optimize-your-blogThis post is an excerpt from the free guide,How to Optimize Your Marketing Channels: Tips & Tricks for Taking Your Marketing to the Next Level.If you want to learn more about optimizing your marketing,在此处下载完整的指南。

The way I see it, there are two big hurdles thatbeginner inbound marketers face when it comes to running a blog.

First, there’s the “finding your rhythm” hurdle. When you’re just starting out, publishing posts with any type of consistency can be a struggle. You might start off overly ambitious, writing and publishing a new post every day, only to find that you’re completely burnt out by the end of the week.






True story: By A/B testing different CTA variations on your blog, you can increase clickthrough rates by 200% ...or higher!这里的关键是一次选择一个元素进行测试,例如位置,颜色,复制或设计。然后,您需要进行足够长的测试以获得统计学上的显着结果。听起来有点复杂?这些资源可以bob体育苹果系统下载安装帮助:

小提示# 2:使用一个次要的CTA将游客to subscribers.

If your site's visitors aren’t interested in what you’re offering in your primary, lead generation CTA, make sure you give them a second opportunity to engage: Include a次级CTAthat prompts visitors to subscribe to your blog.


At HubSpot, we put this secondary “subscribe" CTA directly beneath our primary CTA (unless you’re already a subscriber, in which case you see something different. More on that next!).

Tip #3: Use Smart CTAs to provide more personalized experiences.

Smart CTAsare an example of dynamic content: content that is specifically tailored to readers according to how they’re segmented in your contacts database. For example, using Smart CTAs, you could display an “Email this to a friend” CTA for subscribers of your blog, and a “Subscribe to our blog” CTA for non-subscribers.


在HubSpot,我们最近在12个月内分析了93,000个不同智能CTA的数据(具有数亿次观看次数),发现他们有一个42% higher view-to-submission ratethan their static counterparts.



Keeping a target keyword or phrase closer to the front of your headline can be beneficial for SEO and discoverability. For example, if your target keyword is “Zebras," the headline, “Zebras: An A to Z Guide” should perform better than “An A to Z Guide to Zebras.”

我说应该because, ultimately, search engines want to deliver the most relevant and high-quality content possible. So, you still need to actually创造该内容(即您的博客文章)。这个小标题尖端只是在蛋糕上锦上添花。

Tip #5:保持头条新闻:65个字符或更少。

搜索引擎将头条新闻截断,如果它们太长,则将可怕的“ ...”添加到搜索结果中的头条新闻的末端。通过交付简洁的标题,您可以确保您的全部消息传递给搜索者。

As a rule of thumb, most search engines will typically “max out” at around 65 characters, so ideally your headline’s character count won’t exceed that number.

提示#6:Use brackets to call out content formats.

Have an infographic, video, SlideShare, or other cool piece of content embedded in your blog post? Make sure everyone knows about it! Use brackets [ ] in your headline to highlight content. Here are a few examples from the HubSpot blog:



将博客的内部链接指向最高的页面可能听起来可能违反直觉。毕竟,如果这些页面已经在搜索方面做得很好,您是否应该给您的表现较低的页面提供任何额外的“ SEO果汁”?



在单个博客文章中多次链接到同一内部页面并不少见。(在HubSpot,我们经常在撰写有关我们启动的新内容并希望将流量吸引到其着陆页面的新内容时经常这样做。search engines care much more about the first link(即,它们比在后续实例中更严重地依赖于给定链接的锚文本的第一个实例)。

The takeaway here: make sure your anchor text for that first link includes the keywords you’re trying to target. This is the anchor text search engines care about most.


撰写有关您之前写过的主题的文章?通过从相关的较旧帖子中链接到它,帮助您的新帖子额外的SEO权限。该过程再简单不过了:一旦您发布了新帖子,只需更新您的旧帖子appropriateinternal link (and relevant anchor text) pointing to that new post. No time travel required!

Have any blog optimization tips you'd like to share? Sound off in the comments section below!

how to optimize marketing channels

Originally published May 22, 2014 8:00:00 AM, updated February 01 2017

