We're reminded daily about how change is coming, and to succeed in business, we must remain agile. That all makes sense in theory, but in practical application, to change how you operate or serve customers is no small feat.

影响, we've gone through quite a bit of change, going from a small core team to a good-sized agency. After努力实施a change to our client onboarding process, we decided to take a step back and re-evaluate our approach to change management.




A2019年Gartner研究revealed that most chief human resources officers are unhappy with the speed of change implementation in their organizations.

Why is that? Well, 80% of companies manage change from the top-down, according to the study. With this approach, leadership makes the calls, creates the plan, and sends instructions for company-wide rollout.




Today, companies are much more complex and for changes to be effective, they require more input across the organization. In other words, change management should be inclusive.



1. Kurt Lewin's Unfreeze-Change-Refreeze Model

Picture an ice cube.

Kurt Lewin's Unfreeze-Change-Refreeze model is exactly what it sounds like.

In the unfreeze stage, you are essentially breaking down the current way of doing business and noting what needs to change. It's crucial in this stage to obtain two-way feedback of what needs to change (vs. solely top-down).

After noting and communicating the need for change, gather the key stakeholders necessary to proactively implement what needs to be done.






Awareness。Here, the goal is to learn the business reasons for change. At the end of this stage, everyone should be on board.

Desire。This focuses on getting everyone engaged and willingly participating in the change. Once you have full buy-in, the next stage is measuring if the individuals in your company want to help and become part of the process.

知识。在这个阶段,您正在努力理解如何to change. This can come in the form of formal training or simple one-on-one coaching so those affected by the change feel prepared to handle it.

Ability。接下来,您必须专注于如何在所需的性能级别上实施更改。知道所需的工作技能仅仅是开始 - 需要在早期阶段得到支持,以确保他们可以纳入变化。

Reinforcement.最后,您需要维持的变化。这最后一个step is often the most missed. An organization needs to continually reinforce change to avoid employees from reverting back to the old way of doing things.



3. Kotter's 8-Step Model of Change

在他的1995年书中Leading Change哈佛商学院教授约翰·科特(John Kotter)列出了八个阶段,所有公司必须经过有效的变更管理。

  1. 创建紧迫性通过公开对话,导致组织中的其他人希望像您一样多。
  2. Form a powerful coalition您组织中的变更代理。这可以超越领导能力。
  3. Create a vision for change加强其背后的原因以及实现最终结果的策略。
  4. Communicate the visionregularly to ease team anxiety and reinforce the "why."
  5. Remove obstaclesto pave the way for the needed changes to happen.
  6. 创造短期胜利to keep up morale and show the team you're moving in the right direction.
  7. Build on the change通过分析进展顺利的事情,并在快速胜利中取得不错的成绩,以继续推动最终结果。
  8. 锚定企业文化的变化作为标准的操作程序,请加强为什么需要更改,并将其作为公司文化的一部分。bob全站app


4.金·斯科特(Kim Scott)完成的工作模型

好,所以也许这个不那么普遍yet, but it soon will be, so you might as well get ahead of the curve.

Kim Scott outlines the GSD model in her bestselling book,Radical Candor,以下过程:

  1. :倾听团队的想法,并创造一种彼此倾听的文化。
  2. 阐明: Make sure these ideas aren't crushed before everyone has a chance to understand their potential usefulness.
  3. Debate:创建一个可以批评,辩论和改善思想的环境。
  4. 决定:选择最能解决问题的想法。
  5. 说服: Since not everyone was involved in the listen-clarify-debate-decide stages, you have to effectively communicate why it was decided and why it's a good idea.
  6. 执行:实现这个想法。
  7. Learn: Learn from the results, whether or not you did the right thing, and start the whole process over again.

我们将其包括在Impact中,因为它专注于从一线获得想法。人们购买帮助创造的东西,而金·斯科特(Kim Scott)的GSD模型为实现这一目标提供了一个框架。


Below is a real example of how my team approached a major change and the steps we took to ensure everyone was moving in the same direction.

1. Determine what needs to change and craft the message.

Over the course of three months, IMPACT completely restructured the agency-side of our organization. In March, our agency team looked like this:


This structure worked for us before, but as we came into a new year with an even larger team, our quarterly team survey results told us a different story.


Some had no idea what was going on or why certain decisions had been made. And what stung the most is we had a few happiness scores below seven, which we haven't had since 2015.


In our February leadership team meeting, we debated for hours why some in the company were feeling this way.



The ones who did better in this area suffered in others, like client results and retention.

It was a huge issue that needed to be solved immediately.


在我们的领导团队会议之后,我们的每月一次会议中,我们的首席执行官鲍勃·鲁福洛(Bob Ruffolo)解释了我们决定背后的“为什么”。







However, not every single person would need to know every single detail of what was going on.

While all teams were involved, most were focused on how they would personally be affected in their day-to-day responsibilities and cross-functional work.

To keep communication clear and ensure everyone a chance to enact Kim Scott's debate stage, we had to identify stakeholders across the agency team.

In this case, our stakeholders were the team managers. We were essentially changing their job responsibility, so it was essential to include them in the conversation.

Although we created a committee of stakeholders, what we failed to do was take our communication a step further by managing the other agency team members more closely.

The matrix below outlines a way to segment your team and your communication with each segment so you can better communicate across the board.



Once we identified our key stakeholders, we met with each one and some of their teams to get their feedback, pushback, concerns, and ideas about the structure change.

In full transparency, not all these meetings were fun.

There was high emotion and rigorous debate. However, we had not zeroed in on our exact plan at this point. So, they helped us understand the team's concerns and ideate on the best way to structure for scale –一起。





Our intention was to be transparent about what was discussed in our leadership team meeting, but there was definitely a better way to do that.

识别后ifying key stakeholders, this is the path we believe is the best for disseminating information:






Then, we moved on to step four.

4. Get organized with incremental steps.

在this stage, everyone knew a change was coming, but no one knew how we were going to make it happen.

This was the time to get organized and get buy-in on the "how" of change management.


We created a video explaining the structure and project plan for all teams to review in their weekly meetings.

Our managers and key stakeholders were involved and accountable for different parts of the plan, and in our all-hands meetings, we updated on the progress of the plan so everyone could stay informed.



We interviewed internally and selected our new managers within three weeks of rolling out our initiative. This was exciting for our new managers and the team to see we were already making huge steps.

5. Equip your managers to handle teams' emotional responses to change.


Everyone responds in their own way. What would have been helpful is knowing this concept of变化曲线

the change curve model

After our initial all-hands meeting, we had people all over the curve. We then, in essence, said, "Managers, figure it out!”

As we went through the process, we learned another lesson the hard way: We needed to adapt our communication and management style for each individual based on how they were responding to change.

The graphic below illustrates a concept by项目管理专家,这说明了如何在变化曲线上改变响应,以更快地获得买入,并为您的经理提供更好的教练。


由会议团队成员在哪里,我们的人agers could adapt their communication style to coach each team member through the process, allowing for a more personalized, effective transition.




The objective was essentially "Make the structure change happen" and we measured by tracking the milestones from our project plan.

In every all-hands meeting, we updated the team on our efforts using a percentage chart so they could visualize our progress.

This was also a time for those working directly on the project plan to celebrate and give themselves a pat on the back. There was a ton of work involved, and they deserved to be recognized for crushing it.

By breaking down exactly what needed to happen, we were able to keep the team focused and motivated to reach our goal.


正如我在第一步中提到的那样,讨论这个想法仅仅是第一步。为了使每个人都有动力,组织和知情,我们必须进行交流a lot


  • Our motivational communicationoften came from our CEO to reinforce the "why" behind this major change.
  • 信息沟通来自我们的全力以赴的OKR的最新信息,以及从事项目计划的团队的一次性视频以更新进度。
  • Two-way communicationwas (and is) arguably the most important one. We started off slow in this area, but after getting feedback in our Q2 team survey and from people on the team, we doubled down on this much more in the last month of the transition.

Aregular cadence of two-way communication means your team understands what's being shared, but you also learn and address if there's underlying dissent or miscommunication.

Although I put this as the last step, it's the most crucial.




There is rarely a beginning and a clear-cut end like the more traditional models. I'm sure we'll discover more tweaks we need to get our structure right, and that's OK.

As a leader, you can choose a model, or a mix of models like what we do at IMPACT, to help organize effective, lasting change in your organization.



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