It's no wonder why we regularly emphasize the importance of usingcalls-to-action(CTAs) in marketing. CTAs are the gateways to lead generation, propelling prospects through the marketing funnel on the pathway to becoming customers. In fact, we've blogged abouthow to write CTA copy that gets people clicking, we've shared thesloppiest mistakes marketers make when creating CTAs, and we've even taught readershow to master the design of their CTAs.

But among all this valuable CTA-themed content, not once have we shown you how to actuallymakethose CTAs.对我们感到羞耻!但实际上,许多营销人员将其CTA设计需求外包,或者如果预算允许,则为营销团队雇用设计师,他们可以创建这些漂亮的按钮来促进其营销优惠。人们没有意识到的是,Microsoft PowerPoint可以成为许多CTA设计需求的绝佳工具。您无需将预算的很大一部分分配给CTA创建 - 您可以自己做!从我这拿走;我绝不是任何形式的设计师,所以哎呀,如果我能做到的话,你也可以!

在本指南中,我们将引导您完成三个不同的呼叫行动,您可以轻松地在PowerPoint中构建!(Note:The following screenshots are taken on PowerPoint on a Mac. However, all of these features are also available on PowerPoint for PC; they're just arranged in your top navigation rather than a toolbar.)

How to Create a Basic CTA Button



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Step 2: Pick Branded Colors

通过双击形状,选项似乎会改变形状的填充和轮廓颜色。在Mac的PowerPoint中,您也可以打开'Colors, Weights, and Fills'dropdown in the toolbar. This way, you can ensure the colors align with your brand!

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Step 3: Add Text

简单的点击'Insert' --> 'Text Box,'and then click on the shape. This will allow you to create text directly in the text box. Craft a brief message that calls on the viewer to complete the action you want them to do. Remember, to adhere to CTA best practices, use actionable words that clearly indicate what the visitor will be doing when click on your button. For example, if our visitor clicked on the button below, they'd expect to be taken to alanding page where they could registerforHubSpot's upcoming INBOUND conference. Then adjust the font size to fit the shape as you please.

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Step 4: Add More Shapes


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Step 5: Group and Save

Before you save this image, you'll want to group the various pieces of the CTA so they stick together as one. Click on each component, and thenright click --> Group. Once all the parts are grouped together, right click on the grouped image as a whole. This time, click the option to“保存为图片。”(NOTE:如果您不将每个部分分组在一起,则您的图像将不会用按钮的所有组件保存)。

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Voila! Your CTA button is now created! Now all you need to do is go to your website, upload the image, and hyperlink it to the landing page you want viewers sent to. And if you're using HubSpot, our easy-to-useCall-to-Action Managerallows you to upload CTA creative and insert them into your content. By using the HubSpot tool, you'll also be able to see CTA performance metrics such as click-through rates and number of submissions!

inbound cta

How to Create a CTA With a Brand Logo

If you're interested in branding your CTA or using a custom image, the steps are similar to creating a custom button. But this time, we'll be creating an image that is clearly about your product or service by showcasing your brand logo! Here's an example using the HubSpot logo.



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Hopefully you have the original file for your brand's logo. Find that file, and go to插入 - >图像in PowerPoint to place the logo. You can also just copy the file and paste it into the PowerPoint slide. If your image is not transparent, don't panic. PowerPoint comes with a nifty transparency tool! In PowerPoint for Mac, you can find this tool at the top of your toolbar. In PowerPoint for PC, you can find it under'Effects.'简单的点击the tool, and then click on the white background of your image. This should automatically make your image transparent!

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Step 3: Overlay Text

Next, add the text you want to the rest of you CTA. For this CTA, I'm going to motivate visitors to watch a demo, so I'll clearly type that in the orange portion of the CTA. Then under the HubSpot logo, I'm going to add a quick line about what HubSpot is, so viewers know exactly what this product demo will be about.

Step 4: Use Shape Effects


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Step 5: Group and Save!


Again, even though only one part of the entire CTA says "WATCH A DEMO," you can still upload and hyperlink the entire image. That way, no matter where visitors click, they'll still end up in the right destination.

How to Create a Specific, Offer-Related CTA


对于此CTA,请选择一种可以轻松适合博客文章或网站上所需位置的形状。特定于要约特定的CTA通常在有关类似主题的内容上使用时表现最好!例如,在本文中,我们正在写有关呼吁行动的博客。如果您滚动到本文的结尾,您是否注意到此帖子中的呼吁行动是什么主题?为什么 - 这是关于mastering the design and copy of calls-to-action! For blog posts, for example, some form of a rectangular shape usually performs best.

Step 2: Add the Main Image

由于这篇文章是关于创建CTA的,所以为什么不为CTA创建CTA?查找描绘报价的图像,然后将其放在形状的左侧或右侧。当然,您在这一点上拥有艺术自由,因此请把它放在任何地方。(您也可以尝试A/B test在不同地方的图​​像!)

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Step 3: Add a Title for Your CTA Offer

You'll want a short title in bold letters telling viewers EXACTLY what the offer in your CTA is about. It should grab the viewers attention so they continue on to the next part of the CTA, discussed in step four.

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Step 4: Add Clarifying Information That Describes the Value of the Offer

Add additional information to give the offer in your CTA some context. In other words, why exactly will the offer benefit the viewer? Why should they click on your CTA? What is your offer'svalue? Explain this clearly and concisely.

Screen shot 2012 08 13 at 11.37.44 PM步骤5:添加一个基本的CTA按钮(就像您在本指南第1节中创建的一样!)

Essentially, you'll be creating a button inside of your button! The point is, even though you'll end up hyperlinking the entire image, viewers may not know they need to click on the CTA to get the offer. They'll either go searching for it or leave because they didn't know what to do. Create another box, perhaps with different colors this time so it stands out from the rest of the CTA, and add clear, actionable text inside of it so visitors know to click.

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Step 6: Group and Save

You know what to do :-) (See Step 5 in section one of this guide if you're lost.)

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While I hope you found these examples and this tutorial useful, these are merely a few examples of the types of CTAs you can create. Feel free to play around in PowerPoint with the different shapes, colors, and effects and overall options available to you to create different CTAs. And don't be afraid to测试多个变化优化呼叫行动的点击率。

Or if you're a HubSpot customer, as we mentioned earlier, you can just rely on HubSpot's handyCall-to-Action Manager要在几分钟内设计这些CTA,请上传您自己的设计,并轻松地测试CTA按钮的多个变体。设想!


What tools do you use to create your calls-to-action? Have any tips for folks who are just getting started? Share them in the comments!

Image Credit:ericsmithrocks

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Originally published Aug 15, 2012 9:00:00 AM, updated July 28 2017

