Before I began writing at HubSpot, I worked at two small businesses. Really small. Both had fewer than five employees.

Honestly, any time "SEO" was mentioned the whole team got anxiety. There was no SEO expert — or even an employee who had vast experience in it.

缺乏SEO知识的营销团队通常会觉得自己正在赶上赶上,并且不确定他们是否可以为客户提供结果。相信我 - 我明白了。

For example, an old client wanted their business to show up in Google's knowledge panel.

That's the panel on the right side of a Google results page with a business's hours, website, contact information, images, and related searches — all data that exists in Google's Knowledge Graph (more on this in just a minute).

The client wanted to show up in that panel because76%的在线用户相同ermined that the most important aspect of web design is the ability to quickly access information。This extends to more than just web design — including web search.



The box you see, where Google synthesizes this information, is known as the knowledge panel, or the Knowledge Graph card.

Below is an example of what the Tom Cruise knowledge graph panel looks like on Google. It includes images, biography, family, quotes, and filmography. Google's Knowledge Graph uses data it has collected on user intent behind the keyword "Tom Cruise" to deliver this panel.

Tom Cruise knowledge graph card on Google.Image Source

Essentially, the Knowledge Graph gives Google context into user intent so it knows why people are searching for certain information, and can deliver the right results.

To gather all this information, Google officially refers to three high-quality sites to collect data:维基百科,Wikidata, and中央情报局世界概况。非正式地,Google在参考资源时还考虑了其​​他因素,包括社交媒体的存在,关键字和网站的相对权威,基于谁链接到该领域。

While it might seem like the Knowledge Graph card will actually lower your clickthrough-rate, it's still helpful for your site to be featured here.

The main benefit of knowledge panel optimization is that Google will feature有人here, so even if you don't receive traffic from it, it's better that it's you over a competitor.

Additionally, optimizing for Google's Knowledge Graph has the added benefit of helping Google better understand your site, which will improve your overall rankings.

That's why you should consider optimizing your site for Google's Knowledge Graph. To do so, Google needs to understand what your site is about. Additionally, your content needs to match the intent of your ideal user. For example, when someone searches "knowledge graph," they're probably wondering what Google's Knowledge Graph is, how it works, and how to show up in the resulting Knowledge Graph card. That's why the content on this page answers those questions.


As an aside, other search engines, like Bing, have their own Knowledge Graphs. Optimizing for one can simultaneously help you optimize for the other. However, each search engine is a separate entity with independent algorithms.

In Google's case, the company uses three elements when deciding whether a brand is the right fit for a knowledge panel:

  1. 用户意图:Google's Knowledge Graph will inform the search engine whether your brand answers user questions. Does your page answer the questions the user has based on historical searches, keywords, and context?
  2. Semantic search:Semantic searchis what Google uses to understand the intent of a person's query. At any time, it can use synonyms, context, and natural language processing to sort searches into topics, and produce accurate and relevant results.
  3. Entity indexing:Google拥有所有相关实体的目录,以产生有关每个实体的事实信息。借助实体索引,Google可以生成有关您实体的事实信息,以查看它是否适合知识图面板。

Now that we understand the knowledge graph panel, you might be wondering,"How can I create a Google knowledge graph panel for my business?"



Primarily, Google's knowledge graph makes it easier for Google to deliver the best results possible for a user's query. That means your site needs to be optimized for the user. Is your content easy to read? Is it interesting? Does it answer user questions? Google's knowledge graph will only pull information if it answers a user's question directly and is easy to read.

To make your site optimized for humans, you can use bullet points and H2 or H3 headers to break up the content, making it easier to read.

Additionally, each piece of content you produce should be designed based on user intent. When a user searches for "X" keyword, what do they really want to know? Your page needs to answer those questions.

2. Utilize schema markup and meta tags to optimize your site for Google.

Once your site is optimized for humans, you can go back and do a few things to optimize it for Google as well.

首先,你可以填写meta tags。元标记有助于描述Google网站的重要组成部分,包括元描述,作者和页面标题,这是知识图的关键组成部分。您应该自然地将主要关键字合并到元标签中,包括标题,描述,URL,图像名称和图像alt文本,以向Google指示此页面的内容。

第二,您可以使用schema markup。Schema markup is a template of code you can add to your website that helps search engines understand how your content is structured, and return better results for users. Essentially, it gives vital information to search engines to include in your listing that can improve visibility online, as well as clickthrough rates. Schema markup can include reviews, ratings, pricing, events, location, publish date, and various content types you might want to be described as.

3. Create listings on local directories, including Google My Business.

One way Google ascertains whether your business is fit for the knowledge graph panel is by using local listings and directories to ensure your business matches with user intent.

For example, if someone searches for "marketing agency orange county," your local directory listing tells Google your location, website, hours, and contact information. This helps Google produce personalized results.

Your company should be listed on basic directories, such as Google My Business, Yelp, Bing Places for Business, and Yahoo Small Business. It's especially helpful when you're listed on Google My Business, because that's Google's owned property, so your information is already in their database.

If applicable, you might also want to get listed on directories that are industry specific. For example, if you work at a school, you might consider a listing on Niche or Great Schools.

4. Be present on social media.

Google's knowledge graph usually produces all the information someone might be searching for when they type in a query. That includes social media profiles.

Having an active social media presence helps Google provide all the information a user might be interested in. It also creates authority and helps Google understand your business as a whole.


由于Google使用Wikipedia和Wikidata来收集其知识图的信息,因此在这些网站上有存在很有帮助。你没有needone to inform Google's Knowledge Graph, but it can help.

创建Wikipedia页面is actually fairly intuitive. All you need to do is create an account, create the page, provide citations, and submit the page for review. After that, it's important to update it regularly as well.

To create a Wikidata page,这是Wikidata的绝佳资源您可以使用该过程逐步概述该过程。


顾客评论也用户错过的东西ght be interested in when they search for your company. That's why it's important to gather customer reviews, especially on Google Reviews.



Google is more likely to show high-authority sites in its results. To build authority for your site, you'll want to create a反向链接构建策略,在权威网站上编写来宾帖子,并在社交媒体上活跃 - 尤其是像YouTube这样的网站,因为它通过各种产品连接到Google。此外,您的网站应具有质量链接,并包含几页相关和有益的信息。

Google's Knowledge Graph is one of the top ways that information is disseminated on the popular search engine. That's why it's important to optimize your content so you can show up there. Want to learn more about SEO? Click here for ourultimate guide





Technical SEO