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With nearly every marketing operation now taking place online, it can be tough to distinguish between the various types of digital marketing people use today.

For example, takeecommerce marketing- 与社交媒体,内容,搜索引擎和电子邮件营销等实践相比,它是什么?它如何?

Ecommerce marketing and digital marketing are not mutually exclusive.Ecommerce网站可以使用上述所有数字渠道来推广产品并发展其业务。


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Ecommerce marketerscan use social media, digital content, search engines, and email campaigns to attract visitors and facilitate purchases online.

Before we dive into more detail about what ecommerce marketing is and how to implement a strategy of your own, let's review the definition of ecommerce advertising and advertising's parity with marketing for an ecommerce business.

Ecommerce Advertising

In similar fashion to the way advertising falls beneath the umbrella of marketing, ecommerce advertising falls beneath ecommerce marketing — and when used in tandem, you have the ability to more effectively reach your audience members to boost conversions and improve brand awareness.

As mentioned in our definition above, ecommerce marketing is about driving awareness and action towards your product or service.


The main takeaway here is that ecommerce advertising is a highly-effective method to implement while developing your ecommerce marketing strategy to focus your product or service晋升



To give you a sense of what an ecommerce marketing strategy looks like, here are some common marketing channels and how you'd use them to build an online store.

社会al Media Marketing

Brands, publishers, contractors, and growing businesses all launch pages on today's most popular social networks to connect with their audience and post content that the audience is interested in.


Ecommerce websites are highly visual — you have to show off the product, after all — so your success on social media depends on your use of imagery to drive attention and traffic to your product pages.

Instagram is an appropriate platform for ecommerce businesses because it enables you to post sharp product photography and expand your product's reach beyond its purchase page.

您可以将社交媒体帖子进一步迈出creating shoppable content, which is content that enables visitors to buy right away. That can include anything from strategically placed display ads within a social feed to additional tags that take users directly to a shopping cart. These methods help youeliminate frictionfrom the buying process.

create shoppable content ecommerce


电子商务业务对产品评论也不陌生。使用Facebook业务页面分享产品赞美非常适合已经在其在线商店中征求客户评论的企业。我们会深入研究product reviews below


When you hear "content marketing" you might think of blogging and video marketing — content that is meant to improve your website's ranking in search engines and answer questions related to your industry. But if you're selling a product online, do you really need articles and videos to generate transactions? You sure do.

Here are some ways to use content to market your ecommerce store.

Optimize your product page copy.

优化您的产品页面for short, product-driven keywords that include the name of the product. If you sell wedding dresses, for example, a Google search for "brown bridesmaid dress" is more likely to produce product pages like yours if you’ve included that term on the page.

Also, make sure that your page titles, headers, and image alt text focus on the right keywords so search engines know to return your ecommerce store for the right query.






Create guest posts for external websites.

Guest posts can get you and your products in front of relevant audiences (oftentimes for free).提交客人帖子还将帮助您为您的电子商务网站获得更多域名,从而告诉搜索引擎您拥有可靠的网站。


Put product-related videos on YouTube.

YouTube has超过十亿的活跃用户… chances are your target audience is somewhere in there. It’s also the第二大搜索引擎behind Google. If you’re looking for a massive, captive audience, YouTube is where you’ll find it. Use高度搜索的关键字术语要确定您的主题,然后分享与您的产品相关的视频helpful to your audience.

This is also a great option for tutorial videos that show current customers how to use your product — these videos can show people how best to use your product, increasing customer satisfaction and building long-term relationships with website visitors.


If your audience is asking questions related to your product, then you need to be the one to answer them. Create an FAQ page on your website with responses to high volume, long-tail keyword searches to get users to your site. You’ll be building both authority and traffic — two crucial components of a successful ecommerce store.

Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing (SEM) includes both search engine optimization (SEO) and paid advertising. While SEO relies on your knowledge of Google's ranking algorithm to optimize content, SEM can involvepay-per-click(PPC) campaigns, display campaigns, or product-specific ad campaigns (thinkGoogle Shopping), which allow you to pay for top spots on search engine results pages.


This is why ecommerce marketers often register with Google AdWords and promote their product pages through PPC campaigns. The campaign puts searchers right in front of the business's product when they click on a paid result, increasing the likelihood that the searcher will make a purchase before leaving the business's website.



The best part aboutemail marketing? It can be automated. Automation means that you can set up a successful滴水活动用户兴趣或分段的年代tage in the buyer’s journey and let your email campaign do its magic. It’s one less marketing tactic that you need to worry about on your long list of tasks.

Even so, it’s imperative that you’re meticulous about your email list so you maintain trust among your leads. In a time when data privacy runs high on an internet user's priority list, not every commercial email is welcome in that user's inbox. Ecommerce marketers need to be careful when and how they add website visitors to their mailing list.

Here are two ways an ecommerce marketer might use email marketing.

1. Post-Purchase Follow Up


A post-purchase follow up also shows that you care about them beyond a sale and that your company has an interest in their success using your product. It gives you an opportunity to get feedback on their purchase experience, which, in turn, helps you reduce friction for future customers.


2. The Abandoned Shopping Cart

用户出于多种原因放弃购物车, and emails to diagnose the problem and retain their business can make the difference between a purchase and a lost customer. We’ll cover ways to减少下面的购物车放弃

If a website visitor fails to complete a transaction while they’re in your shopping cart, consider sending a polite email to remind them to complete the checkout process, offer assistance, or recommend other related products to get their mind back on you and their browser back to your ecommerce store.

学习更多关于why users are abandoning your shopping cart and how to fix it


Influencer marketing focuses on people or brands that influence your target market. The term is commonly used to denote Instagram accounts with several thousand followers, but it could also mean a celebrity or community that your target audience follows or belongs to.


Affiliate Marketing

81%of brands employ会员营销,以及电子商务网站特别好的候选人。分支机构是帮助您在线销售产品以供佣金出售产品的人或企业。

与大多数社交媒体影响者不同,分支机构通过老式(但有效)的营销策略对产品产生兴趣。他们经常使用付费广告,内容营销和其他手段来吸引您的页面流量yourproduct — it’s like having a team market for you.


This is an often-overlooked tactic for ecommerce businesses, but local marketing allows you to double down on the areas where most of your prospects are (if you have a large population of them in one area) and allows you to offer incentives to your potential customer base.


There are countless ecommerce marketing tactics that you can employ to drive visitors to your online store beyond the traditional methods that we reviewed above. Let’s get into some more creative ways you can market your ecommerce business.

1. Use personalization.

使用个性化的公司看到收入的增加程度从6-10%What is this magic bullet?

个性化is finding ways to cater to individuals within the marketing materials that you already have; it is tailoring your outputs to reflect the unique needs of your consumer.

This can come in the form of a prospect’s name in the subject line of an email, recommended content or products based on a visitor’s behavior, or even showing智能内容on a webpage when a user visits for a second time or has moved along their buyer’s journey.

个性化can move people along their buyer’s journey faster — instead of searching for what they need, you put it right in front of them, making it easy for them to take your desired action, that is, make a purchase.

2. Capitalize on user-generated content (UGC).

What if you could have your customers market for youfor free? That’s exactly what用户生成内容,或UGC,是。这是关于寻找客户推广和分享业务的方法。


Coca-Cola® did an amazing job of this with their “Share a Coke” campaign by creating customized Coke® bottles with people’s names, which naturally was shared across social media platforms.

example of ecommerce marketing ugc campaign by coke

Here are some effective ways to drive UGC:

  • Competitions,客户通过以某种方式展示您的产品来赢得胜利
  • 审查platforms,客户分享有关您产品的反馈
  • 社会Al媒体主题标签,用户使用品牌标签提交内容的地方


A loyal customer is a long-term customer, and who doesn’t want repeat business? A loyalty program provides an incentive for a customer to continue doing business with you through relevant offers and discounts. Whilebuilding a customer loyalty programtakes some planning and work, it pays off in repeat business, UGC, referrals, and retention.

有一个couple of things to consider在建立忠诚度计划时,作为电子商务业务。首先,考虑多样化客户可以表现出忠诚度的方式,无论是通过重复购买,在社交媒体上提及还是分享您的内容。另外,考虑一下您将如何偿还他们的忠诚度,无论是通过要点,折扣代码还是独家福利。

Generate Word-of-Mouth Marketing (WOMM)

口碑营销是这里最强大的营销工具之一。这是基于这样的前提:人们希望像他们这样的人提供建议。随着买家越来越多skeptical of marketing tactics from companies, the need for word-of-mouth marketing in your business becomes more apparent.



Remember how I只是说前景信任公司越来越少?好吧,客户评论有助于减轻这种不信任,因为他们来自没有投资于贵公司成功的人 - 相反,他们是对您的产品及其对他们的工作方式的真实且经常残酷诚实的评论。bob全站app

评论serve as marketing tools for you because they include mentions of your product and oftentimes they do the selling for you … people think, “If it worked for them, it might work for me, too.” Encourage your customers to leave reviews however you can, and that购买后电子邮件we talked about above might be a good start.


When customers solicit their friends, family members, and co-workers to buy from you, that is a referral. Sure, this may happen naturally if they really enjoy your product, but you can ensure that it happens more frequently through a referral program.

只需要求您的客户推荐其他人,以换取您可以向新客户,现有客户或两者提供的有价值的东西(例如折扣,金钱,免费礼物)。Dropbox做得很好 - 当您推荐朋友注册时,他们会提供额外的云存储空间。




You can use customer testimonials to get the word out about how great your product is. Testimonials are essentially tailored reviews because you typically produce them from interviews where you can ask specific questions that get to the points you want to address and share with prospects.

是,你有一个ecommerce store, some topics you might want to focus on for your testimonial interviews would be ease of the buying process, the level of customer support, and frictionless delivery and setup methods.

Case Studies

Case studies allow you to promote customers’ successes in a way that pushes prospects over the edge. They are meant to relate to your buyer persona, so you should interview customers that most closely represent your target audience. Case study best practice is to show a customer’s life before your product and how it has drastically improved since.

4. Invest in live chat.

Chatbots— you’ve heard about them, right? Well, they’re one of two ways to employ a live chat strategy. Depending on your business size, you can have a live person available to chat with potential customers who visit your store.


5. Cater to the shopping cart.

我们讨论了人们放弃上面购物车的原因,其中很多都与信任您的业务, in the product, or in the delivery system. You want to give customers every reason to want to buy from you without hesitation by confronting their objections head on.


  • Money-back guarantees
  • 明确而简单的退货政策
  • 卓越的交货选项
  • Immediate access to customer support

If you’re using WooCommerce to run your online shop, take a look atHubSpot for WooCommerceto add abandoned cart sequences into your marketing program.

6. Implement a responsive website design.

No matter which aspect of your ecommerce strategy you're working on, it should include a响应式设计。您的电子商务营销策略将是可见的,并且可以通过任何设备(例如笔记本电脑,智能手机,iPad或平板电脑)轻松操纵。





Depending on your industry, location, business size, and a multitude of other factors, there are some standards you can use to measure your goals against — those standards are industry基准


Break down your strategy into small tactics.

在为您的在线商店制定营销计划时,您可以遵循几条途径 - 我们上面列出了其中的许多。可以追逐每一个,但这是一个肯定的方法不是对他们中的任何一个有效。


For example, say you decided that you wanted to focus on a paid strategy to drive users to your store. A few of your action items would be: set up a Google Ads account, determine your ad spend, create an ad group based on your target keywords, and monitor your account daily.

This may sound oversimplified — that’s because it should be. You don’t want to get lost in chasing the next “great ecommerce strategy” without executing on one thoroughly and allowing it to work for you.

Delight your newlong-term customers.


This way, you’ll support your customers' long-term success which, in turn, will boost loyalty. It'll also make your customers want to share their positive experiences with your leads and target audience members through cause studies, reviews, testimonials, and word-of-mouth.

Ready, Set, Sell

Ecommerce businesses have several marketing tools at their disposal. Using digital and inbound marketing just the right way, you can create campaigns that are designed to help your online store attract customers and grow better.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in February 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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最初发布于2020年10月15日3:00:00 AM,2020年10月15日更新


Ecommerce Marketing