This morning, I made a quick Google search.


This process took me through to the bottom of the page until I refined my search and started the process again.

I didn't know it at the time, but I was actually contributing to a powerful metric — dwell time.

Free Guide: How to Run a Technical SEO Audit

当我们谈论指标时,我们倾向于专注于人口统计。我们问这样的问题Who's looking at your site, where are they located, and what are their interests?。These interests help marketers make informed decisions about campaigns tailored to their customers' interests.

Dwell time is the metric that runs through various search engine results pages (SERPs). It's the time I spent reading those results pages before I went back to Google to take a look at other results.

Let's explore more about what dwell time means, and its usefulness, below.

What is dwell time?


Simply put, dwell time is the amount of time a user takes analyzing a web page before clicking back to search results. If a web page has a low dwell time, it likely means the page didn't match the user's search intent.


For it to be considered dwell time, on the other hand, the user needs to click on a page from the SERP, stay a while, and then either click back to the SERP or otherwise exit the page.

If you use search engines, you rack up dwell time daily, without even thinking about it. I can already recall two separate instances in which I've contributed to dwell time today, all before lunch.


For instance, let's say you write a blog article called "Social Media Tips and Tricks". You notice the piece has a high click-through rate, but low dwell time.

Upon further inspection, you see the rest of the articles on the SERPs include comprehensive information regarding social media scheduling, how to create posts for social media, and which social media sites have the highest conversion rates.

您很可能会认为您的帖子实际上不是在求解用户的搜索意图 - 这就是为什么大多数读者跳回SERP寻找替代源的原因。

It can also lead to clues about improving UX. For instance, if you have a slow loading time on your web page, you may see that reflected in dwell time metrics, since a user might exit your page if it's taking too long to load

This metric can lead to important decisions you make for your site, among other metrics.


How is dwell time calculated?

在Google Analytics(分析)中,您可以通过查看来确定自己的停留时间"Average Session Duration", which tells you how long visitors are staying on a website on average. It's measured by the total duration ofall会议或访问以秒为单位,除以会话总数。

A session begins when a user goes to a website. After 30 minutes of inactivity, or when the user leaves, the session ends. The inactivity cut-off exists so you can get an accurate report of your metrics without untrue inflation.

您可以在Google Analytics(分析)中找到已经为您计算的这个指标,并在几分钟和几秒钟内显示。您可以在两个地方找到它 - 首先,当您登录Google Analytics(分析)时,您会在主页上看到“平均会话持续时间”,这表明您跟踪的任何帐户上的平均停留时间在Google Analytics(分析)中:

session duration on google analytics homepageIf you want to explore "Average Session Duration", or dwell time, for individual landing pages or blog posts, you'll want to click "Behavior" on the left side of the screen, and then "Site Content" > "Landing Pages":


Here, you'll see the dwell time displayed as "Average Session Duration" in the table.

avg session duration for individual landing pagesIt's important to note — "Average Session Duration" can depict dwell time, but the two aren't the same. Dwell time can only come from the SERPs, whereas Average Session Duration might also measure someone's time on-page after they've arrived from another landing page, social media page, or clicked on an email link.


adding an organic traffic segment in GA

"Average Session Duration" can help you analyze which landing pages are performing well in terms of dwell time, and which could be better.

But what's a "good" average session? Let's dive into that, next.



You'll see this industry standard in Google Analytics when searching for benchmark metrics. To find these metrics, go to "Audiences" and then "Benchmarking" on the left-side of the screen:

在Google Analytics(分析)中查找基准数据

Then, select whether you want to see industry standards across devices, channels, or locations.

For our purposes, let's take a look at the industry standard for "Business & Industrial" across devices. As shown in the small numbers below the larger percentage, most businesses have an average session between 2-3 minutes (the second number depicted, i.e. 02:43):

基准数据平均住timeMost marketers agree that it's rare to see average session duration times over 10 minutes or less than one minute, so if you're looking for a goal, between 2-4 minutes is where the average typically lies.

When you're looking at metrics, it's a good idea to look at all of them to get a full scope of how your site is performing. If you're ranking high on the SERP, that means that your SEO is great, but if your website isn't providing useful information, your session duration might underperform.

To provide a holistic experience for customers, looking into the meaning behind session durations is important.


A low dwell time tells you that when a user searches a query on Google and then clicks on your site, she's disappointed with what she finds there — for whatever reason, it didn't match what she was looking for, or didn't provide the full answer she needed.



First, take a look at your introduction our UX at the top of the page. Is it easy to navigate, and does the text outline what the reader will find on the rest of the page? Best of all, does it help the reader find what she's looking for quickly — either with a table of contents, or by using short paragraphs and bullet points to make the content more digestible?

用户体验可能是较低停留时间的主要组成部分,尤其是在页面顶部 - 因为上面的UX并不会留下很长的时间的读者不会长时间。

Content matters, too. You might find you have a low dwell time if your introduction is confusing or doesn't get to the point quickly enough. Alternatively, perhaps your content isn't matching the user's intent.

Take a look at other high-ranking articles on the SERPs to get a better picture ofwhy该读者正在搜索此主题。意图很重要


除了…刚刚搜索过“我如何删除我的WordPress主题?”的读者除外吗?可能已经havean account and don't need to be convinced of the strengths of the tool — they just need to delete a theme.

If your article isn't hitting a good note with readers from the get-go, that could be a major contributor to low dwell time.

2. Ensure the page is fast and clean.

缓慢的加载时间是高停留时间的主要威慑力 - 如果您的页面花费太长的加载时间太长,读者可能不会呆在很长的时间里。


这意味着拥有干净的代码并遵循SEO best practices for a quick load time(including compressing your images and caching your web pages) is critical to increasing your dwell time.

Ensure the page loads quickly and efficiently across browsers and devices, too. A good mobile-experience is vital here, since a lower dwell time on mobile will contribute to a lower dwell time overall.

3. Have good internal linking.

Dwell time is ultimately the amount of time someone stays on a page before返回to the SERPs — so including links to your other blog posts or landing pages is a good opportunity for keeping them engaged on your site for longer.

Follow good链接建设实践为SERP和用户体验创建正确的基础架构。关键是确保您的链接与主题有关。例如,有关社交媒体的博客文章应链接到有关Instagram或YouTube的其他帖子,而不是网站开发。

4. Embed multimedia elements.


Along with improving dwell time, embedding these elements on your page could increase traffic to your brand's other types of content. For instance, embedding a YouTube video on your blog post (when relevant) could increase views to your YouTube channel. Alternatively, including a link to a podcast episode might increase listeners.


seo audit

SEO audit

Originally published May 20, 2021 4:00:00 AM, updated May 20 2021


Technical SEO