In the world of社交媒体市场营销, there are hundreds oftools and softwarewith features capable of helping you with different aspects of your social media strategy. These tools — also known as social media management tools — can assist with social media creation, collaboration, planning, scheduling , sharing, analysis, and more.

In this blog post, we'll cover what social media management tools are, how your team can benefit from them, and 12 of the best options available today. → Free Download: Social Media Calendar Template [Access Now]



Social media management is the process of handling (managing) your entire social media strategy. This includes planning, publishing, engaging, strategizing, and analyzing your social media content across the social platforms your business uses. It also entails understanding your social media strategy’s level of success so you can improve upon it.

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Social Media Management Tools

正如上面提到的,有大量的社会media management tools available today. Some are meant to help with a wide array of social media management needs. Meanwhile, other tools are meant for specific types of social media management (e.g. tools for agencies) or facets of social media management (e.g. social listening or analytics). No matter your needs, goals, or industry, there’s a social media management tool for you.

Why use social media management tools?

社交媒体管理工具协助您的社交媒体策略 - 通常,他们具有计划,发布,协作,聆听和/或报告功能。他们通常还具有简化与关注者跨平台相互作用的能力,通过单个仪表板提供对所有社交帐户的访问,并分析您的成功。他们也可能与您的团队使用的其他工具(例如您)集成营销软件bob电竞官方下载orCRM

The 12 tools below are separated into categories based on what they're meant for — as you read their descriptions, keep in mind that some of them overlap categories. For example, many of the general tools are great for small businesses — and many of the free tools are too.

Best General Social Media Management Tools

以下工具对于所有社交媒体管理团队都是理想的选择 - 您可以自定义它们以帮助您满足您的特定需求和目标。



HubSpot monitors all interactions, conversations, and audiences on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles. It allows you to effectively target specific audiences with personalized messaging using context from the联系数据库在你的CRM以及您的数据营销软件bob电竞官方下载。Meaning, with HubSpot, you can manage your entire social media strategy — from planning to sharing to analysis — from a single and central location.

以下是一些值得注意的特性你孩子l get from using HubSpot’s Social Media Management software:

  • Turn your content offers into social posts.
  • Schedule social posts weeks in advance on all of your profiles.
  • Keep up with current trends by monitoring keywords that are important to your brand and audience.
  • Reply to anyone who commented on your profile or post through HubSpot.


sproutsocial social media management tool

Sproutsocial是一种社交媒体管理工具,可协助社交聆听,出版,参与和分析。该工具简化了在社交平台上共享相关内容,以及向潜在客户,客户和追随者创建和发送个性化消息的过程 - 所有这些支持都为社交媒体经理提供了宝贵的时间。

Customer service features exist to help you offer assistance to customers on social when they want and need it. With Sprout Social you’ll be able to develop a better understanding of who your audience members are and what they want from you on social as well as how you can improve upon your current strategy.

((笔记Sprout Social的客户服务功能与HubSpot集成。)

3。 social media management tool


The software has social listening capabilities to help you identify target audience members and prospects, understand what people are saying about your brand on social media, identify opportunities for engagement, and efficiently respond to any customer comments or concerns.


((笔记falcon.iointegrates with HubSpot因此,您可以轻松地同步广告系列的客户数据,创建自定义受众并通过社交媒体提供有效的客户服务。)

Best Free Social Media Management Tools

Here are some effective free social media management tools. It’s not uncommon for tools to have a free version as well as paid plans that you can upgrade to as you grow and require greater functionality from your tool.


Hootsuite is a social media marketing and management tool. It has a dashboard through which you can manage all aspects of your social media strategy. Although there are paid plans with more capabilities, Hootsuite offers a free plan that works well if you’re a small business. With the free plan, you can schedule up to 30 social posts in advance.

You’ll also be able to manage three different social profiles from your dashboard with Hootsuite’s free plan. Lastly, this option works for small businesses because only one person has access to the account.


tweetdeck free social media management tool

Although TweetDeck is just for Twitter users, it’s a powerful social media management tool if you’re on the platform. This free tool allows you to simultaneously manage multiple Twitter profiles via a central dashboard.



buffer free social media management tool



Here are some social media management tools meant for small businesses.


everypost social media management tool for small businesses

EveryPostis a social media tool that allows you to manage multiple profiles and accounts at once. Customize your social posts, schedule them in advance, and share them all via a single platform.

Tailor social content for different platforms and then cross-post it from Everypost to streamline the process of sharing content across profiles. Use the tool to collaborate internally and manage roles — this way, you can delegate content to certain people on your team as needed.


agorapulse social media management tool for small businesses

Agorapulse is a social media management platform that helps you improve social engagement and relationship building across your social profiles.

With this tool, you can schedule your content, interact with followers, and get reports to determine the success of your strategy and ROI of your engagement. There’s also a single inbox through which you can view, share, and respond to customer comments and questions.

Real-time collaboration makes it easy to send different team members customer inquiries and work on content together. Take advantage of the flexible scheduling features to either schedule individual posts or bulk schedule posts.


3。Content Cal


Content Cal is a social media management tool meant for planning and publishing content. There’s an easy-to-use visual calendar you can pair with approval flows to ensure specific posts are shared at the right time.

Pull in content from other tools — such as Facebook, Slack, Google Drive, or Dropbox — to share on social. You can also collaborate with team members and ask for their feedback easily using the tool’s comments feature.

Best Social Media Management Tools for Agencies

The following social media management tools are ideal for agencies.


sendible social media management tool for agencies


Use the content suggestion feature to get new ideas for content that’s likely to resonate with your client’s audience. There’s also a single-view inbox so you can look at all client messages at once — plus a priority filter option which allows you to filter and prioritize chats.

Lastly, set up user hierarchies and workflows to set permissions for certain team members — this way, certain people have to sign off on client content prior to it going live.



Nuvi是一个社交媒体管理,营销和客户体验(CX)platform. It includes management tools for social listening, planning, publishing, engaging, reporting, and more — all with an end goal of creating an excellent experience for your customers and clients. Add permissions to your workflows so team members at your agency can collaborate and ensure all content is reviewed by the necessary people prior to it going live.

Create, plan, and schedule your content so it goes live when it needs to. Then, measure performance and keep an eye on competitors to understand what social media strategies are working best for them.

先天的接触特性将使它容易tize social media engagement and allow you to organize, prioritize, and share those engagements internally with the correct team members. Plus social listening features will ensure you don’t miss a beat across any of your accounts.


heyorca! social media management tool for agencies

heyorca!is a social media management tool for agencies. The platform allows you to manage all of your social content and clients in a central location so you can offer a seamless and memorable customer experience.

The content calendar allows you to share your plans for scheduled content easily with team members and/or clients. Create multiple content calendars — each with unique team members and social profiles — for each of your clients to keep things organized.


Lastly, offer clients easy-to-understand reports to show them how successful the content you’re creating for their social media profiles is.



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Originally published Nov 17, 2020 7:00:00 AM, updated November 17 2020

