If you’re a Marketing Hub user, your traffic analytics (think sources, page performance, and more) just got a fast, slick, and powerful new home.


What is it?


  1. A new look and a new home.来源和页面性能在统一的新标题下滚动:Traffic analytics.他们在导航和新设计中有了新的位置。
  2. Faster and more precise data.旧消息来源报告每三个小时更新一次。新的一个平均每三十分钟刷新一次,通常每十分钟就很少。那真是太棒了?另外,新工具标志着从“访问”“会议”as the primary traffic metric in HubSpot. Sessions are more precise and comprehensive, and are the industry standard across most analytics tools.
  3. More insight into visitor engagement.您正在获得网站的流量吗?伟大的。是吗qualitytraffic? How long are your visitors spending on your pages? How often are they bouncing off the site after a single page view? Which pages are they spending the most time on? Which pages are they most oftenentering网站通过?他们在哪leaving?All these metrics — and more — live in the new traffic analytics home.
  4. More flexibility.Get ready for two new reports that show your traffic through fresh new lenses: topic clusters and UTM parameters. More details on that below.


If you think getting quality traffic to your website is a challenge, you’re not alone. According to theState of Inbound report, the majority of marketers — more than two thirds — say generating traffic and leads from their website is their biggest challenge.

That makes it even more important that when the right visitors find their way to your site, you figure out what got them there — and double down on it.

That’s where traffic analytics comes in.

Up until now, the reports in HubSpot that provide deeper traffic metrics have been siloed. Not anymore.

Today’s launch brings four tools that will help you break down every angle of the traffic to your site — sources, page performance, topic clusters, and a new advanced traffic report — all under one roof.

屏幕截图2017-11-14,10.04.17 pm.png

Want a quick tour?

Sure thing, glad you asked.

Navigate to报告>分析工具>流量分析





The core data points remain right where you left them, as they were in the “old” design: traffic, contacts, customers, and conversion rates from each of the major source buckets (organic search, social media, etc.).




  • Bounce rate.对于来自特定来源的所有会话,其中哪些只包括一个页面视图?通常,较低,越好。
  • 每个会话的页面视图。
  • 平均会话愣th.
  • New visitor sessions.在来自特定来源的所有会议中,有多少人来自以前从未去过您的网站的人?
  • New visitor session %.新访客的会议中有多少百分比?(看上面)

您已经在Web Analytics仪表板上看到了这些指标。现在,他们也生活在消息来源。我们将为您介绍如何在下一节中使用这些新数据点的一些提示。


  • 您可以使用“编辑列”添加,删除或重新排列列以匹配您的优先级。
  • And --- for the very first time --- you can pin a version of your sources report to any of your dashboards. Simply use the "Add to dashboard" button in the upper-right.

Page Performance

Page performance finds its new home under the “Pages” tab in the new design.

您会在您习惯的同一地点看到您所知道和喜欢的指标 - 视图和通话行动点击百分比。


  • 图表。See how your page performance trends over time. Or use the check boxes next to each page to compare two or more pages against each other.
  • A slew of new metrics that give you a deeper look at how your visitors are engaging with your pages:
    • Bounce rate.对于从页面上开始的所有会话,其中哪个百分比没有超越该页面?
    • 入口。对于第一个会话,第一个会话是多少个会话?该会话的入口点?
    • Exits。For how many sessions was this page the last one viewed? The jumping-off point for that session?
    • Exit rate。在此页面的观点中,会议中的最后一个百分比是多少?
    • 页面上的平均时间。访问者在离开之前在此页面上花费多少时间?
    • CTA views and CTA clicks.Previously, you had CTA %, but not the raw numbers of clicks and views.

Topic Clusters

熟悉主题集群方法论吗?阅读。不在SEO中的最新趋势吗?不要落后。读这个, then come right back.


这份新报告给你所有你需要的指标to determine which clusters are bringing traffic, contacts, and customers over time.





To determine how well that set of URLs did holistically, we had to dig into each individual source bucket within the sources report. First, into email:


Today’s release is a new report that flips sources on its head, helping you start with UTM Campaign and dig into source, rather than the other way around. Want to see which sources brought the most traffic to the Inbound Sales Day 2016 campaign? Find all that tagged traffic in the same place:

6 tips from the HubSpot experts.

Excited about all this data but not quite sure where to start?We asked six of HubSpot’s strategists for some best practices.

Anna Perko, Product Manager.
"With today’s change, you can now add a sources report to any of your dashboards, so you can view it in context of your other key metrics. Want to see a certain version of your sources report on the web analytics dashboard? Now you can. Want to see your top-performing sources next to a chart of your highest-converting offers? Now you can. Want to see your paid traffic over time, next to a table showing your average lead scores from each paid channel? Now you can. Any sources report. Next to any of your other reports. On any dashboard."
Christopher Prudente, Principal Channel Consultant.
"When we see a low visit-to-contact conversion rate (by source) it can tell us one of two things: One, the audience you’re bringing to the page is not your ideal contact or customer. And two, the content you're driving them to does not have compelling offers or CTAs. With the ability to now see bounce rate and average session length, we can assess this more quickly. If we see an increase in sessions but poor engagement metrics, that’s an indication of the former. This would drive me to refocus on my content strategy. If engagement metrics are average or good and you still don't see the conversion rates you should, it tells me that you need to better optimize conversions on pages."

克里斯·威尔逊(Chris Wilson),校长入站顾问。

"I immediately go to organic and paid social. Here, I'd take a hard look at bounce and exits. If this number is growing, it's a clear indicator you're either sharing content that's irrelevant to your business or setting incorrect expectations in messaging and social CTAs. Immediate takeaway — review your social ads and the posts driving the clicks, as well the pages they take viewers to. How consistent is the messaging? How related is the post to the end destination? Are the destination pages responsive and mobile optimized? If the bounce rate is rising, one of these is the likely cause and solution. Additionally, social, particularly around live events and webinars, can be used to nurture people through the funnel. Seeing how social contributes to influencing contacts already known can help executives understand the value social provides outside of initial conversions.

凯文·奥迪(Kevin O’Dea),主要入站顾问。

The updated page performance report helps users go a level deeper to identify the entrance pages — first impression pages — to do an honest critique. Are entrance pages engaging and helpful? Do they offer a compelling click-through to the next page? How does the rate of entrances compare to the rate of exits? Getting that first impression right means more opportunity to engage and provide value via other channels (namely email) in the future.

客户成功经理Nora Edmonds。

I always recommend using the sessions by topic clusters as a proxy for the success of your content strategy. The breakdown of sessions and conversions by topic provides insight into where you should double down or pull back. For instance, if you're getting low number of sessions but strong conversions on a certain topic, you should double down on that topic by creating more blog posts (subtopic content) around it.

Andrew Godlewski, Principal Customer Success Manager.

The topic cluster reporting answers the question of which topic areas are working and helps to identify gaps in content creation on your website. Importantly, we can also show conversion rates across the topic areas that we want to be known for to show which topic areas we're seeing lead gen in. If there's a topic not showing a conversion rate, is there a live conversion path tied to this cluster? Finally, I think it provides an opportunity to understand how good the content is at attracting a visitor and keeping them on the site. By analyzing bounce rates, you can see what's working well versus falling flat in this regard.

The new home for traffic analytics is available via opt-in for all current HubSpot customers. Head to Reports > Sources to activate the new tool. For all new customers (starting November 17), no need to activate --- you’ll have access to the new reports right out of the gate.

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Originally published Nov 17, 2017 9:00:00 AM, updated April 15 2021