

While there probably aren't that many CMOs who troll Instagram looking for their next agency partner, there is little competition and even more opportunity to make it your agency's platform of choice for attracting new talent and clients -- a differentiator when it comes to that next visual campaign.


If you are looking for some inspiration or just want some "inside" looks at a few agencies, then check out this ultimate -- yet not exhaustive -- list of ad agencies to follow on Instagram:


1. Huge:@hugeinc



Newest digs Chicago H by @brinsonmcgowan.



Mother London, the world's leading independent creative agency network, has a unique approach to Instagram. Each week, they hand over the reins to a different creative, allowing them to showcase their work and highlight their unique design perspective. The result is a truly inspiring feed that's sure to inject a little inspiration into your daily life.

3. ustwo:@ustwo

虽然乌斯特, a digital product studio, has worked with major brands like Google, Adidas, and Ford, their Instagram presence is surprisingly personal. Take a scroll through their gallery and you'll find colorful photos of office events, team outings, and even birthdays alongside glimpses of their latest work.

4. Wolff Olins:@wolffolins

Wolff Olins'Instagram让追随者瞥见了该机构的创意策略的工作障碍方法,包括设计灵感和幕后快照。


这家位于科罗拉多州的营销机构和HubSpot合作伙伴帮助其客户更有效地使用数字资产。使其Instagram与竞争对手区别的原因是“在热门座位上”,这是一个视频系列,其中包含不同的员工每集,以了解他们为公司所做的事情。bob全站app许多企业的Instagram帐户都集中在其人民上 - 并不是很多人致力于他们的脱口秀节目。

6. Red Antler:@redantler

Brooklyn-based agency红色鹿角是凉爽和创造力的纽约魅力的缩影,他们的Instagram反映了这种身份。跟随设计灵感,办公文化以及与初创公司一起工作的照片。





人们在裙子PR知道自己的方向a glamorous party. Whether it's a cool boutique opening, a cozy cafe gathering, or a champagne celebration, you can follow along with the action on their Instagram. Their feed is also a colorful source of design inspiration -- perfect for a mid-week pick-me-up.




8.代理商V CPH:@AgencyVCPH

If you ever feel like your life could use more Scandinavian minimalism, you should add代理商V CPH到您要遵循的帐户列表。这家位于哥本哈根的代理商分享了时尚的内饰图片,客户的风格灵感以及哥本哈根多雨街的城市快照。

9. Frelon Bleu:@frelon_bleu

This France-based digital agency and集线器Partner“欣赏什么是不同,美丽和有影响力的东西”,其直言不讳的Instagram帐户证明了这一点。在这里,您会发现创意和挑衅性街头艺术的快照,向您展示Frelon Bleu的价值观以及它对设计和文化的看法。



11. BBDO San Francisco:@bbdosf

As their Instagram bio proudly declares, BBDO San Francisco is "all about The Work The Work The Work." Their account showcases their recent campaigns, high-profile events (such as Cannes), and their team's creative process -- which sometimes involves bowling nights.


格言叫洛杉矶的商店异常Agency of the Yearin 2017, and we think their Instagram account is also a winner. With colorful snaps of daily office life, upcoming campaigns for clients, and scenic shots from their seven global locations, Anomaly is worth a follow.


你看过马丁机构的Geico,Chevrolet和Oreos的令人印象深刻的工作,但您可能不知道它们对法兰绒衬衫和对街头艺术的热爱有亲和力。Martin Agency的Instagram是对世界上最有影响力的机构之一的日常工作的亲密观察。

14. Salted Stone:@Saltedstone



不,你的眼睛不会欺骗你 - 那是威廉王子和剑桥公爵夫人,从一个零食中搅动谈话商店Media's客户。这家数字营销机构专门研究有影响力的关系,他们的Instagram就像免费通行到所有最酷的事件一样。

16. Goodby Silverstein & Partners:@goodby_silverstein

玛格丽特·约翰逊(Margaret Johnson),首席创意官Goodby Silverstein & Partners,最近受到尊敬业务内部人士在广告中的30位最具创造力的人list. Her agency's Instagram account gives followers the opportunity to see how Johnson and her team produce major global campaigns, and some of the interesting people who inspire them.

17. RPA广告:@rpa_advertising

RPA广告'sInstagram account makes the daily office grind look pretty darn fun. The Santa Monica-based agency recently hosted a summer concert series, and -- based on their feed -- they make sure their creative teams are just as loud.

18. Colle + McVoy:@CollemcVoy

Dogsdesign? Count us in.Colle + McVoy'sInstagram帐户将其设计工作和公司文化引起了人们的关注。bob全站app

19. HZDG:@hzdg



When animations go rogue. @brielle.story

共享的帖子HZ(@hzdg) on

20. Social Distillery:@socialdistillery

社会酿酒厂is an Austin, Texas-based social media agency specializing in digital communications and consumer engagement. They might be a relatively small agency, but their Instagram account makes a big impression with snapshots of their energetic team and latest work.

21. st8mnt:@st8mnt


instagram statistics

Originally published Apr 25, 2019 11:22:00 PM, updated October 30 2019


Instagram Marketing