Last week, HubSpot announced it’s newest Hub — CMS Hub. CMS Hub takes the pain out of website management, and let's you get back to what really matters: the experience you’re providing your customers.

CMS集线器vs A Traditional CMS

Managing a website can be a pain. With a traditional CMS, you’re constantly worried about the security and performance of your website. It can be difficult to scale your site as you grow, and making simple edits to your site can be difficult to do without asking your developer for help. CMS Hub provides you with开箱即用的安全and makes it easy to create and edit content on your own.

但是,CMS Hub如何使管理网站的痛苦如何消除痛苦?为了理解这一点,让我们看一下CMS Hub Professional&Enterprise中发现的一些新的和更新的功能,并确切地向您展示它们比以往任何时候都更容易为客户创建令人愉悦的网络体验。



Ever wanted to make a seemingly simple change to your website but couldn’t? Maybe you wanted to add a new event to your events listing page or change the primary color of your brand across all pages quickly and easily. You ask your developer for help, but they’re unable to help you until the following week.

这是主题的来源。主题是一组资产,例如模块,模板和CSS文件,开发人员可以自定义,以为营销人员创建友好的内容编辑体验。HubSpot提供一系列主题供您选择,或者您的开发人员可以创建自定义主题为你。一旦拥有主题,您就可以在开发人员设置的护栏内轻松编辑整个网站。不再等待开发人员优先考虑您的网站更新。动画显示在Hubspot CMS中更改主题颜色的容易


Drag and drop page editing

If you’ve ever created a website page, you know the pain of trying to get the page to look exactly how you want it to. A column might be too narrow, or you might need to add a CTA to the top of your page where there previously wasn’t one. Traditionally, this meant updating the template of your page — which meant every single page using that template was impacted. But what if you only want these changes on one specific page?

On all new pages built using themes, you’ll be able to edit the content on your page using drag and drop editing. Changes will impact just that page: you can have every page across your entire site look exactly the way you intended it to — without creating a new template for each and every iteration of a page.

GIF showing the drag and drop capabilities for CMS Hub



CMS集线器makes it easy to manage content across multiple languages. It also makes running tests on your pages simple with A/B testing and adaptive page testing. But, in the past, you weren’t able to run tests on language variants of your pages.

CMS集线器fixes this problem. Now in CMS Hub Professional, you can run A/B tests on all language variations of your content. If you have CMS Hub Enterprise, you can also run adaptive page tests on this content. Adaptive page testing let’s you use machine learning to automatically test up to five variations of a page. As your customers visit your site, we’ll automatically serve up the version of the page that performs best.动画在Hubspot CMS中显示了带有不同测试选项的下拉菜单

Learn more about multi-language content management

Dynamic content with HubDB

建立动力学amic content is an easy way to begin growing your site at scale. Using HubDB, you can create web pages that reference content within your datatable. If you change the content within your datatable, that information will be updated wherever you reference that datatable — across your entire site.

To understand how HubDB works, take a look atHubspot的Inspire网站。Inspire shows listings of some of the best websites built on the CMS Hub. Partners or customers can fill out the form on the site to submit their own website to Inspire. Each form entry becomes a row within a HubDB table. If we ever need to update an entry, it’s as simple as updating the content within the HubDB table and publishing the content.

Screenshot of the HubDB behind-the-scenes table


CMS Hub Professional具有所有这些功能以及您当前在我们的CMS中熟悉的所有其他功能。它是由Hubspot CRM的支持,因此您可以轻松地按大规模创建个性化内容。它还与营销,销售和服务中心无缝集成,以及我们广泛的清单HubSpot生态系统中的CMS应用。借助CMS Hub Professional,成长中的公司可以从管理系统中消除痛苦,让营销人员拥有其网站的所有权,并重新专注于客户体验。

我们还宣布了全新的CMS枢纽企业。CMS Hub Enterprise具有CMS Hub Professional中发现的所有内容,但它还为扩展组织提供了建立强大的Web应用程序体验的机会,并为成长中的团队提供更多的治理。让我们看看一些使这成为可能的功能。



这是所有可能与CMS会员中心Enterprise. Using memberships, you can create content that’s tailored to each site visitor. For example, you could create a “My events” page that shows all the events one of your customers has signed up for with your company in the past.


Learn more about memberships



使用CMS集线器企业中的无服务器功能,您可以构建功能强大的Web应用程序,以扩展网站的功能。而且,您的开发团队永远不必担心管理服务器或流量上的高峰可能会影响您的性能。无服务器功能仅在与会员资格和HUBDB结合使用时变得更强大。使用CMS Hub Enterprise,您可以为您的网站访问者提供的体验没有限制。


Learn more about serverless functions


When you’re a small business, you might have a handful of people making changes to your website. It’s easy for you to keep tabs of who’s changing what, and when updates to your site goes live. But as you grow and add more and more people to your team, keeping track of who has publishing access and monitoring website updates as they happen becomes nearly impossible. Activity logs in CMS Hub Enterprise lets you see exactly what changes are happening across your entire site — you never have to track down how a change was made, who made that change, or when it happened.


Learn more about activity logs

Brand domains

As your brand grows, you’ll inevitably have a need for multiple websites. Maybe you expand into two business lines, or you need to create a microsite for a specific subsection of your business. CMS Hub Enterprise comes with two brand domains included, and you’re able to purchase more as needed. With brand domains, you can host multiple domains and report on multiple websites within one CMS, instead of having to juggle multiple systems to meet the needs of your website.


CMS集线器有两层 - 专业和企业。CMS HUB Professional可以以每月300美元的价格购买,并且CMS Hub Enterprise可以以每月900美元的价格购买。这是固定费用 - 您不必为传统上与CMS相关的其他任何隐藏费用额外支付额外费用。

CMS集线器takes the pain out of managing your website. To learn more, go check outCMS集线器

Originally published Apr 14, 2020 9:00:00 AM, updated April 14 2020