too much email mktgdebate入门3

email marketing landscape已经改变。大多数营销人员已经在电子邮件营销的重要性中登上船,并正在努力地完善其战略的细微差别 - 包括弄清楚正确的发送频率是什么是他们的电子邮件活动。发送方式发送更多电子邮件会让您成为垃圾邮件发送者吗?发送电子邮件较少会导致潜在的收入损失吗?

Well, it's time to analyze both sides of the email sending frequency issue further by hosting anothermarketing debate。在HubSpot,我们有两名员工very opposing views关于这个主题。

丹·扎雷拉(Dan Zarrella),我们的社交媒体科学家,作者Heirarchy of Contagiousness,,,,claims thatsending more emails is better。与此同时excessive emailing leads to list attrition.他们两个将与之抗衡,捍卫他们的意见live on air, Friday July 13th at 1PM EDT。I'll be moderating this marketing debate, pulling in your questions through Twitter via#mktgdebate

To get a little perspective before the debate takes place, let's evaluate some important email marketing statistics that will help fuel this debate. Does any of this change your opinion on ideal email sending frequency? Take a gander!


每个值得他盐的电子邮件营销人员都知道,细分对于电子邮件营销有效性至关重要。但是这个统计数据可能会促进山姆和丹对这个问题的立场。如何?好吧,如果针对性的电子邮件的开放率更高,则应该使您能够发送moreemails to that group as they are more receptive to your messages that contain such well-targeted content.

但是,该统计数据也可能表明高电子邮件发送频率to an already engaged list doesn't necessarily mean you're deriving any added value from your efforts; after all, they're opening, not necessarilyclicking。另外,您还应该尝试参与列出的列表的细分市场,这些细分市场还不是您的啦啦队长 - 参与客户忠诚度计划的人并不是放弃公司为竞争对手放弃公司的高风险。bob全站app


2) More than 80% of email marketers send the same content to all subscribers.



3) 69% of U.S. email users unsubscribe from a business or non-profit email because the organization sends too many emails.

这显然统计在山姆的stance: sending more email leads to attrition. However, the following graph (compiled from MailChimp data with 9.5 billion data points), shows the effect of email sending frequency on unsubscribe rate. According to this data, the more emails you send does not correlate with higher unsubscribe rates, indicating higher email frequencies won't hurt your business. What it doesn't confirm, however, is how many of these users receiving your emails have set up filters that send your emails to SPAM. Plus, we all know that not unsubscribing does not an engaged email recipient make -- many users simply delete your message without bothering to unsubscribe.

电子邮件频率退订费率mktgdebate danzarrella

(Source:CMB, March 2012

4) 50% of consumers worldwide trust email messages from companies they have signed up to receive.

如果消费者相信发送到收件箱的消息的涌入 - 又名仅通过电子邮件将选择加入的人发送要从您那里接收电子邮件通信 - 为什么他们收到多少消息?但是只是因为他们相信the message doesn't necessarily mean they're not恼火通过消息数。如果您与读者建立了一定水平的信任,为什么您会通过用您说的一切轰炸它们来危害它们?

(Source:Nielsen 2012

5) 76.5% of commercial emails sent reached recipients' inboxes in 2011, and email blocked and flagged as SPAM increased 24%.

绝大多数电子邮件都在到达目标目的地,因此可以肯定地说,如果您发送了很多电子邮件,它将降落在收件箱中。但与此同时,将内容标记为垃圾邮件的用户数量是also增加。虽然这个数字可能不如可交付性率那么极端,但重要的是要意识到收件人越来越多地标记为垃圾邮件 - 这意味着他们只是在做到这一点,还是他们对混乱收件箱的容忍度是减少尚不清楚。但是,这一事实应该促使您真正评估电子邮件的可传递率与所需的电子邮件发送频率的相关性。

(Source:ReturnPath, 2011


Image Credit:做的更好,,,,垂直响应




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