Nowadays, we hear about a company's culture a lot — including perks like free beer, ping-pong tables, and fitness classes at the office.

Company culture is a critical factor for acquiring and retaining top talent. Additionally, a good company culture can help your business succeed. In fact, companies with strong cultures saw a收入增长4倍.


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In a德勤研究, 87% of organizations cite culture and engagement as one of their top challenges.

If you feel your culture can be improved but aren't sure where to begin, keep reading to learn about the different types of company cultures, and get ideas on how you might improve your own culture.

让我们解压five main types of company culture and which one may be a good fit for your company.


As the name implies, a team-first corporate culture is one in which team bonding and cross-department collaboration are top priorities. In a team-first corporate culture, you're likely to find both formal and informal events planned to encourage strong employee relationships, including regular team outings or after-work drinks.


Netflix also encouragesindependent decision-making and a culture in which information is shared openly. These aspects of the culture are inherently team-first, as they emphasize the importance of collaborating and communicating with team members to ensure the company stays on track to hit goals without sacrificing an employee's individual needs.

2. Elite Corporate Culture

You'll want to consider companies like Google or Facebook when you think of an elite corporate culture, which is a culture in which innovation and forward-thinking are not only encouraged, but expected.

An elite corporate culture hires only the best, and values fast growth — ultimately, the employees of an elite corporate culture aim to become the trailblazers in their industry.

For instance, Gainsight, a SaaS company, demonstrates its culture's emphasis on innovation on itsAbout Us page, where they state: "To change the world of business, you've got to have great captains". Additionally, one of their five values is "Stay thirsty: we believe in a totally internally-driven strive for greatness."


3. Hierarchy/Traditional Corporate Culture

在层次或传统的企业文化中,您会发现底线始终是最高优先事项 - 这意味着具有传统企业文化的公司可能会做出规避风险和数据驱动的决策。bob全站app



4. Horizontal Corporate Culture

A horizontal corporate culture is typically more popular with small start-ups — as the name implies, it's a culture in which everyone pitches in and collaboration is critical. Since the company is typically young, a horizontal corporate culture is flexible in nature and encourages employees to use market research to refine their strategy.

For instance, take a look at some of these员工对橡子的评论,一家具b bob全站app1;b电竞官方下载有数字投资产品的软件公司:“ [领导职位的人]很棒!我总是在需要时从他们那里得到帮助”和“公司中的每个人都参与其中,您将获得任何接触的人的帮助到”。


5. Clan Culture


此外,在氏族文化中,员工与领导力之间的管理水平通常更少 - 这意味着沟通往往更为非正式和坦率。

例如,在微笑品牌的玻璃门评论, you'll see one employee wrote, "I've worked for Smile Brands for close to 12 years. I enjoy the family atmosphere and collective focus on supporting the practices and optimal patient care."



通常,当您讨论工作场所文化是好处时,您会听到的第一个方面之一 - 但免费啤酒不足以实施真正令人印象深刻的公司文化。bob全站app取而代之的是,您需要确保所提供的利益以增加员工的幸福感,并符合您的价值观。

An on-site gym, for instance, shows your company's commitment to health and wellness. Alternatively, unlimited vacation makes sense if your company values autonomy.

如果您不确定哪些好处适合您的公司文化,请看一下bob全站appThe Comprehensive List of Employee Benefits.

2. Focus on diversity initiatives.

如果不关注多样性,就不可能存在强大的办公文化。例如,一项调查Glassdoor发现了67%的人consider diversity an important factor when deciding where to work — to attract top talent, then, it's imperative you incorporate diversity into the workplace.



To create a fun and engaging company culture, it's critical you implement both formal and informal events to cultivate stronger relationships among members of your organization. You might consider monthly team outings, or informal happy hour drinks after a campaign kickoff.

To ensure everyone feels included in the outings, vary the types of experiences you have with your fellow team members — for instance, one month you might commit to a charity event, and another month you might create anoffice fitness challenge.

Ultimately, a strong office culture can only exist once employees begin feeling more comfortable with one another.


4. Give back to the community.

To improve employee morale and give employees another reason to feel proud to work for your organization, consider offering employees the opportunity to volunteer for a local charity.

Charity events enable employees to bond with one another, and can also ensure your employees see first-hand how your company's values play out in real life.

For instance,埃克森美孚(Exxonmobil)授予500美元的赠款to a non-profit once a team of five or more employees volunteer for a combined total of at least 20 hours — this allows employees to focus on teamwork and strengthen employee relationships while giving back to the community.

5. Take action to help your employees' health and wellness.

Having healthy employees hasproven to result in better productivity, lower healthcare costs, and fewer turnover rates— all critical components to a good workplace culture. Additionally, healthy employees are happier, which will likely lead to a more engaged workforce.

There areplenty of opportunities, varying in cost, to create a stronger workplace wellness program. You might invest in standing desks, create lunchtime yoga sessions, provide healthy snacks, or offer personalized nutrition counseling.

Alternatively, you might simply offer employees more flexible hours, so they can arrive at work early and leave at 4 p.m. to catch a cycling class, or arrive late after a morning meditation session.

Essentially, any steps you take to help employees feel better will pay-off in the long run. And, ultimately, you'll create a culture in which health is considered a top priority -- which is certainly a place I'd like to work, wouldn't you?

6. Create a company culture manifesto.

A few years ago, HubSpot founder Dharmesh Shah created this文化代码幻灯片甲板, with the purpose of answering the following questions for viewers: "What do we believe? What makes us tick?"

A powerful company culture manifesto or document is critical for attracting top talent, and can be used as a resource for recruiters and HR.

此外,宣言使您能够清楚地概述您的文化是什么,以及您的内容wantit to be — essentially, it can work as a road map, guiding employees when making decisions regarding behaviors and values.


7. Collect employee feedback.


By asking your employees how they feel, you'll be better equipped to recognize strengths in your current culture, as well as areas for improvement. For instance, maybe you'll find employees are unhappy with the lack of training programs your company offers.

This information can help you create a more targeted and unique workplace culture down the road -- one that focuses less on free beer, and more on long-term employee happiness.

如果您需要进一步的帮助来发展公司的文化,请考虑检查bob全站app带来幸福, an organization that offers workshops and online resources to help companies improve their workplace culture.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.



Originally published May 26, 2020 4:00:00 AM, updated May 26 2020