Event planner, lawyer, daycare owner, tow truck driver. Regardless of our chosen professions, it's fair to say that we all want to build our businesses' customer bases. It's how we thrive. So it's only natural for us to want to market our products or services to everyone, in hopes of capturing a larger audience and thus making more money.

But every business has a few "unreachables." Now, some of these people are placed in that category for a reason. If you sell retirement plans, for instance, your unreachables might be children because they're simply too young to purchase your product. But that doesn't mean they have to remain that way forever. Even the most unexpected groups of people could be your biggest advocates later on. You just need to know how to speak to them.




1. Make a list of your unreachables.

This is an important step you won't want to skip. Before you start trying to reach all different types of groups, you'll want to find out who your individual unreachables actually are. They may or may not be whom you think they are. That's why researching and surveying are important parts of this process.


  • Why are these groups uninterested/uninformed about my business?
  • Are they also uninterested/uninformed about the products/services I sell, too?
  • Do they know they might want/need what I'm offering?


在这一点上,你缩小了到底谁哟ur unreachables are, but the research stage isn't over just yet. You still want to find out what their likes and dislikes are, where they live, where they work, etc.

Researching the specifics of their day-to-day lives can be helpful when brainstorming the message and channels to reach them. It can help you create a story that appeals to multiple audiences.

You can create campaigns that are effective because they appeal to multiple audiences by finding common ground through storytelling.

3. Customize your approach to appeal to他们,不是您当前的客户。


一个成功的例子是Dollar Shave Club's营销工作。营销人员意识到,他们可以通过幽默且机灵的品牌来吸引很多年轻一代。该品牌的成功源于广告的病毒性质,这些广告与一群人比以往任何时候都更广泛。

4. Offer them something truly unique.

As wisely stated byEntrepreneurcontributor Murray Newlands in his article,"The 8 Fundamentals for a Successful Inbound-Marketing Strategy", "Think of your website as a hub, not a megaphone." This applies to all areas of your brand's presence—both online and offline. Treat your unreachables as if they are already your most loyal customers, rewarding them with valuable resources they can really use. Because if you can provide them with something they can't find elsewhere, it will build trust and credibility—two things that give you an instant leg up on your competition.

Some valuable, yet still free/affordable resources you can offer include:

  • 教育al information, like e-books, guides, infographics, blog articles, webinars, tips, downloadable templates, etc.
  • Coupons/exclusive discounts for first-time customers
  • 产品/服务样品
  • 品牌商品

因为许多业内人士可能会知道w already, this method of marketing (inbound marketing)被证明是推广您的品牌或业务的最成功方法之一。

5. Generate awareness of the want/need for what you have to offer.



6. Demonstrate how your product/service could be the only solution they need.

Maybe your business offers a variety of products or services (i.e. multi-platform digital solutions). Or, maybe it offers something a little more niche (i.e. all-organic coffee). But no matter what you offer, there's always a way to position yourself as their all-purpose solution.

Your unreachables might not even know your business can handle multiple problems they're experiencing. They might not know that just how well you've mastered your very specific product/service. Or, they might not know they need you. Either way, you'll want to demonstrate how you're the only solution.


Though it may hard to conceive, most people want to find out how you can help them, even if they're not actively seeking you out. If you've piqued their interest in some way, they'll want to find the good in your business, so they can have a product or service that provides a solution or added convenience to their lives.


  • Use up-to-date content, design, and resources in your marketing efforts
  • Use language that is confident and inviting, not cocky or abrasive
  • 避免放下特定竞争对手的负面消息(这是俗气的)
  • Highlight what specifically makes you better than the rest, but say it in a way that makes you look like the hero

8. Find ways to get your advocates to promote to them.

有什么比让您喜欢您的产品/服务的快乐客户更好?有快乐的客户愿意promoteyour products/services to others. If they're happy enough, they'll do it for free, too. It's like free advertising.


  • 推荐朋友提供/折扣/优惠券
  • 独家内容
  • Donations to fan-favorite charities
  • 在社交媒体平台上回答了问题/疑虑,个性化的大喊和问答环节
  • 粉丝认可事件
  • Featured fan videos/photos/etc.
  • 项目参与

Whether your business is able to spend a lot or a little toward rewarding your advocates, remember that there's a huge benefit in having people promote your business for you.

9. Show many forms of credibility.

In addition to having testimonials on top-rated review sites (or on your own website), there are a lot of ways to demonstrate that you are credible and trustworthy.

Find unique (yet still truthful) ways to display this in your marketing efforts, such as:

  • 值得注意的奖项或认证(在您的网站上放置徽章,在您的社交媒体平台上发布有关奖励/认证的信息等的链接,等等)
  • Support a local charity (display information about it on a dedicated landing page on your site, post about it on social media, etc.)
  • Mention any environmentally sustainable efforts you make at your business (recycling, volunteering for eco-friendly organizations, etc.
  • Case studies and testimonials
Though this is certainly helpful for your current customers to confirm they've made the right choice with you, those who might not know they need you yet might find your business more desirable than another, simply for your credibility. Research the industry-specific materials you can provide your potential customers to let them know you are not just a viable option, but the best option.

10. Do all of this in stages—not all at once.

Last, but certainly not least, make sure you do these things in different phases. Because it's not realistic to believe anyone's effort will magically attract everyone to your business, you should set goals, follow a strategic plan, and measure your results. Rinse and repeat as necessary for each audience.


Editor's note: This post was originally published in April 2015 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published Jul 1, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated July 01 2021

