
入站营销人员知道创建内容是他们成功的关键,因此有道理business blogsare one of their most precious marketing assets. Blogging is a natural way to get more indexed pages on your website, create content around keywords you want to rank for in search, and convert site visitors into customers.

But once companies master blogging, isn't there another way to expand content creation efforts on your website? Aren't there other parts of your website to which you can publish the valuable content you've become so great at creating -- and maybe drive even更多的流量,潜在客户和客户的业务?

简而言之,是的,还有很多其他方法可以在您的网站上容纳内容(如果您是HubSpot客户,增加导航is simple)! While you may not update these parts of your website as frequently as a blog (we update our blog multiple times daily, for example) adding these content repositories to your website -- or updating the ones that already exist -- will help you drivetraffic, and convert those visitors into leads and customers.

Don't let content creation begin and end with blogging. Consider building out or updating these areas of your website with fresh content to create a truly comprehensive content library that you and your site visitors can benefit from.


你可能熟悉的新闻bob官网官方网站Room' concept for websites -- many companies have them, including yours truly. Thebob官网官方网站网站的新闻部分is often found under the 'About Us' portion of the main navigation, and contains content like press releases about company and product updates, event information, mentions of your company in the news, and awards received. That's a lot of content!

也许这就是为什么偶然发现网站的“新闻”部分并发现多年来没有更新的“新闻”部分的原因。bob官网官方网站这可能是由于缺乏发布新内容的原因 - 也许您的公司没有收到太多新闻报道,或者只是疏忽大意。bob全站appbob官网官方网站尽管我们无法帮助您疏忽,但有一些方法可以确保网站的“新闻”部分上的内容始终保持新鲜。bob官网官方网站

First, don't break out all of the components of a website news section into multiple sub-navigations if you don't have the content to fill it. Combine your新闻发布, event information, company and product updates, awards received, and company news in a rolling feed. In fact, you can think of it kind of like a second blog! And to ensure there truly is content for that second blog, don't just wait for others to write about you. It's okay -- in this context -- to write about yourself. If you're working on a new product release, write a few paragraphs about how features are progressing. If a partner of yours gets news coverage, share that in this section; your partners' successes are your successes, too. Aim for just one update a month so this section of your site never looks dormant to visitors and leads researching more about your company.

(Tip:Some companies are found in the news so often that they face the opposite problem -- there's so much content, their news section looks completely disorganized! Categorize content by month to make it easier for visitors to sort through.)

Resource Center

Resource centers are ideal locations to house your long-form educational content like whitepapers, guides, and ebooks. Many marketers are reticent to launch a resource center though, because the bulk of their long form content is reserved for lead generation and driving reconversions through养育铅。您不想将这些内容完全公开,对吗?

公平,但是有一个最好的世界解决方案!首先,如果您创建了您愿意与世界分享的内容form-free, publish it. The rest of your content, however, can still be behind a form. Simply draft an abstract or select a poignant excerpt from the content to publish as a sort of preview. Then, direct the visitor to the landing page where the content can be redeemed. We do this with our long-form content in our ownresource center帮助推动更多的潜在客户和调整。在培养电子邮件和博客内容中,您的呼吁行动是多么重要的补充!

resource center


Product & Service Data Center

许多B2B公司技术文档centered around their product or service -- content like data sheets, integration information, FAQs, and release notes. Sometimes businesses choose to wrap these into their resource center, but if you have extensive documentation to publish, it's best to separate this from your resource center content. Why? Because the traffic to your resource center is in a different stage of the buying cycle than the traffic interested in looking at technical documentation surrounding your product or service.

buying cycle content assets

Publish content here for leads and business partners in the 'evaluation' and 'purchase' stages of the buying cycle -- they are more interested in your solution than those visiting your resource center. And to make the most of this content, don't forget to include 'purchase'-oriented通话行动on these web pages, and within the content itself!

Product Details

If you're inecommerce marketing, you have a unique opportunity to leverage the non-blog portion of your website to create new content. For every product for sale on most ecommerce sites, there's a product description section underneath that's all too often left blank or filled with generic (or worse, duplicate) content from the manufacturer. Take advantage of this space to write unique, keyword-optimized content that describes the product, compels readers to take action, and helps you rank for important search terms. HubSpot customerOneIHIdoes this exceptionally well, drafting content that's informative, engaging, optimized, and comprehensive below each product.


To keep the page content fresh, you can also enable user comments and reviews under the product details. And we all know评论的关键评论如何to establishing a prospect's trust in your business.


如果您设置了学习中心,则可以创建用例 - 这些内容显示如何使用产品或服务来解决客户的问题。此内容可以是长形或短形式的书面内容,视频,甚至是带有简短说明标题的图像。例如,HubSpot以客户登陆页面,呼吁行动,博客等的客户示例使用HubSpot's software

use cases

Encourage customers to submit instances of using your product or service successfully (you can set up alanding page收集他们的答复),并激励您的客户服务和支持团队收集此类故事,以使这些页面上的内容保持新鲜。如果您选择视觉内容(例如图像或视频)来演示您的用例,请务必随身携带解释性副本,即使是简短的。bob全站app除了成为视觉内容的有用补充外,关键字优化的副本还可以帮助您排名为寻求解决方案的搜索术语,例如“如何创建着陆页”或“良好的呼吁行动示例”。

HubSpot的还包括关于连续信息ct functionality is being utilized; if you have different feature levels, customers reading these use cases may be inspired by a feature they don't have, and purchase additional services from you. Talk about revenue-generating content!



尽管书面内容通常是营销人员内容创建工作的重点,但消费者当然喜欢消费其他内容格式。您是否有多媒体内容的武器库,例如播客,网络广播和视频?考虑在您的子游动中创建项目以配备此内容。多媒体内容比书面内容需要更多的时间和奉献精神来消费 - 访问者必须拔出耳机,打开音量,可能是从老板那里鸭子 - 因此,给他们一个中心位置,可以从中观看和聆听此内容。就像您的资源中心中的内容一样,您的多媒体内容仍然可以在潜在客户生成形式的背后生活。只需确保用呼吁行动写出视频,播客或网络研讨会的简要说明!

(Tip:If you don't have enough multimedia content to warrant its own section of your site, you can group this in with the content in your resource center.)

Reviews, Testimonials, & Case Studies


customer reviews

Case study content typically requires more time and investment to create than customer reviews, so if you're just getting started with this section of your website, consider the tabbed approach you see above. You can begin with one page with only short customer reviews, sourced from all over the web. Notice the HubSpot reviews come from guest blog posts on our own site, external blog posts, LinkedIn reviews, and even Yahoo! Answers. Keeping this content fresh will be much more manageable than churning out new case studies every month.

Once you've accumulated 3-5 case studies for your business -- whether they are video recordings or written content -- create a separate tab or another point of sub-navigation to publish them. As with all other content repositories on your site, categorize the case studies in a way that makes sense for your site visitors and sales team. We've found categorizing case studies by industry helps leads and our sales team find the most appropriate content quickly.

Where else on your site do you house non-blog content? Share your suggestions in the comments!

Image credit:Khalid Albaih


Originally published Mar 16, 2012 9:00:00 AM, updated October 20 2016

