
Guest Blogger





Unfortunately, not many brands are使用slideshare最大的潜力,因此,他们并没有产生许多营销专家承诺的结果。因此,今天,我们将使用7个简单的提示来修补您的Slideshare策略中的所有这些孔,以确保您的幻灯片内容启动以产生更多的流量和转换。让我们开始吧!

1) Treat Title Slides Like Video Thumbnails


Your presentation has the potential of getting featured on the SlideShare homepage, and your title slide is the first thing SlideShare users will see if it does, so you want to maximize its potential for garnering lots of clicks. And you'll never get clicks if that first slide doesn't capture visitors' attention, so be sure to treat your title slide like you would an enticing video thumbnail on YouTube. Use bold colors, compelling images, and a catchy, and a描述性演示标题。只需确保您的内容足够出色即可备份炒作。

2) Leverage Guest Blogging to Get Early Exposure

As I hinted in tip 1, hitting the homepage of SlideShare should be a goal, as it can really generate some massive views for your presentations. The thing is, it's easier to get featured if your new presentation picks up views early on. So if you don't have a large audience to reach via your own blog, be sure to also利用来宾博客的力量要产生更多的点击和分享幻灯片,请立即在蝙蝠上产生。虽然该策略也适用于您过去的所有Slideshare演示文稿,但从我的经验来看,新的presentation is the best way to get it on the homepage. You should also remember that you can embed your slideshows (like you can with a video), and have a single presentation featured on multiple sites. This will increase your chances of generating more views and shares, which will thus boost your chances of getting featured on SlideShare's homepage.

3) Use Presentations as Teasers/Previews for the Full Content

任何熟悉Slideshare领先一代。But an even better method is to leverage a致电更多内容。例如,您可以拿一张大电子书(就像我们对我们的一样”75个客户服务事实,报价和统计数据”)并创建一个仅显示的幻灯片a sampling内容 - 不是整本书。

这往往比仿制药更好call-to-action对于其他内容,因为观众已经准备好查看他们刚刚查看的更多内容。而且,如果您创建了高质量且出色的幻灯片,那么许多用户将非常乐意填写一个表格来下载您的封闭内容。只需确保在实际演示文稿中可以单击“通话行动”;这对于潜在客户生成至关重要,尤其是当您的幻灯片嵌入另一个站点时。而且,不要在预览幻灯片上浏览:不仅可以下载的内容是肉类的,而且您的幻灯片内容还需要提前前进,并包括足够的引人注目的材料以使点击 - 尽管值得您的访问者来说。


要考虑的另一个重要的事情是,当您将幻灯片上传到SlideShare时,您可以使用侧面域的力量。我的一个较早的演讲, for example, still ranks first in Google for terms like "content marketing on SlideShare." If you're a regular reader of HubSpot's blog, you may recall that in a past article discussingYouTube的SEO、标题、描述标签, links, and comments have an impact on how your video ranks in search results. You also likely know that it's often easier to rank with YouTube videos due to the strong domain. All of the above is true for SlideShare as well; despite having a less authoritative domain than YouTube, SlideShare presentations still carry some serious weight in search results, so you should betargeting the keywordsyou want to get found for in search in the slideshows you upload.

5) Understand Who Comprises SlideShare's Audience



6) Don't Be Afraid to Get Detailed

In an文章强调一些有趣的数据about how slide count contributes to SlideShare success, HubSpot Social Media Scientist Dan Zarrella exposed data indicating that longer slideshows perform better than shorter presentations. In fact, he reports that演示文稿60多个幻灯片或更长时间的观看次数最多。We can only speculate about why this is true, but it may be owed to the fact that SlideShare is a site mostly used by professionals who are likely seeking data-focused, meaty presentations with a lot of depth. Don't be afraid to get detailed in your SlideShare content, and load your presentations with lots of data. Unlike YouTube, where shorter content tends to be more successful, SlideShare users welcome comprehensive content.



以下是跳出来的视图设计精美- 流行 - 幻灯片演示:

  • 强,大胆的色彩和大型文本,以捕获用户的注意力,并使内容易于遵循
  • 特定于主题的演示文稿,涵盖一个特定主题,并具有大量数据
  • 在演示文稿中起主要作用的视觉效果,例如图表,图形,图像和图形

Simply followingmodern design best practices将使您的头和肩膀高于上传到Slideshare的大部分内容。


这是Gregory Ciotti撰写的来宾帖子。格雷格是内容策略师HelpScout, a customer service app that makes email support a breeze for you and your customers. Get more from Greg on theHelpScoutblog或在他的网站上Sparring Mind

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主题: Presentations


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