your target audience. These include but are not limited to:

  • 电子书和指南:向访客提供指南或电子书,以帮助他们解决问题,或者根据他们的利益量身定制,将帮助您(或您的品牌)作为主题的权威。
  • Discounts and Promotions:您网站的访问者可能更倾向于移交他们的信息,如果这意味着他们获得折扣或促销代码以交换。
  • 网络研讨会和课程: Another way to establish yourself as an authority on a certain topic is to offer a webinar or course. When visitors register, you’ll get their information and they’ll learn more about a topic or gain a skill in return.
  • 行业案例研究和研究: Industry-specific reports and research can be a great incentive for prospects to give their contact information. You offer value by doing the research for them, making it readily available, and providing it for free.
  • Membership or Loyalty Programs: These programs provide potential customers with a sense of exclusivity — access to rewards and perks not offered to non-members.
  • 模板: Templates provide an easy way for prospects to create their own documents without having to start them from scratch. Some common template options you’re probably familiar with are resumes, proposals, and email.
  • Free Tools:免费工具,例如集线器’s Website Grader是让网站访问者测试您的产品而无需购买的好方法。
  • Free Trials: Similarly to free tools, free trials allow visitors to your site to test your services out risk-free.
  • 产品演示和咨询: If a potential client is on the fence about using your services, offering a consultation or demonstration might help reel them in. Not only will you get their contact information when they sign up, but they’ll learn more about how your product or service can help them.



1. Be High Quality and Valuable to Your Target Audience

重要的是要记住的是,如果您要求网站访问者填写表格以获取您的报价,那么该报价的价值需要足够强迫,以说服这些访问者这样做。人们不喜欢自由放弃他们的联系信息,而您lead-capture form will create some friction。So if you start putting mediocre, low-value offers behind your forms, your business will eventually be known for having a poor user experience and subpar offerings, seriously hurting your lead generation and nurturing goals.

In the simplest sense, an offer is valuable if it addresses the problems, needs, and interests of your target audience. This value could also mean different things for offers used in different stages of the sales process. For example, an offer you're promoting to generate net new leads at the top of your funnel (like, say, an educational ebook or a webinar) is likely valuable because it教育您的前景并满足需求。另一方面,免费的产品试验本质上可能不是教育性的,但是对于您试图培育并更接近做出购买决定的现有潜在客户来说,这仍然是非常有价值的报价。



例如,Hubspot卖出inbound marketing software,因此我们提供的重点是帮助潜在客户应对他们的营销挑战。这些优惠有助于将HubSpot作为行业思想领导者与众不同,并就我们的软件有助于解决的问题进行教育。bob电竞官方下载

3. Be Tailored to the Right Buyer Persona at the Right Time

As we hinted at before, a truly great marketing offer also takes into account a person's point in the sales process as well as that买方角色specific interests and needs. How this really comes into play is in lead nurturing campaigns and how you decide which calls-to-action (CTAs) to place where on your website.


If you use潜在客户管理软件bob电竞官方下载,您可以轻松收集关键信息(又名lead intelligence) about your prospects that will help you segment your leads into nurturing campaigns based on their buyer persona, their point in the sales process, and what you can determine their interests are based on their activity on your website. Sending them offers that appeal to those interests as well as how close they are to making a purchasing decision can help you better qualify a lead before they get handed off to sales.

例如,如果您的业务正在管道中,并且首次访问者来到您的网站,并下载了一本有关如何删除次要管道备份的电子书,则可以将其输入lead nurturing campaign然后邀请他们还参加有关常见管道问题以及如何解决的网络研讨会。随着他们在整个销售周期的进一步发展时,您可以为他们提供一张优惠券,以打折您的服务(显然)他们遇到的不太微不足道的问题。





1. Create multiple types of targeted offers.

First things first. With all that talk about targeting and segmenting the right offers to the right buyer persona (at the right time), you can probably guess that what all that translates to is aneed for a variety of offers。建立要约的武器库可能是一个很大的提升,但这可能意味着良好的结果和令人敬畏的结果之间的区别。


2. Put offers behind lead-capture forms.

如果要约是潜在客户的门户,lead-capture forms(AKA conversion forms) are the gateways to your offers. Always place your offers on landing pages, gated by forms. This allows you to collect information that helps you qualify a new or reconverting lead and track what they've downloaded from you throughout the sales cycle.


我们上面提到过,但这是一个很重要的区别。Create CTAs for each of your offers, and align them with the pages on your website. If you’re that plumber we mentioned and you just wrote a blog post about the best and worst products to unclog a drain, you might place a CTA for your free guide to the best plumbing products on the market.. Once you have created awesome-looking CTA buttons for your site and you're moving onto ninja status, you can alsotest different versions of your CTAsto determine which ones generate the best click-through rate.

4. Create content around your offers.

Taking things a step further, create content specifically around your new offers to help launch and promote them. If you just created that 'Best Plumbing Products’ guide, write a blog article that highlights the top 5 products mentioned in the guide and couple that with your CTA, explaining that readers can learn more by downloading the new guide. Excerpts make for easy blog content, so you'll be killing two birds with one stone!



The promotion of your offers shouldn't be limited to just your website. Use social media as a promotional vehicle by sharing links to the landing pages for your offers and briefly explaining their value in your tweets, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn posts. Spend some time tobuild your social media reach因此,您可以将优惠揭露到尽可能大的受众群体中。


A great way to leverage social media exposure is through contests. For example, surf brand Billabong ran a contest to win a trip for two to Baja, Mexico. To enter, contestants must enter their contact info into a form. You could run a promotion for free services or products that would be of interest to your target audience in exchange for them completing a form.

Billabong advertises vacation giveaway marketing offer via Instagram


7. Use them in email marketing and lead nurturing.

As we mentioned above, offers are critical to a business' lead nurturing efforts, but you can also promote them using general电子邮件营销作为dedicated sends。在专门的电子邮件发送中宣传您的新报价,该发送仅突出显示一个要约并传达其价值。如果这是一个非常普遍的提议,无论您在销售周期中,每个买家的角色都会喜欢,请将其发送到您的整个列表中。如果这是一个更有针对性的报价,细分您的列表, and send it only to the people to whom it will appeal.


这是另一个我们已经谈到,布鲁里溃疡t it's worth emphasizing. Aligning the offers you use in your lead nurturing campaigns and in the CTAs on your website with a prospect's likely position in the sales cycle will not only help to better qualify a lead, but it may also shorten the sales cycle, as a prospect will be much closer to a purchasing decision with a ton of knowledge about your business before he/she even talks to a sales person.


Measure the performance of your offers。This will help you identify which types and topics of offers are successful in generating leads and customers so you can create more offers around those topics or in those formats, helping you become a much more effective marketer. Do your prospects prefer webinars to ebooks? Do they only care about certain topics that your offers are addressing? Use what you know to improve your lead generation and lead nurturing efforts in the future.





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最初发布于12月7日,2021年12月7:00 am,更新于12月7日2021

