Paul Rand, arguably the best graphic designer who’s ever lived and the genius behind logos for IBM, Westinghouse, UPS, ABC and others, said this about logos:



Fortunately, there are principles (how many and what they are depend on who you’re talking to) that guide the development of effective logos.

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Once you’ve taken the time to understand what you need your logo to “say” and to whom it should mean the most, you can start directing a designer. As you review the options presented to you, evaluate them with these principles in mind:


The best logos – the ones that give the viewer an immediate and clear sense of “you” – are clean and uncluttered. In general, less is more and simplicity is more impactful. Like this:

吐司的简单徽标 - 带有SANS Serif Company名称的面包图标旁边bob全站app请记住,徽标以多种方式,不同的平台和各种格式和大小使用,因此将丢失细节。强大的徽标几乎没有元素,每个元素都可以轻松地识别出您希望交流的内容。如果您的元素没有贡献整体,请摆脱它们。



2. Memorability

A logo should be easily recalled after just a glance. A glance, after all, is typically all your logo is going to get from most people.

Like any symbol, it should stand for something singular, and it should be easily recalled if, after a person looks at it, he or she can immediately describe its basic elements (“It’s three interlocking circles” or “It’s a dog with a bone”). A logo that’s complex, fussy, has multiple parts and pieces or is overly stylized will be difficult for the viewer to “get” and, as a consequence, easily dismissed.



Don’t settle for a me-too logo. Do a quick search of logos in your industry and look for patterns and avoid mimicking them. Telecomm is filled with logos featuring globes, technology and electronics with logos that involve swooshes, and dentistry with logos of teeth or smiles (or both – see below).


at&t logo with globe, samsung logo with oval, and blue tooth dental logo on a smiling tooth



而且,现代与时尚不同。趋势“今天很热”,自然而然地(有时值得庆幸的是)用完了蒸汽 - 可能要早晚。另一方面,现代化的风格较低,更受限制。它捕获了时代的相关特征,而不会详细地失去自己。


Your overall approach should be modern as should specific elements, colors and typefaces.


before and after logo versions for ups, burger king, and starbucks

5. Balance

The best logos are designed using principles of proportion and symmetry. Illustrated below, you can see how both the Apple logo and the Twitter logo utilize circles of proportionate values as well as symmetry to create a pleasing, balanced aesthetic quality.






Your logo will be used in a number of ways and in multiple contexts. Here are just a few:

  • 在T恤,棒球帽和fanny Packs上
  • 在笔,钥匙扣和水瓶上
  • 在非常水平和极端垂直的横幅上
  • 在黑色和白色背景上(确保您的设计师用黑色和白色创建徽标,以便在必要时满足这些需求)
  • 非常大,非常小
  • 与其他公司徽标一样,例如特定产品bob全站app和服务的徽标

Imagine how these logo would look on pens:



If all you’re hoping to do with your logo is stand out, your designer’s job is blissfully simple. Doing something outrageous graphically will make you stand out; creating something painfully minimalist will make you stand out, too. But “standoutability” is just one element of good logo design. There’s much more to consider before you get a designer working on your brand’s logo.


为了使徽标有效地发挥功能,必须做出强烈的陈述 - 正确的陈述 - 您必须做的第一件事就是弄清楚您要说的话。徽标是符号,因此应该告诉人们您对他们的意义(或您希望对他们意味着什么 - 徽标应该有些理想)。

evernote logo




A logo should not only reflect the company for which it stands; it should reflect its target audience, too. If your audience is middle-aged male gun owners who take part in the annual deer hunting season, your logo should be designed to appeal to them, with elements that suggest things like ruggedness, nature/outdoors, camaraderie, strength, etc.


Depending on your product or service, your competitive advantage might be speed, authentic old-world craftsmanship, precision, attention to detail, reach, intelligence, variety, coolness, good health, power, innovation, elegance, efficiency or one of a thousand other characteristics.





4. Create it as a vector file.

您的徽标是一种通用的东西,它可能会在从最小的赃物(如笔)到大格式图形促销(例如广告牌和横幅)的各种情况下使用。因此,一个500px x 500px的.jpg文件不会削减它,因为大规模更改会将其减少到像素化的糊状中。

Enter the vector.

Unlike raster images like .jpgs which are made up of pixels, vector images rely on lines, points, and curves to construct your logo in a more mathematical way. Vector files can be sized up or down infinitely while the image proportions stay the same (and without pixelation or distortion).

如果您在矢量环境中设计徽标,那么稍后您将为自己节省很多心痛。使用矢量图形软件(例如Adobe Illusbob电竞官方下载trator)将在这方面为您提供成功。







  • 将徽标打印在8.5 x 11张纸上(不要填满页面 - 使其高约1英寸)。
  • 将这些纸交给尚未看到徽标或参与设计项目对话的一部分的人(换句话说,将一个人从街上拉出)。
  • 要求这些人查看徽标 - 仅3秒钟!
  • 现在要求每个人向您描述它。
  • 如果您的徽标的意图立即清楚,那么您就可以使用!


  • Put your logo and 8 others on a piece of paper (arranged in 3 rows of 3); make sure they’re about the same size.
  • 将其显示给将要参加的许多人;让他们简要查看 -不超过30秒,但至少15秒。
  • 拿走纸张,要求观众回忆和描述尽可能多的东西 - 您中间是吗?

This is a poor-man’s research that replicates (somewhat) what your customers and prospects go through every day: they have just seconds to consider a logo and it’s often at a time when other logos are competing for attention.

For your logo to do what it’s expected to, you first must understand what your value and meaning is to your customers and best prospects. Then, by following design principles that are the foundation of some of the world’s best logos, you’ll have a symbol that stands for something. A logo can never represent everything a company is, offers or wants to be, but a good one will say something distinct that your target will naturally respond to.



