那里's much more to email campaigns than drafting up some copy and hitting send.





如果您的节奏太侵入性,令人讨厌或无方向性,那么您可能会失去指导潜在客户的机会'journeys. If potential customers feel pestered or confused by constant, irrelevant newsletters and promotions, they probably won’t stick around to hear what you have to say.

Email Marketing Frequency




  • Emails sent on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday get the most engagement.
  • 营销emails sent from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Tuesday garner the most engagement, followed by Monday and Wednesday at the same time.
  • 周末是订婚的死区 - 周五,周六和周日的开放率和点击率最低。






An email cadence guides buyers from point A to point B. You can'如果你这样做have no idea what "point B" is. Your ultimate goal will dictate the strategy behind your cadence. If you'重新尝试做一些事情,例如增加博客的流量,您可能会失去更多的订阅者,如果您试图向一组销售线索进行安排演示。



The whole point of having an email cadence is to hone in on messaging that will resonate most with a specific customer at a given point in time. That means one-size-fits-all, "throw everything at everyone," impersonal emails won't切开它。您需要向收件人发送与他们作为客户的人有关的东西。这通常意味着了解他们在他们的位置买家的旅程

买家'S之旅是买家的过程,以了解,评估并最终决定购买新产品或服务。它's divided into three stages: Awareness, Consideration, and Decision.

你可以't expect to target buyers in all three stages with the same message and have it immediately register with them across the board. Different stages — and engagement levels within those stages — warrant different messages.

另外,通过自动化, coordinating this kind of strategy is possible. Several kinds of email and marketing automation software allow you to set up the proper infrastructure to tailor email content and timing to suit different leads’ behavior and interests.

3. Personalize when you can.

回想一下公司多年来向您发送的所有目标电子邮件。您倾向于单击“尊贵客户”或“可能关注的人”的信息?我不认为's outrageous to assume the answer is "not often."

Why would your customers be any different? A successful cadence relies on your leads clicking through your emails and progressing through their buyer'S之旅。如果你'重新发送非人格的大规模邮件爆炸,交叉手指并希望获得最好的,您的前景可能会悬挂在买家中'S困境。

Fortunately, there's a variety of email software that allows you to personalize your subject lines and email content to cater to specific leads.


在计划电子邮件节奏时,您不应该't在“我不想打扰你”方面犯了太多。它's easy to get anxiety about losing leads by coming off as obnoxious or intrusive, but you have to understand there'在急躁和专业持久之间有一个区别。


电子邮件节奏是在策略上打击的问题's hot. You can'如果你这样做're too reluctant to strike at all.


Even though you shouldn'太被动了,您不想过分积极进取。那里's80年代的电影随便说什么。它有一个标志性的场景,主角在他的爱情兴趣之外's window and serenades her by blaring a song called "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel from a boombox he'S抬起头。她摇摆着它,他们在割草机上一起乘坐日落(出于某种原因)。

'浪漫而引人注目。但是,如果他每天每天都这样做两次 - 在她的前草坪上演奏类似的80年代摇滚歌曲 - 她'd be over it pretty quickly. He'D必须将他的割草机和彼得·加布里埃尔·卡塞特斯(Peter Gabriel Cassettes)带到其他地方。

's essentially what sending emails too frequently in your cadence is like. If your leads receive obtrusive, daily reminders and promotions from you, they'从您的邮件列表中退订。


那里's no magic figure when it comes to email frequency. It'S的业务各不相同。可能需要一些时间才能使您有正确的感觉,以便您多久发送电子邮件。

Studying your industry averages for email frequency can provide a solid place to start. A prominent fashion brand routinely sending out new promotions and coupons probably isn't将具有与中型B2B SaaS公司相同的电子邮件频率,希望与决策者开会。bob全站app



总是让你的用户选择控制their own email frequency. Giving them this kind of autonomy can keep them from unsubscribing from your mailing list outright if your email frequency seems like a bit too much for them. Include a link to allow them to update their email preferences as they see fit at the end of your emails.

客户唐't always approach email frequencies in absolutes. Even if they'您不知所措,您发送了多少封电子邮件're sending them, they still might want to keep hearing from you. Give them the freedom to pump the brakes. If they don't具有灵活性,他们'可能会切断您。







Originally published May 20, 2022 7:00:00 AM, updated May 20 2022


Email Marketing