When you're sifting through your News Feed, what tends to catch your attention? More likely than not, it's YouTube videos, pictures, animated GIFs, and other visual content, right?

While text-based content is always important when seeking answers to a question, creating visuals such as infographics, charts, graphs, animated GIFs, and other shareable images can do wonders for catching your readers' attention and enhancing your article or report.




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And you can do this by learning color theory. Consider this your introductory course, and we'll be covering the following topics:

What is color theory?

颜色理论是围绕颜色及其在创建美学令人愉悦的视觉效果的主要规则和准则的基础。通过了解颜色理论的基础知识,您可以开始解析颜色的逻辑结构,以创建和使用color palettesmore strategically. The result means evoking a particular emotion, vibe, or aesthetic.

While there are many tools out there to help even the most inartistic of us to create compelling visuals, graphic design tasks require a little more background knowledge on设计原则

Takeselecting the right color combination, 例如。一开始似乎很容易,但是当您凝视着色轮时,您将希望您有一些有关您所看品的信息。了解颜色如何一起工作,他们对情绪和情感的影响以及它们如何改变网站的外观和感受对于帮助您在人群中脱颖而出至关重要。


But it’s not enough to simply select colors and hope for the best — from color theory to moods and schemes,查找正确的HTML颜色代码,identifying web-accessible colors for products and websites, the more you know about using color, the better your chances are for success.

Read on for our designer’s guide to color theory, color wheels, and color schemes for your site.

Color Theory 101

Let's first go back to high school art class to discuss the basics of color.


Circular color theory model with labels for primary colors, secondary colors, and tertiary colors

Primary Colors



  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Blue

Think of primary colors as your parent colors, anchoring your design in a general color scheme. Any one or combination of these colors can give your brand guardrails when you move to explore other shades, tones, and tints (we'll talk about those in just a minute).

当设计甚至绘画与原色s, don't feel restricted to just the three primary colors listed above. Orange isn't a primary color, for example, but brands can certainly use orange as their dominant color (as we at HubSpot know this quite well).

Knowing which primary colorscreate橘子is your ticket to identifying colors that might go well with orange — given the right shade, tone, or tint. This brings us to our next type of color ...

Secondary Colors

次要颜色是结合上面列出的三种主要颜色中的任何两种形成的颜色。查看上面的颜色理论模型 - 查看每个二级颜色如何由三种原色中的两种支持?

There are three secondary colors:橘子,紫色的, 和green。You can create each one using two of the three primary colors. Here are the general rules of secondary color creation:

  • Red + Yellow =Orange
  • Blue + Red =Purple
  • 黄色 +蓝色=Green

Keep in mind that the color mixtures above only work if you use the purest form of each primary color. This pure form is known as a color'shue, 和you'll see how these hues compare to the variants underneath each color in the color wheel below.

Tertiary Colors

Tertiary colors are created when you mix a primary color with a secondary color.


第三级颜色的最重要组成部分是,并非每种主要颜色都可以与辅助颜色匹配以创建第三级颜色。例如,红色不能与绿色和谐混合,而蓝色不能与橙色和谐混合 - 两种混合物都会导致略带棕色的颜色(当然,这是您想要的)。

Instead, tertiary colors are created when a primary color mixes with a secondary color that comes next to it on the color wheel below. There are six tertiary colors that fit this requirement:

  • 红色 +紫色=Red-Purple(magenta)
  • Red + Orange =Red-Orange(vermillion)
  • 蓝色 +紫色=Blue-Purple(violet)
  • Blue + Green =Blue-Green(teal)
  • 黄色 +橙色=Yellow-Orange(琥珀色)
  • Yellow + Green =Yellow-Green(chartreuse)

The Color Theory Wheel

好,太棒了。所以现在您知道“主要”颜色是什么,但是你和我都知道选择color combinations,尤其是在计算机上,涉及比12种基本颜色更大的范围。

This is the impetus behind the color wheel, a circle graph that charts each primary, secondary, and tertiary color — as well as their respective hues, tints, tones, and shades. Visualizing colors in this way helps you choose color schemes by showing you how each color relates to the color that comes next to it on a rainbow color scale. (As you probably know, the colors of a rainbow, in order, arered,橘子,yellow,green,blue,indigo, 和violet

Color theory wheel with labels for each color's hue, tint, tone, and shade

When choosing colors for a color scheme, the color wheel gives you opportunities to create brighter, lighter, softer, and darker colors by mixing white, black, and gray with the original colors. These mixes create the color variants described below:


Hue is pretty much synonymous with what we actually mean when we said the word "color." All of the primary and secondary colors, for instance, are "hues."

在组合两种原色以创建辅助颜色时,要记住的色调很重要。如果您不使用要混合在一起的两种原色的色调,则不会产生辅助色的色调。这是因为色调内部还有其他最少的颜色。通过混合两种带有其他色调,色调和阴影的原色,从技术上讲,您可以在混合物中添加两种以上的颜色 - 使您的最终颜色取决于两种以上颜色的兼容性。

If you were to mix the hues of red and blue together, for instance, you'd get purple, right? But mix atintof red with the hue of blue, and you'll get a slightly tinted purple in return.


You may recognize the term "shade" because it's used quite often to refer to light and dark versions of the same hue. But actually, a shade is technically the color that you get when you add black to any given hue. The various "shades" just refer to how much black you're adding.


A tint is the opposite of a shade, but people don't often distinguish between a color's shade and a color's tint. You get a different tint when you add white to a color. So, a color can have a range of both shades and tints.








CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (Black). Those also happen to be the colors listed on your ink cartridges for your printer. That's no coincidence.

CMYK is the减去ive color model。这就是这样,因为你必须减去colors to get to white. That means the opposite is true — the more colors you add, the closer you get to black. Confusing, right?



Then, let's say you were to put that printed piece of paper back into the printer, and print something on it again. You'll notice the areas that have been printed on twice will have colors closer to black.

I find it easier to think about CMYK in terms of its corresponding numbers. CMYK works on a scale of 0 to 100. If C=100, M=100, Y=100, and K=100, you end up with black. But, if all four colors equal 0, you end up with true white.



RGB代表红色,绿色,蓝色,并基于additive color model光波。这意味着,您的颜色越多add,the closer you get to white. For computers, RGB is created using scales from 0 to 255. So, black would be R=0, G=0, and B=0. White would be R=255, G=255, and B=255.


When you're creating color on a computer, your color module will usually list both RGB and CMYK numbers. In practice, you can use either one to find colors, and the other color model will adjust accordingly.





  • Red — typically associated with power, passion, or energy, and can help encourage action on your site
  • Orange — joy and enthusiasm, making it a good choice for positive messaging
  • Yellow — happiness and intellect, but be wary of overuse
  • Green — often connected to growth or ambition, green can help give the sense that your brand is on the rise
  • Blue — tranquility and confidence, depending on the shade — lighter shades provide a sense of peace, darker colors are more confident
  • 紫色 - 奢侈品或创造力,尤其是在您的网站上有意使用和谨慎的时候
  • 黑色 - 力量和神秘,使用这种颜色可以帮助创造必要的负空间
  • White — safety and innocence, making it a great choice to help streamline your site



Let’s examine each in more detail.



Color wheel with two monochromatic colors plotted along the red hue

Monochromatic color schemes are often used for charts and graphs when creating high contrast isn't necessary.

Check out all the monochromatic colors that fall under the red hue, a primary color.


2. Analogous

Analogous color schemes are formed by pairing one main color with the two colors directly next to it on the color wheel. You can also add two additional colors (which are found next to the two outside colors) if you want to use a five-color scheme instead of just three colors.



This color scheme is great for creating warmer (red, oranges, and yellows) or cooler (purples, blues, and greens) color palettes like the one below.

Analogous color scheme pallette

Analogous schemes are often used to design images rather than infographics or bar charts as all of the elements blend together nicely.

3. Complementary

You may have guessed it, but a complementary color scheme is based on the use of two colors directly across from each other on the color wheel and relevant tints of those colors.

color wheel showing complementary colors on opposite sides of the wheel

The complementary color scheme provides the greatest amount of color contrast. Because of this, you should be careful about how you use the complementary colors in a scheme.

It's best to use one color predominantly and use the second color as accents in your design. The complementary color scheme is also great for charts and graphs. High contrast helps you highlight important points and takeaways.

complementary color sceme example with oranges and blues

4. Split Complementary

A split complementary scheme includes one dominant color and the two colors directly adjacent to the dominant color's complement. This creates a more nuanced color palette than a complementary color scheme while still retaining the benefits of contrasting colors.

color wheel with split complementary color scheme values plotted

The split complementary color scheme can be difficult to balance because unlike analogous or monochromatic color schemes, the colors used all provide contrast (similar to the complementary scheme).

The positive and negative aspect of the split complementary color model is that you can use any two colors in the scheme and get great contrast ... but that also means it can also be tricky to find the right balance between the colors. As a result, you may end up playing around with this one a bit more to find the right combination of contrast.

split complementary color scheme example with pale blue, peach, blue, and red


Triadic color schemes offer high contrasting color schemes while retaining the same tone. Triadic color schemes are created by choosing three colors that are equally placed in lines around the color wheel.


Triad color schemes are useful for creating high contrast between each color in a design, but they can also seem overpowering if all of your colors are chosen on the same point in a line around the color wheel.

To subdue some of your colors in a triadic scheme, you can choose one dominant color and use the others sparingly, or simply subdue the other two colors by choosing a softer tint.

The triadic color scheme looks great in graphics like bar or pie charts because it offers the contrast you need to create comparisons.

Color scheme example with purple, green, and orange triadic colors


The square color scheme uses four colors equidistant from each other on the color wheel to create a square or diamond shape. While this evenly-spaced color scheme provides substantial contrast to your design, it’s a good idea to select one dominant color rather than trying to balance all four.

Square color scheme

Image Source


Capital Square Color PaletteImage Source

7. Rectangle

Also called the tetradic color scheme, the rectangle approach is similar to its square counterpart but offers a more subtle approach to color selection.

Rectangle color Schme

Image Source

As you can see in the diagram above, while the blue and red shades are quite bold, the green and orange on the other side of the rectangle are more muted, in turn helping the bolder shades stand out.

tetradic Color Palette

Image Source


Remember, if you build a color scheme with five colors, that doesn't mean you have to use all five. Sometimes just choosing two colors from a color scheme looks much better than cramming all five colors together in one graphic.

1. Prioritize the user experience, first.


This lets you focus on what matters most: User experience. Instead of focusing on the color scheme of your overall site or the hue of specific buttons or links, make sure everything works like it’s supposed to. Make sure links aren’t broken, product pages are up-to-date and email opt-ins are ready to go.

Here’s why: Even the best-looking website or product with perfect color selection won’t be enough to keep visitors if they can’t find what they’re looking for.

2. Leverage natural inspiration.


Not sure what looks good? Take a look outside. Nature is the best example of colors that complement each other — from the green stems and bright blooms of flowering plants to azure skies and white clouds, you can’t go wrong pulling context from natural colors and combinations.


有一个颜色的选择,考虑牛叫声d you want your color scheme to set. If passion and energy are your priorities, lean more toward red or brighter yellows. If you’re looking to create a feeling of peace or tranquility, trend toward lighter blues and greens.


4. Consider color context.

It’s also worth considering how colors are perceived in contrast.

In the image below, the middle of each of the circles is the same size, shape, and color. The only thing that changes is the background color.

Yet, the middle circles appear softer or brighter depending on the contrasting color behind it. You may even notice movement or depth changes just based on one color change.

Color Context with backgrounds


For instance, if you were creating a simple bar chart, would you want a dark background with dark bars? Probably not. You'd most likely want to create a contrast between your bars and the background itself since you want your viewers to focus on the bars, not the background.


Next, consider your color wheel and the schemes mentioned above. Select a few different color combinations using schemes such as monochrome, complementary, and triad to see what stands out.

Here, the goal isn’t to find exactly the right colors on the first try and create the perfect design, but rather to get a sense of which scheme naturally resonates with your personal perception and the look of your site.

你也可能发现厕所的方案选择k good in theory don’t work with your site design. This is part of the process — trial and error will help you find the color palette that both highlights your content and improves the user experience.


Often used in home design, the 60-30-10 rule is also useful for website or app design. The idea here is to use three colors: A main color for 60% of your design, a secondary color for 30% of your design and an accent color for the last 10%.

While these aren’t hard-and-fast numbers, they help give a sense of proportion and balance to your site by providing a primary color with secondary and accent colors that all work together.



Here’s why: While many designers go in with a vision of what they want to see and what looks good, the finished product often differs on digital screens that physical color wheels — what seemed like a perfect complement or an ideal color pop may end up looking drab or dated.

Don’t be afraid to draft, review, draft again and throw out what doesn’t work — color, like website creation, is a constantly-evolving art form.

Put simply? Practice makes perfect. The more you play with color and practice design, the better you get. No one creates their masterpiece the first time around.

Color Tools


Luckily, there are a number of tools to help you find and choose colors for your designs.

Adobe Color

One of my favorite color tools to use while I'm designing anything — whether it's an infographic or just a pie chart — is Adobe Color (previously Adobe Kuler).

This free online tool allows you to quickly build color schemes based on the color structures that were explained earlier in this post. Once you've chosen the colors in the scheme you'd like, you can copy and paste the HEX or RGB codes into whatever program you're using.




我在Adobe Illustrator上度过了很多时间,我最使用的功能之一是“彩色指南”。颜色指南使您可以选择一种颜色,并且它将自动为您生成五色方案。它还将为您的方案中每种颜色提供各种色彩和阴影。

If you switch your main color, the color guide will switch the corresponding colors in that scheme. So if you've chosen a complementary color scheme with the main color of blue, once you switch your main color to red, the complementary color will also switch from orange to green.

Like Adobe Color, the color guide has a number of preset modes to choose the kind of color scheme you want. This helps you pick the right color scheme style within the program you're already using.

After you've created the color scheme that you want, you can save that scheme in the "Color Themes" module for you to use throughout your project or in the future.

Color options on Illustrator Color Guide tool

Preset Color Guides

If you're not an Adobe user, you've probably used Microsoft Office products at least once. All of the Office products have preset colors that you can use and play around with to create color schemes. PowerPoint also has a number of color scheme presets that you can use to draw inspiration for your designs.


You can then copy and paste those codes to be used in whatever program you're using to do your design work.


Finding the Right Color Scheme

There's a lot of theory in this post, I know. But when it comes to choosing colors, understanding the theory behind color can do wonders for how you actually use color. This can make creating branded visuals easy, especially when using design templates where you can customize colors.

content templates
content creation

Originally published Jun 21, 2021 10:00:00 AM, updated June 22 2021