2014年7月,一项研究分析了Internet零售商移动500指南的前500家零售商的SEO发现mobile adoption ratesacross those top 500 retailers were as follows: 59% use dedicated mobile sites, 15% use dynamic serving, 14% had no mobile presence, just 9% were responsive. In all, that's less than 50 of the top 500 retailers using responsive, and that is still about a3x increasefrom 2013 adoption rates.

Of course, if that study were to be run again this summer, responsive is likely to take up a larger chunk of that mobile-friendly pie. After all, Google’s most recent algorithm update penalizes brands not effectively addressing their mobile consumers’ needs via a mobile-ready site.

For many retailers, addressing the Google algorithm update meant installing responsive design as a catch-all to not lose their Google ranking –– and that’s a great thing for both those brands and their customers. We are currently at the internet tipping point in which mobile and desktop use runs parallel. Mary Meekerpredicted this momentin 2008, and a wealth of other experts agree with her that desktop internet use will continue to level off as mobile rises.

What took the ecommerce industry, then, so long to respond to the rise in power of mobile internet? No, it isn’t that the ecommerce industry is slow, nor that it was unaware of the trend. Instead, it came down to the numbers: mobile visitors convert at drastically lower numbers than desktop visitors. Lower conversions means lower revenue, even if you site traffic is up.



Now that Google has effectively forced the ecommerce industry to address the mobile browsing trend, here are a few ways online stores can combat low mobile conversions.

Timing Matters


comscore-device usage throughout the day


During work hours, on the other hand, most people are on desktop, following their own industry news and taking a couple five to ten minute breaks. Give these users content and links that provide useful, actionable information or offer a quick, convenient method to purchase. Retargeting here works well.

Responsive Might Not Be Enough for Ecommerce

Yes, Google now basically requires it for you to rank on mobile search and it is certainly wise for your ecommerce site to indeed be responsive. After all, even during work hours people are using their phones to shop (we are allinnocuous shoppers), and you don’t want to lose out on a sale simply because your site wasn’t convenient for a mobile browser.


Nielsen Monthly App Usage Mobile Web

There are多个服务这可以帮助您的品牌快速创建移动应用程序。当然,如果您愿意的话,也有一些市场应用程序的功能,就像您熟悉的在线市场一样,包括eBay,Amazon和Etsy。这些移动市场包括Shopkick,品牌包括细胞膜mart, Crate & Barrel, Macy’s and more already have a presence.

In other words, whether your create a branded mobile app or join a marketplace, having a presence in an app increases the possibility for mobile conversions and can help prove the business case for staying mobile-focused first.

总结一下,响应式设计不仅对电子商务网站,而且对于网络上的所有站点而言非常重要。最后,我们正在远离创建仅在一个设备,浏览器等上运行的一站式网站。互联网的目的一直是使信息民主化 - 现在,它帮助电子商务业务使其产品在可能的接触点上提供的产品民主化。

32 Ecommerce Conversion Mistakes to Avoid


Originally published Apr 23, 2015 7:00:00 AM, updated April 15 2020


Responsive Design