There's no doubt that we're moving toward a more视觉营销世界。作为用户,我们通常更喜欢消耗视觉内容而不是阅读文本块。实际上,Facebook用户正在上传大约300 million photos to Facebook每天,增长20%今年早些时候。甚至你照片共享工具Instagram的鼠尾草,2012年4月由Facebook购买,在六个月内增加了1,179%


The Impact of Photos on Generating Facebook Engagement

To learn if using visuals in social content has an impact on social media engagement, HubSpot evaluated 8,800 Facebook posts from B2B and B2C companies' Facebook Pages in October 2012 by比较每个企业的平均每个企业的平均值与每组的总体平均值。As a result, our study revealed thatphotos on Facebook Pages received 53% more Likes than the average post。我们还比较了每个businesses' average comments-per-photo to their overall average comments-per-post and found thatphoto posts attracted 104% more comments than the average post, too.



This percentage difference is substantial, and it emphasizes a huge opportunity for businesses to使用照片和图像as a means to increase Likes and comments, and thus EdgeRank. EdgeRank is Facebook's visibility algorithm based on users' interaction with your Facebook Page content. Boosts in Likes helps increase EdgeRank, which can then cause a page's content to appear in News Feeds more often, increasing visibility.

Just take a look at how much more prominently photo posts are displayed on a Facebook Page compared to a link-based post that pulls in just a small thumbnail image. And as you can see, you can include links in photo posts, too:

照片与链接Facebook帖子评分600 text vs photo post resized 600

The Impact of Photos on Driving Website Traffic

难怪照片帖子吸引了Facebook用户的更多关注!但是归根结底,营销人员更多地关心他们的社交网络使用方式如何影响特定的业务目标(as they should!), such asgenerating website traffic。So, can visuals be used to increase website traffic as well, even if the link accompanying a photo/image only lives in the image description?

Our next logical step was to analyze how using Facebook photos impacts link clicks, but we came to a staggering hault when we discovered that我们样本中的照片/图像帖子中有60%不包括链接。这一发现不仅使我们的样本量极大地减少了 - 使得准确的点击分析不可能 - 而且还强调了营销人员错失的机会。

为了阐明该主题,我们从2012年10月开始查看了HubSpot自己的Facebook帖子,发现该帖子our photo posts received 84% more link clicks than our text and link posts.是的 - 甚至特色项目 *是 *链接的帖子。真是不可思议,对吧?这表明,使用有趣的图像来发挥自己的优势的营销人员可以增加网站的流量 - 只要他们记得包括链接即可!

What These Findings Mean for Marketers

那么,这对营销人员意味着什么?首先,它可能会挑战一些initial theories that using text-only posts对于企业来说,可能是更好的Facebook策略。(一个矛盾的论点是,Facebook在新闻源中的纯文本帖子比照片更频繁。)虽然这项特定的HubSpot研究并未抹黑该理论,但它可以证明它是无关紧要bob官网官方网站的。即使 *如果 *通过Facebook的Edgerank算法频繁出现的照bob官网官方网站片出现在新闻供稿中,则使用照片来生成更多的喜欢,并可能单击可能会增加对图像的关注。

Now on to your action items ...

1) If you haven't yet, it's time to increase the amount of visuals in your Facebook posts.

这意味着您应该有意识地努力使用高质量的图像,最终在Facebook上共享的内容,包括博客文章,着陆页等,并随时获得创造力。例如,我们发布了一个photo of a HubSpot employee从他在海军乐队的日子开始作为向退伍军人节致敬的日子,这是我们11月表现出色的职位之一。不要害怕玩照片!

2) Consider hiring a designer or visual content creator.

Do you have budget to hire a new marketer in 2013? Visual skills are becoming incredibly crucial in the social world. If a new hire isn't in your immediate future, perhaps invest in some design training for your team.


Do you have a blog post, ebook, whitepaper, case study, or landing page that is related to an image you're posting to Facebook? Include a link to it in the image description. This will help ensure you're driving solid traffic back to your website from yourvisual content efforts in social media

Have you increased the amount ofvisual content you post to Facebook和其他社交网络?您是否注意到您最视觉内容的性能比其他类型的社交更新更好?

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