“我在广告上花费的一半是浪费的;麻烦是我不知道哪一半。”约翰·瓦纳纳克(John Wanamaker)讲这些话后将近一个世纪,大多数在线营销人员仍然会感到他的痛苦。具有讽刺意味的是,今天,营销人员拥有“关闭营销和收入之间的循环”所需的技术,但实际上很少有人利用它。


Do you know which inbound marketing metrics you should be tracking? Click here  for a free guide.






这是您的闭环系统的入口点。随着销售和营销阶段的领先优势,cookie将使您能够将它们归因于适当的渠道。例如,它们是否是从您在贸易展览会上分发的印刷抵押品上使用的URL进入您的网站的,email marketing campaign, or a search term, you’ll be able to trace them back to that original source. Here is what that data can look like, depending on your marketing analytics software. Below, you see a screenshot of HubSpot’s traffic by channel, brought to us by themarketing analytics tools of HubSpot's software。通过查看这些数据,我们能够确定趋势和比较渠道,因为每种颜色代表了不同的营销渠道,例如电子邮件,搜索,社交媒体等。我们知道哪些是我们最有价值的流量来源,并且可以努力以优化那些表现不佳的人。


The easiest way to close the loop is to make your website the central hub for all your marketing activities. Organic search, social media marketing, email marketing, referral links, paid search, and even offline campaigns should get filtered to your website. Once someone visits your website, you'll be able to put a cookie on them and start tracking their activity.

Most web analytics systems will allow you to track sources of traffic like search terms or referring websites, but you’ll need to go a step further than this to make sure you’re accurately assigning your leads to the right marketing initiatives. To do so, you should assign a tracking URL to every marketing campaign that is sending traffic to your website.


/?utm_medium = social&utm_source = twitter


Step 2: Visitor Browses Your Website & Cookie Tracks the Visitor's Actions


This is the trickiest part of closed-loop reporting: making sure that you can connect a visitor’s
一旦将其转换为表格,就会与他们的潜在客户信息进行会议。如果没有此作品,您将拥有两个单独的数据库 - 一个具有匿名访问者历史记录,另一个具有潜在客户信息。结果,您将无法将这些线索连接到各自的营销来源。

为了为您提供这项工作,您要么需要在分析平台的后端做一些非常技术性的事情,要么开始使用某些为您执行此操作的软件。bob电竞官方下载已经有一些软件提供商弄清楚了如何做到这一点,而且bob电竞官方下载没有任何重新发明轮子。(全面披露:集线器软件bob电竞官方下载允许您实施闭环报告。)这是HubSpot’s Prospects tool,它跟踪访问者的活动(当他们仍然是匿名的时候),并提供一些可行的下一步,例如社交媒体帐户信息。

prospects resized 600



您不仅知道您的访客来自哪里,还需要知道他们是谁。这对于关闭循环并能够将封闭的客户联系回他们的入门源至关重要。捕获此信息的方法是将网站访问者带到带有提交表格(或称为铅捕获表格)的登陆页面。Once visitors fill out this from, you’ll have whatever contact information you asked them for: name, email, phone number, etc. As a best practice, you should be sending most of your traffic to landing pages and forms so you can grow your leads database. You can learn more about building awesome landing pages in这本电子书

Step 4: Lead Becomes a Customer & Original Source is Credited

Now it’s time to figure out how these visits transformed into sales. Which one of your marketing channels contributed the most customers? Are there ways you can optimize the process for other sources? Closed-loop marketing enables you to identify the activities that bring in the most (and least) revenue.

为此,您需要查看您的销售团队已关闭的所有潜在客户,并将其归因于他们的原始营销计划。如果在第一步到第四步中正确设置了所有内容,则应该是一个相对简单的过程。对于大多数中型企业,实现这一目标的最简单方法是通过您的客户关系管理(CRM)系统。对于较小的企业,您可以使用电子表格更加手动执行此操作。这是HubSpot的分析, providing us with insights on customer acquisition from different marketing sources, such as email marketing, social media, and referrals.

来源closed loop chart


But if this all sounds pretty dependent on tools, you're right -- it does. In order to set up closed-loop marketing, you need to be able to map marketing activities to sales. As we hinted at earlier, such an integration requires connecting your marketing software to your customer relationship management (CRM) software. In other words, you need to be able to tie the intelligence emerging from your marketing communication with prospective, current, and former customers to the intelligence your internal team has built with these same people.

  1. 客户关系管理软件bob电竞官方下载- -The purpose of a CRM system is to synchronize the activities of your sales, marketing, and customer support teams. A CRM platform can support your business in a number of ways ranging from selling and fulfillment to identifying and rewarding loyal customers. SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, and SugarCRM are some the most commonly known CRM systems.
  2. 营销Software- -Software喜欢HubSpot通过为您提供优化广告系列,实现潜在客户转换并揭示结果所需的信息,保留您的营销数据记录并使IT可行。

Integrating the Two Tools



从封闭——情报营销人员可以收集loop reporting will expose conversion assists, or pages on their website that visitors viewed before they converted into leads or customers. Understanding a website’s conversion assists can help marketers identify the most influential pages they own. In doing so, they can learn a lot about why those pages are (or aren’t) effective, and apply these insights to improve poorly performing web pages andenhance other components of their marketing

Closed-loop marketing also enables you to achieve alignment between sales and marketing and define the operations between the two departments. Other benefits of the integration between your marketing software and CRM solutions include the ability to implement sales assignment rules, lead scoring systems, lead nurturing campaigns, custom lead scoring, and monetary goal setting. To learn more about why closed-loop marketing is so beneficial to marketers, check out这个帖子


Originally published Apr 12, 2012 12:36:00 PM, updated March 09 2020

