This 10-step guide will help you create informative newsletters that will allow you to regularly communicate with your leads and customers. On average, you should send one email newsletter per month, to help you interact and build relationships with your leads and customers. Email newsletters should be summaries of recent content you created. You should start creating your monthly newsletter about one week before the day you plan to send it.


Use the content you published that month as the basis for the content of your newsletter. You want to get as many people in front of your content as possible, and newsletters are one of best ways to get this done.


您了解电子邮件新闻通讯的总体目标,但是您还应该确定创建和发送的每个新闻通讯的主要目标。bob官网官方网站例如,您是否希望客户阅读此新闻通讯后进行调查,还是需要他们阅读有关最新行业趋势的特定博客文章?bob官网官方网站这是一项很好的纪律just one thing您想让读者因阅读每个问题而进行。






“From” Name and Address

Your “from” name and sender email address should be consistent.例如,您的“来自”名称可能是“ HubSpot每月新闻通讯”。bob官网官方网站然后将您的发送者电子邮件地址与您的“来自”的名称匹配,如

You should not send your newsletter from any generic sounding email address, such as noreply@, sales@, or marketing@. These email addresses commonly get nabbed by your readers' spam filters. Even if they do make it past a spam filter, such email addresses come off as sounding impersonal, and usually lead to lower levels of reader engagement.


Create a plain text version of your email for those readers whose email systems are set up to only accept plain text emails.集线器’s email marketing and lead nurturing applications allow you to create both an HTML and plain text version automatically.

Step 4: Create Your Subject Line

You have several good options to choose from when it comes to subject lines, so you should test each one to see what works best for you and your audience.您应该为发送的每封电子邮件使用其他引人注目的主题行。但是,您可能会让读者知道您是通过在方括号中放置某种形式的标准识别信息来知道您的。例如,您可以使用“学习如何成为更好的博客[HubSpot通讯]诸如主题行”bob官网官方网站

Alternately, you could use a generic subject line that woud be easily recognized by everyone who has received your email. This way you can set the expectation that the emails you send to your list will always have the same subject line.

Step 5: Email Body and Content

Every newsletter you create should include the following:

  • 您的业​​务社交媒体链接在电子邮件的顶部或底部。(如果您已经启用了Loster Me模块,HubSpot将自动将您的社交媒体帐户添加到电子邮件底部。)
  • 电子邮件顶部的目录。将目录中的每个项目链接到网站上的相应页面。
  • A link that allows the reader to read your email in a browser as a webpage.


  • 博客文章
  • 白皮书,指南,清单
  • 案例研究、视频测试imonials
  • Special交易,优惠券
  • bob全站app公司公告
  • 即将举行的活动,即将举行的网络研讨会

您在新闻通讯中包含的内容应引导人们返回您的网站,并促使他们采取一bob官网官方网站些特定类型的操作。每篇文章都应包括一个行动电话和一个将收件人返回您网站的链接。You should limit the amount of non-educational content in your newsletter. A good place for non-educational content is in the sidebar or at the bottom of the email.


You should include a link to your website in the first or second sentence in your newsletter. The table of contents should also be linked to the content that’s on your website. Bold some of the links in the newsletter to increase your click-through rate.

Every link in your email should be built as a tracking URL so that you can understand how many people clicked through to your website and converted on your landing page. HubSpot’s email marketing and lead nurturing applications automatically create tracking URLs for each link you include in your emails, and you can then track these links using your Sources tool.



Each image you use should also include a descriptive alt text phrase, so that readers who do not enable images in their email will still know what your image is about.




By law, you必须在您的电子邮件中包括您的公bob全站app司名称,地址和退订链接。HubSpot的电子邮件营销应用程序会自动为您提供此材料。

Step 6: Email Signature and Footer

Your email signature should be consistent with the “from” name in the email. You should sign the email and include any other information you think your recipients might find useful.



To ensure the best results, you should send a test copy of your newsletter to one or two of your colleagues. This will help you make sure your email isn't getting caught in any spam filters. You can also ask them to proofread your newsletter and test every link by clicking on it and making sure it opens the right page.Ask them to tell you about any grammar mistakes, confusing language, a misaligned offer, etc.

Then send your email to just 10% of your list to ensure that everything is set up properly. Once you're satisfied that all is well, go ahead and send it to the remaining 90%. You don’t want to send an email to thousands of people and然后发现错误。

Step 8: Send Your Email


Step 9: Listen and Respond

当然,一旦发送电子邮件就不会结束您的工作。The other goal of email marketing is to build relationships with your list and subscribers. You need to be sure that someone is responding to any replies you receive.任何问题或评论都需要及时处理。

Step 10: Measure

Measuring how people respond and behave after you send your newsletter is very important. Things you should measure include:

  • Total click-throughs received
  • Total clicks each link received
  • 哪个内容最受欢迎
  • Total number of unsubscribes
  • 网站流量中的尖峰
  • Spikes in social media activity
  • Increase in followers on social media
从HubSpot Academy开始免费的电子邮件营销认证课程。

Originally published Jan 6, 2012 10:00:00 AM, updated February 01 2017