What's worse than working with no data?


As marketers, we love to test headlines, call-to-actions, and keywords (to name a few). One of the ways we do this is by running A/B tests.

Free Download: A/B Testing Guide and Kit

As a refresher,A/B testing是分裂观众测试广告系列的许多变体的过程,并确定哪些性能更​​好。

But A/B testing isn't foolproof.

In fact, it's a complicated process. You often have to rely on testing software to pull the data, and there's a high probability of receiving a false positive. If you're not careful, you could make incorrect assumptions about what makes people click.

So how can you ensure your A/B test is operating correctly? This is where A/A testing comes in. Think of it as a test to the test.

The idea behind an A/A test is that the experience is the same for each group, therefore the expected KPI (Key Performance Indicator) will also be the same for each group.


Differences Between an A/A Test and an A/B Test


这是思考它的另一种方法:您是否曾经听过“将苹果与橘子进行比较”?A/B测试完全可以做到这一点 - 比较一个内容的两个不同变体,以查看哪些性能更​​好。A/A测试将苹果与一个相同的苹果进行了比较。

When running an A/B test, you program a testing tool to change or hide some part of the content. This is not necessary for an A/A test.


How to Do A/A Testing

确切的操作方式,根据testing tool你用。例如,如果您是HubSpot Enterprise客户在电子邮件中进行A/A或A/B测试,例如,HubSpot将自动将流量分为您的变体,以便每个变化都会接收访问者的随机抽样。


1. Create two identical versions of a piece of content — the control and the variant.



A KPI is a measure of performance over a period of time. For example, your KPI could be the number of visitors who click on a call-to-action.

3. Using your testing tool, split your audience equally and randomly, and send one group to the control and the other group to the variant.


4. Track the KPI for both groups.

Because both groups are sent to identical pieces of content, they should behave the same. Therefore, the expected result will be inconclusive.

A/A Test Uses

A/A testing is primarily used when an organization implements a new A/B testing software or reconfigures a current one.




But what if they don't?


In theory, the conversion rate should be identical. When there is no difference between the control and the variant, the expected result will be inconclusive. Yet, sometimes a "winner" is declared on two identical versions.

When this happens, it is essential to evaluate the testing platform. The tool may have been misconfigured, or it could be ineffective.


想象一下,XYZ公司在着陆页面上进行了bob全站app另一个A/A测试。这次,A组和B组的结果相同 - 两组都达到了8%的转化率。

Therefore, 8% is the baseline conversion rate. With this in mind, the company can run future A/B tests with the goal of exceeding this rate.



To run an A/A test, or not — that is the question. And the answer will depend on who you ask. There is no denying that A/A testing is a hotly debated topic.



However, it makes sense to run an A/A test in some cases, especially if you are uncertain about a new A/B testing software and want additional proof that it's both functional and accurate. A/A tests are a low-risk method to ensure your tests are set up properly.

A/A testing can help you prepare for a successful AB testing program, provide data benchmarks, and identify any discrepancies in your data.


The Ultimate A/B Testing Kit


Originally published Sep 22, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated September 22 2021

