Finding and retaining top talent is the number-one challenge facing recruiters, according to a新调查by AXELOS


This widespread challenge of employee satisfaction is why many agencies are renewing their focus on company culture and conducting employee engagement surveys. Once they find a highly skilled, valuable employee, they want to keep them -- especially today, when top talent has endless options for where to pitch their tent and make a professional home.

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According to the市场营销代理增长报告2018,有67%的代理商在每财年投资雇用新员工,但35%的机构很难找到合适的员工。这导致开放的席位持续时间太长,或者由于对该职位的期望不一致而离开的员工离开。

The Cost of Hiring

The average每个新员工的费用in 2018 was upwards of $4,000, according to Glassdoor. If business leaders want to lower their overhead, they需要to invest in their employees to increase their retention rate so they don't have to hire so much new personnel.这样做的关键方法之一是提供适当的培训,以教育员工,并在这个快节奏的环境中为他们提供增长机会。

Still, investments in employees are fairly low: Only 53% of agencies invest in providing educational resources and training for their employees, and 25% provide improved growth opportunities.

With more companies moving toward a change in their working policies, encouraging remote working, flexible working hours, only 18% of agency owners have created remote working hour policy for their employees according to the市场营销代理增长报告2018

Investing in Company Culture

In addition, culture is one differentiating factor an agency can promote to potential candidates. Why work for one agency or another? Money and the type of clients or work can influence a candidate's decision, but many people also consider the type of people they would be working with and the values of the organization. This can be as, if not more, persuasive when it's time to decide.

但是,要使公司文化存bob全站app在,管理层必须专注于员工的幸福和参与。这不是一件容易的事。Deloitte outlined 20 engagement factors公司需要考虑并擅长以保持员工参与。大多数组织都从一个弱点的地方开始:2014年盖洛普(Gallup)在2014年发现,所有员工中有13%是“高度参与”,而26%的员工“积极脱离”。


To increase employee engagement, agencies need a better idea of how happy, fulfilled, challenged, and dedicated employees are. They also need a system for soliciting feedback and tracking satisfaction and issues over time. Only with this information can leadership address issues, make changes, and improve their agency's employee engagement.

To get you started gathering insight from your staff, we've put together a list of some of the best employee feedback and culture tools. Check them out to see which one might help you make improvements in your own firm:



15fiveenables you to create groups within the system if you manage multiple teams, allowing you to compile company-wide while also team-specific feedback. The app also has a section for goals and accomplishments so that employees can list out the important tasks they plan to accomplish by next week, helping to keep people accountable.




Officevibegathers specific insights from your team to help you not just identify what employees are dissatisfied with, but where the opportunities are to increase your team's efficiency. The tool allows you to automatically send weekly surveys to various team members, start dialogue around their answers inside the platform, and package results into reports for sharing with the rest of the company.

The tool also offers a custom polling option to help you gauge your team's opinion of various projects you might host over the course of the year. You can send these polls separately or along with the larger employee engagement surveys.

Employee engagement graph by Officevibe

3。Culture Amp

Culture Amp provides tools to run performance reviews and pulse and culture surveys, and managers can review data based on the lifecycle stage of their employees -- from candidates to onboarding to exit -- or by demographics or time frame.





奖励门户is a multilayered platform that helps team leaders streamline internal communications, individual recognition, employee discounts, and satisfaction surveys. The company brings together specific team operations so you can track employee engagement and build reward systems to improve that engagement over time.

该平台建立在一个“ Smarthub”上,该“ Smarthub”可帮助业务领导者从他们启动的计划以及从员工那里收到的反馈中得出更明智的结论。



TinyPulse makes it easy to create employee pulse surveys so that you know exactly how engaged and happy your team members are. The platform sends out one question per week -- they recommend sending yes or no, scale or NPS, or open-ended questions. The survey tool analyzes staff responses, and managers can pull insightful reports by teams, although employee feedback is presented anonymously.

此外,员工可以向同事们发送“欢呼”来表示赞赏,并向公司及其政策提出改进的建议。bob全站app这是一个简单的应用程序,但是您需要在公司文化的健康状态下保持最新。bob全站app(Full disclosure: HubSpot is a TinyPulse customer.)

小脉冲 -  survey.png


Qualtrics is one of the highest-rated "Leaders" in employee engagement software, according toG2Crowd。The product offers a suite of "employee experience" tools that help companies audit the experience they're offering their customersas well as他们自己的员工。

The diverse platform also allows you to analyze specific details from the feedback you receive from employees, even if their responses are open-ended. Qualtrics is a useful tool for people who want to become more intuitive to the needs of their organization and predict how various teams will feel and perform in the future.

Employee engagement software by Qualtrics


WoodDone是一个高级员工的反馈和进度跟踪平台。默认设置是让员工填写有关他们的一周计划,项目进度以及问题的信息 - 与客户,团队成员或代理机构有关。它也可以通过特定的问题和提示来定制。WoodDone与Asana,Basecamp和Jira集成,使经理能够更好地分析团队成员的进步和生产力。它还提供了有关员工目标与公司目标之间一致性的报告。bob全站app




能量is an engagement platform focused on improving company culture. The tool approaches employees in three parts: survey, connect, and coach. After soliciting feedback from your staff, you can follow up with them based on their insight and discover how to align employees' needs with the needs of the company.







Impraise的一个独特的特性是其关键的优势dashboard, where employees and managers can list out the skills for the employee's role and then track feedback on that skill and measure the proficiency of the employee over time, providing them with a roadmap for professional development.



RoundPegg is a custom survey tool that polls your team members on eight areas -- such as job fit, expectations, growth and development, trust, etc. -- that have been shown to align with employee engagement. It then provides you with recommendations to improve your score in weak and failing areas based on the culture types of your employees.




Managers can conduct yearly, quarterly, or even monthly performance reviews through the platform. It also has a feature where you list company and team goals so that your direct reports always know what they should be working towards. Employees can provide feedback to other team members through Reflektive, in addition to being able to provide responses to manager-controlled morale polls.



Washington-based agency BAM Creative designed this tool that lets managers ask six questions each week. Supervisors can choose from a question bank or add their own prompts. Employees can send virtual "high fives" to their peers to recognize a job well done, and the platform lets you pull reports on past survey questions to get a better idea of how employee engagement is trending.




Glint is a "people success" platform that is designed to reflect the way people behave and communicate at work, and help businesses improve the success of managers and their teams. The platform, which touts intuitive design, helps its clients solve problems related to employee engagement, manager effectiveness, team effectiveness, and a concept the company calls the "员工的生活方式。"

People success dashboard by Glint



Managers can also calculate their team's or company's HppyIndex or happiness index and use this in reports or display it on a screen in your office.



Originally published Nov 20, 2018 8:01:00 PM, updated February 04 2021

