17 Great Conversation Starters to Break the Ice at Networking Events




With fall on its way, the countdown to September'sINBOUND 2019事件是全面的。每年,成千上万的营销人员及其同龄人聚集在一起学习,启发和网络。最后一个(网络)使我们很多人都非常兴奋。毕竟,这就是85% of people say they've landed a job。就个人而言,如果我真的很喜欢一个活动,并且我感到非常充满活力,我喜欢网络。但是我没有总是感到如此辣。那呢?


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17 Great Conversation Starters to Break the Ice at Networking Events

1. "Hi, I'm 'X.'"

它实际上有效。只要确保您有一些事情要遵循您的介绍,这样您就不会默默地互相盯着对方。正如您所看到的,这是大多数的关键conversation starters— be ready with a follow-up. Saying "hi" is just your way to get the ball rolling, so be sure you can keep the exchange going and take it to the next level.

(注意:使用您的名字,而不是“ X”。)




This question can offer a few different answers. The person might just tell you where they got it, or they could go into a description or a comment on the quality. Not sure where to go from there? Tell them about a place where you once had the best version of whatever they're drinking or snacking on. But frame it as a question — "Have you ever been to Hawaii? I once had the best fish tacos there."

该技术还可以与中性的赞美作用,例如告诉某人您喜欢他们的笔记本电脑袋或夹克。大多数人喜欢收到积极的反馈,并且可能会跟进一个关于他们从哪里或如何获得的故事。(如果他们不跟进,请问他们 - 请记住,请继续对话。)




谈论天气听起来很陈词滥调,但实际上是有效的 - 尤其是当人们从市外探访时。例如,也许来自加利福尼亚阳光的人正在前往波士顿INBOUND今年。当然,that would require you to ask the person where they're from, first. But once you have an answer, you can even make a joke about it — "Boy, I bet you're glad you left Los Angeles behind for a few days of chilly New England weather."


If someone you're speaking with is at the event with a group of people, that can allow your circle to expand — if you're proactive about it. You can tactfully express interest in meeting someone's co-worker by asking what the different roles are on that person's team, and responding with something like, "You know, I've always wanted to learn more about X. Would you mind introducing me to your colleague who works on that?"

但是,如果那个人是独奏的,您可以产生一些同情的孤独狼。这并不意味着您应该一直坚持那个人,但是“我也”总是很好。只需确保不要就这样 - 跟进一个在哪里与您的一些同伙见面的想法,例如提到后来应该有一个很棒的突破性会议。



8. "Are you here to see anyone in particular?"

如果您都有兴趣与同一个人结识或看到相同的会议,那么这个问题将帮助您确定这一共同点。无论答案如何,您都会进一步了解彼此的目标和参加活动的原因,从而促进思想和知识的交流。即使在活动结束后,这也可以创造机会 - 您永远都不知道该人何时可能需要您的专业知识,或者反过来反过来。


当您加入一群陌生人时,这个问题是一个很棒的问题。它还向小组中的每个人打开了对话,而不是将其限制在您旁边的人们。而且聊天越多,越好 - 这是您学习每个人的目标和交流想法的另一个机会。


If the event is big enough, chances are that you'll have to wait in line for something — a keynote, the restroom, or food, to name a few. And, as the least patient person on the planet, I can attest to the effectiveness of using that time to do something other than focusing on how slowly the line is moving. Put that energy toward something productive, like meeting the people around you.


Being at the same conference, sessions and speakers are guaranteed common ground, so use that to your advantage. It's a great starting point that can go in a lot of different conversational directions — did you see that person speak at a different event? Did you read their work? What did you think of the talk?



And if you're a local yourself, and you're chatting with visitors, you can recommend that they see the place while they're in town. Mention that you haven't been there in a while, or that you'd love to go back. If there's a shared interest in going, you can suggest heading over together or sharing a cab.

但是,如果他们对去特定地点不感兴趣,请问他们是否可以推荐去哪里,或者是否有其他地方要检查。您也可以建议一起去那里,但是请确保您不会太挑剔 - 有时候,人们真的只是想休息一下,所以不要亲自接受。


如果答案为“否”,请务必快速跟进 - 就像询问该人的同事在讲话或他们打算参加哪些会议一样。这样的问题可以使您了解更多有关该人的工作以及如何互相学习的信息。


And if that person already spoke, but you missed it — "Bummer," you can tell them. Just be sure to ask if there's somewhere you'll be able to watch it online, or when their next speaking engagement is.

14. "Is this your first time at this event"


But first-timers can empathize with you, and you can even ask them some of the same questions, like what made them come to the event in the first place and how they're liking it so far. You're still opening up the conversation to a potential "me, too" moment, and might find an opportunity to participate in a session together.


这个问题创造了一个很好的机会,开始与一些在会议期间坐在您旁边的人聊天,而不是默默/尴尬地散发出来。如果您合法地不了解某些事情,请不要尴尬 - 它可能也使其他人感到困惑。集思广益对谈话的不同解释实际上很有趣 - 它使您有机会发挥创造力,并可能与具有新看法的人分享想法。

即使那个人did了解是什么让您感到困惑,要求他们解释它可能会完成一些自我抚摸。但是,请继续进行对话 - 尤其是如果您实际上想进一步了解该人要说的话。

16. "I'm tired of talking to my colleagues — I see them all the time. What are you guys talking about?"

This one is a spinoff of a pickup line fromcomedian Pete Holmes' podcast。他的原始版本是:“我厌倦了和我的朋友交谈,你们在说什么?”



这仅在您实际上有一个很棒的营销笑话时起作用。幸运的是,我的同事Corey Wainwright为您写了一份清单here,所以你们都设定了。


Sometimes,we jokethat if all else fails, you can just say to the person standing next to you, "I need a drink!" If it's been a long day, it's likely that the person will agree with you, and might even be interested in joining you. (But please, drink responsibly — all of your great conversation starters will go to waste if you end up overdoing it.)


We can't wait to see you there—抓住您的门票, and be sure to say hi.

编者注:该帖子最初发表在July 2014 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.


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