Email marketing既是艺术又是科学。创建完美的电子邮件有很多不同的元素,并且测试您的电子邮件以了解最佳作用是至关重要的。

But what exactly should you test?

TheHubSpot电子邮件应用程序is a customer favorite. You might use the tool to send one-off promotional emails, create an automatic kickback email from a landing page, or even make a marketing automation series.

那些客户HubSpot Enterprisehave an A/B testing tool baked into their Email App. That means you can make two versions of the same email in the same send, and in the process learn if a specific way of positioning or designing your content worked better or not.

If you don't have the A/B testing tool, you won't be able to run a scientific test -- however, you can always try out small changes in your email sends over time to try to improve your results.



I recommend you have a very low image-to-text ratio. Many times spam filters and firewalls look at an email's image-to-text ratio to determine if it should deliver an email to an inbox.

Images are also a great way to make your emails engaging and interesting to read. Test to see if images have an effect on your open rates, click-through rate, and the number of leads you generate.

2. Subject Lines


  • Adding personalization to the subject line
  • The subject line length
  • Call-to-action in subject line
  • 主题行中使用的单词
  • 将[括号]添加到主题行

Your email subject line should be action-oriented, compelling, and short (45 characters or less). Try writing your subject line like you would a call-to-action. Also, make your subject line consistent with the first sentence of the email and your email call-to-action.



You can test the wording of the CTA, the placement, and the style. Those marketers who take the time to test CTAs frequently can dramatically increase the conversion rate of their email.

4. “From” Name and From Address


5. Email Design


  • 大胆
  • Capitalization
  • Font size
  • Font colors
  • Images
  • HTML versus plain text emails


The content of your email is a great place to test a variety of things. Have fun with it! Here are a few ideas:

  • 头条新闻:这是某人打开电子邮件时看到的第一件事。一个实验是使标题成为链接。
  • Placement of content: Experiment with moving the content to different parts of the email. Do note that you should always have your most important content in the beginning of the email.
  • Type of content: Each email you send should have a goal so you can measure what worked and didn’t work. Try different content to see what works best to help you achieve that goal. Do ebooks work best? Webinars? Infographics?
  • 社交媒体链接的放置:尝试将您的社交媒体图标放置在电子邮件的顶部和底部,并测量哪些地方获得更多点击。
  • Number of images(如果有的话):实验的n次方umber of images you include in each email. You might find that fewer images increases your click-through rate and decreases your unsubscribe rate.
  • Number of links:如果您的电子邮件获得了良好的点击率,请尝试增加电子邮件中的链接数量。始终在第一个或两个句子中包含一个链接。
  • 电子邮件长度:测试不同的电子邮件长度,以查看您在电子邮件中应包含多少内容或信息。如果您注意到收件人仅单击第一个链接,而无需单击,则应缩短电子邮件。

7. Timing

Testing the timing of your emails is the easiest thing you can test. You don’t need to change anything about the email, rather decide on times that you think will be most effective to send. One way you can determine timing is to survey your recipients on when they would like to receive emails from your business.

The two primary things you can test in regards to time are theday you send the emailand thetime during the day you send the email.您可以测试的另一个元素是您在给定的一周或一个月内发送给人的电子邮件数量。研究发现,增加或减少发送的电子邮件量可能会对点击率和取消订阅费率产生重大影响。

What do you think is the most important thing an email marketer should test?

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Originally published Sep 9, 2014 2:00:00 PM, updated December 05 2017