
Like a game of “down low, too slow”, this website behavior makes us feel slow and frustrated. Fortunately, website developers are now incentivized to improve their site experience with the release of Google’sCore Web Vitals;一组有助于站点所有者测量并改善其网页的用户体验的指标。

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Cumulative Layout Shift is one of these key metrics that measures the “jumpiness” of a website and how it unexpectedly moves as elements load. Let’s take a closer look at how this metric works, and how you can make sure your own website is following best practices so you rank higher on search engines and provide your users with a better experience.

What is Cumulative Layout Shift?

Cumulative Layout Shift (or CLS) is a measure of how much a webpage unexpectedly shifts during its life. For example, if a website visitor loaded a page and, while they were reading it, a banner loads and the page jumps down, that would constitute a large CLS score.




The example below shows what happens when an ad banner is loaded after the rest of the webpage loads. The content is pushed down, and the user experience is negatively impacted.


可能很难知道您的用户是否正在经历CLS,因为并非每个设备或环境都以相同的方式运行。如果您在开发环境中加载网站,则可能会缓存元素,或者它们可能在本地加载。基于Cookie的个性化Web内容对每个访问者都会有所不同,尤其是取决于其位置。另外,移动用户的体验可能非常不同 - 对于在小屏幕上查看网站的人来说,网络浏览器上的小转变可能是巨大的。真正了解用户体验的唯一方法是测量CLS,我们将在下面介绍。

Why is CLS important?

Understanding CLS is critical for two reasons: your visitors’ experience and your search engine ranking.

Your visitors have high expectations when it comes to your site’s performance. In 2020,93%的人reported leaving a website because it didn’t load properly.


只有在智能手机上浏览的大量互联网用户会加剧这个问题。在小屏幕上查看网站时,网站上的任何跳跃和布局变化肯定会对mobile user experience.


Secondly, Google ranks sites based on their page performance. A better user experience results in a higher search ranking. If your page doesn’t meet the standards that Google lays out in their Core Web Vitals guidelines, your site will be penalized.

Google不想将人们带到表现不佳的网站。与CLS最佳实践保持一致可以帮助您的网站提高排名。从那以后68% of online experiences start with a search, making sure your site shows up on the search results page is important to generating inbound traffic.


好消息是,您不必自bob官网官方网站己测量CLS,因为Google可以使用他们的PagesPeed Insights工具或使用Lighthouse工具在Chrome浏览器中分析您的页面性能。

To analyze performance inPageSpeed Insights:

  1. Enter a website URL into Google's PageSpeed Insights tool.
  2. Click 'Analyze.'
  3. 检查您的表现。您可以查看手机和桌面性能,可以在使用左上角导航之间切换。

The page analyzed below shows a good cumulative layout shift score of 0.001.

pagespeed insights exampleTo analyze performance using Lighthouse tools:

  1. Open up the website you want to analyze in Chrome.
  2. 通过单击浏览器窗口右上角的三个点,选择“更多工具”,然后再使用“开发人员工具”来导航到开发人员工具。
  3. When the console opens, choose “Lighthouse” from the options along the top.
  4. 单击“生成报告”。

The page below shows a CLS of 0.109, or “needs improvement.”

CLS得分示例灯塔提供了一个详细的审计来讲的ibuted to that score. To review the audit, scroll down and choose “Show audits relevant to CLS.”



Two terms you might see when researching CLS are "impact fraction" and "distance fraction." These are the two variables that Google uses to calculate CLS.




CLS is the largest “burst” or group of layout shift scores that occur during a session window. Essentially, if a bunch of shifts happen within a five-second window, this would be considered disruptive and result in a large CLS score.





There are a few best practices that website owners can follow to improve their CLS score:


Especially one that integrates with Google Lighthouse or other diagnostic tools. This will make sure that you’re designing with best practices in mind, and flag any issues before you launch your site.

2. Specify size attributes for images and videos.

Rather than letting them set their own height and width, dictate size attributes for your media. By setting these attributes, you’re telling the browser how much space to set aside, even if the image isn’t loaded yet.


Google Publisher标签提供有关有关的广泛指导how to reserve space for ads.








To meet Google’s standards for CLS, start by using a diagnostic tool to measure your website’s current performance. Take into account the basic guidelines outlined above, and keep layout shifts top of mind when designing your website, especially around transitions and content additions. With these few simple considerations, you’ll see better results across the board. SEO Starter Pack


最初发布于2021年11月25日7:00:00 AM,更新于2021年11月25日
