Now that HubSpot has tools for both marketing and sales, many of our customers enjoy having their two teams working inside the same environment. But despite that, many companies find that their marketing and sales teams still feel as though they're speaking two different languages. What's the problem, here?

As it turns out, marketing and sales do speak different languages-甚至在HubSpot的软件中。bob电竞官方下载这是对差异以及如何弥合差距的快速解释。


Lifecycle stages: the language of marketing

inbound marketing,您的数据库中的每个联系人都符合五个阶段之一:陌生人,访客,潜在客户,客户或启动子。在HubSpot中,有一个生命周期阶段属性,该属性以八种方式之一标记每个联系人:

  • 订阅r- People who have subscribed to a newsletter, blog, etc. In some cases, these contact records may be nothing more than an email address.
  • 带领- 为您提供有关自己的更多信息的人,通常是通过填写表格以收到某种优惠的方式。
  • 营销合格的潜在客户- 对您的产品产生了更深入的兴趣的人。虽然潜在客户通常接受上门的优惠,但MQLS要求提供靠近漏斗底部的信息。
  • Sales Qualified Lead- 已被您的销售团队确定为直接联系的人。
  • Opportunity- 您的销售团队正在积极与之交谈。
  • 顾客- 从您那里购买了东西的人。
  • Evangelist- 您组织以外的人投入投入有关您所做工作的信息。传教士是推荐的宝贵来源。
  • 其他- 不适合上述任何一个的人。您可能没有该类别中的任何联系人,但是如果这样做,则需要确保清楚地定义此处的哪种人。

The Lifecycle Stage property will be most interesting to your marketing team. They'll use it to segment Lists, create Smart Content, and trigger Workflows. They'll also design Forms and Workflows to update Lifecycle Stage as your contacts take various actions.

从营销人员的角度来看,生命周期阶段可能是联系记录上最有说服力的财产。但是,即使他们的销售团队正在使用HubSpot CRM,他们也可能会发现典型的销售代表不知道生命周期阶段是什么,更不用说单个阶段的含义了。无论如何,销售楼上的事情发生了什么?

Deal stages: the language of sales

Your sales team probably won't pay as much attention to Lifecycle Stage. In their domain, deal stages play a much more prominent role.


Check out this blog post to learn how to customize your deal stages.




You need to find a way for marketing and sales to come to an understanding on where a lead is in the buying process. This is crucial: leads often get handed back and forth between marketing and sales. If there isn't a way to get insight into how leads are being worked with, some leads will end up endlessly mired in the MQL or SQL stages.

带领Status is a customizable property inside HubSpot CRM. Out of the box, there are five Lead Status options: New, Open, In Progress, Open Deal, and Unqualified. These default options are a great starting point, but customizing Lead Status with options that are more meaningful to your marketing and sales teams can do a lot to improve communication.

For example, I've spoken with several sales teams that like to be able to star individual leads or mark them as "hot." Making a Lead Status option of Star or Hot gives the sales team a way to prioritize the leads who are most eager to move, and the marketing team can use this designation to opt contacts out of any nurturing emails they might otherwise receive.


您自定义潜在客户状态的方式将完全取决于您的营销和销售团队彼此之间的来回。在下一个Smarketing meetingand see what ideas you can come up with. If you've had success using Lead Status to align your marketing and sales teams, share your experience in the comments below!

