
CASL比美国的反垃圾邮件法更苛刻,“ CAN-SPAM” - 实际上,它与爱尔兰和德国等欧盟成员国的法律更具可比性。这篇文章将为您提供新立法的一些亮点的报道。However, I would like to stress that I am not a lawyer. In fact, I'd like to stress it so much that I'll repeat it and put it in bold.I am not a lawyer.这不是法律指导,您应该咨询自己的律师,以了解如何解释CASL。您也可以阅读有关CASL的更多信息fightspam.ga.ca

What Activities CASL Covers

CASL涵盖了加拿大计算机可以访问的“商业电子消息”的发送(通常意味着接收者在加拿大的情况)。CASL不仅涵盖了电子邮件 - 还涵盖发送给加拿大计算机/电话的文本,IM和自动手机。

To Whom You Can Send Emails

CASL要求您在向某人发送消息之前获得明确的同意。但是,“明确同意”规则有一个非常有限的例外。在三种情况下,“暗示同意” - 这意味着您没有理由相信您shouldn't发送电子邮件 - 应该可以:


An active business relationship exists if you have sold something to the recipient within the past 2 years, or the recipient has made an inquiry about your products at any point within the 6 months before you sent the email in question.

2) Someone whose "business activities" are relevant to the message you're sending has given you their contact info without indicating they don't want to receive your messages.


T这是截至2017年6月30日的36个月过渡期, during which time consent may be implied if the recipient has not explicitly withdrawn consent AND the recipient has either:

  • 过去从您那里购买了东西,或
  • 过去的某个时候询问过您




  • Purpose(s):您必须指定exactly why you want the consent (e.g., "We'd like to send you newsletters and occasional special offers").
  • Information:You must give your identifying/contact information as well as the contact info of anyone else you're getting the consent on behalf of. This includes name, mailing address, and a phone number or email for contact.
  • 他们可以“不同意”:您必须告诉他们,如果他们想撤回同意,他们可以。


重要的是要注意,收件人必须手动“选择”,因此预先检查的复选框无法获得同意。用户自己检查的一个是可以的,用户将其电子邮件地址键入的框也是用户旁边的提交按钮,但这些框也必须伴随着某些内容,以解释您为什么要同意(目的), who you are (information), and that they canun-consent。此外,您不能仅仅将“ ...我同意接收电子邮件”到您的网站的法律副本中。

What You Have to Include in Your Emails

All messages you send must include the following three points:

  • 身份:您必须将自己确定为消息的发件人,并代表您要发送的任何人的身份。
  • Contact Info:您必须提供联系信息,使收件人可以轻松与您联系。
  • Unsubscribe Mechanism:您必须为收件人提供免费,简便的方法,以通过指向网站的链接取消订阅。该链接必须至少有效60天,您必须确保在10天内兑现退订请求。


We reached out to one of HubSpot's agency partners,库拉合作伙bob综合博彩下载伴, to see what their perspective was as a Canadian inbound marketing agency. Kula'sCarman Piriehad this to say:

"I think, for the most part, marketers are just now beginning to realize that a change is coming. It's also fair to say that most marketers are unlikely to have a plan in place for dealing with CASL compliance or, for that matter, migrating towards it. Candidly, I have talked to a number of marketers who are planning on continuing with their old, soon-to-be illegal practices while simply waiting for the regulator (known as the CRTC, which stands for Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) to take an enforcement/compliance action. That's an incredibly dangerous strategy, since all indications are that the CRTC is serious about levying penalties ... and the maximum penalty under the law is $10M (ouch).



Ultimately, as the email-sender, you have to understand your obligations and determine how to be in compliance. You should review the CASL with your own counsel. If you use HubSpot as your ESP, you have the tools you need to run a CASL-compliant email marketing program, though it is still solely your responsibility to ensure compliance with CASL.

您可以在他们的网站上了解有关CASL的更多信息 -fightspam.ga.ca


这篇文章提供了信息law designed to help our readers better understand the legal issues surrounding internet marketing. But legal information is not the same as legal advice -- the application of law to an individual’s specific circumstances. Although we have conducted research to better ensure that our information is accurate and useful, we insist that you consult a lawyer if you want professional assurance that our information, and your interpretation of it, is accurate. To clarify further, you may not rely upon this information as legal advice, nor as a recommendation or endorsement of any particular legal understanding, and you should instead regard this article as intended for entertainment purposes only.

optimizing email marketing ebook

Originally published Jun 5, 2014 11:00:00 AM, updated June 09 2021


电子邮件交付性 Email Marketing Tools