Since 2010, Instagram has garnered more than500 million users,4.2 billion daily likes, and more than 95 million photos and videos每天发布。利用这个独特的社交媒体平台的品牌通常会发现Instagram为他们提供的接触水平是前所未有的。

But creating a successful, branded Instagram account requires more than just pretty images.To succeed, you’ll need to establish a distinct brand aesthetic, a well-curated feed, and an effective community management strategy -- all stemming from your own unique brand identity. Access Now: 22 Free Business Instagram Templates

With millions of active accounts, we managed to uncover five main tips and ten inspiring brands that'll help you understand how to establish a more cohesive Instagram aesthetic.


Once you establish your brand identity and define your target market, you can curate your Instagram content to meet that criteria. Instagram is the platform for captivating content, and brands can capitalize on this with consistent and creative posts.

When people talk about an Instagram "aesthetic", they mean a cohesive type, mood, and general impression of a user's posts. By presenting a seamless aesthetic that is consistent with your core brand values, you are aligning your brand with your target audience and are, therefore, building awareness. In this sense, your Instagram aesthetic isjust as important as your website

First impressions are everything on Instagram, so here are a few ideas for building your aesthetic:

1. Know exactly what your brand identity is.


拥有反映品牌形象和目的的Instagram提要非常重要,因为它会创造统一性。发布随机的内容会产生断开和混乱。发生这种情况时,很难击中该按钮。怎么看Taco Bell和fashion illustratorMegan Hess将其纳入他们的Instagram提要中。


Your Instagram feed is primarily meant to attract existing and future customers, so it’s important to create content that pulls them in and engages them. To do this, start by getting to know what’s important to your target market -- what they love about your brand, products, and services. Then, reflect that back to them in your Instagram feed.

Need inspiration? Check out how brands likeGoProSquarespaceare doing it.


The more compelling your story, the less it would feel to your customers that you’re just selling them something. Narratives tied with your brand identity create the emotional connection your audience needs, giving meaning to your content and making it more relatable.

您讲述的故事在从客户中创造品牌忠诚度方面发挥了重要作用。Instagram是讲述这个故事的绝佳途径Nike红牛have been doing.

4. Choose a color palette, “feel,” or filter and use it consistently.

Using a color palette, filter, or even texture in your Instagram posts can give you that much sought-after level of consistency in your feeds. To tie all your posts together and enhance your feed's look, try using the same two to four filers on your posts. You can choose a vintage look, a light and bright lens, or whatever is most aligned with your brand's personality. Try desaturating your photos or stick to bright white backgrounds with pops of color. Or, create your own brand color palette by playing around with three to four color combinations to repeat in your posts.

Check out how坚硬的泥泞在他们的帖子中重复橙色和棕色,以及Pantone的特色颜色如何玩耍。


不要害怕使用Instagram营销to show off your products or service at work -- just get creative. Take detailed shots and create eye-catching flat lays that show off your products in new and interesting ways.


Check out how theOffice Depot载脂use products shots to engage their followers and creative a consistent, memorable aesthetic.

您还可以发布用户生成的内容(UGC) - 来自客户和追随者的帖子 - 建立品牌信任和意识。通常,用户会在自己的帖子中标记您的品牌 - 然后您可以屏幕截图并发布内容,或使用重新发布应用程序。UGC只能意味着美好的事物:潜在客户可能会在寻找购买客户的评论,这使您的品牌看起来值得信赖和挚爱。

6. Plan ahead!



We all know hashtags are helpful for reaching new audiences. Abrandedhashtag, however, is unique to a company, product, or event that is used to help promote whatever it represents. For example, the #ShareACoke campaign was one of the可口可乐历史上最好的营销活动。It appeals to their target audience, was effectively shared across all media channels, and reflects Coca-Cola's core brand values.


Taco Bell (@tacobell):1.30万关注者

当您认为炸玉米饼时,您会认为炸玉米饼和“LiVE MÀS!” This means that social media accounts will reflect a lot of tacos, bold colors, and a lifestyle that includes living fast and “on the go” like their individual posts on Instagram.


由于Taco Bell的主要受众越来越多地归因于千禧一代,因此他们着重于将乐趣和真实性插入其美学中,这使他们更容易吸引参与度。

炸玉米饼 - 贝尔instagram-collage.png

Vitruvi (@vitruvi):67.7k关注者

Vitruvi, an essential oil company, has a soothing and aspirational Instagram feed. They make good use of one or two filters, post simple images, and show women living their best lives. They are associating their products with clean, happy, and healthy lifestyles.


Megan Hess (@meganhess_official): 377K Followers

Megan Hess is an illustrator known for her very beautiful, feminine, and fashion-related artwork. She has built an empire on fashion illustrations that are coveted and aesthetically pleasing. Instagram has become her main outlet for her fans to follow her work and get a glimpse of what happens behind-the-scenes.





gopro(@gopro): 15.9M Followers



Their feed focuses on showcasing a variety of unique moments designed to drive you to want to go out and document your own adventures.


Old Navy (@oldnavy):2M关注者

如果您想出售消费服,则需要满足他们的季节性需求。老海军是一家零售公司,知道如何出售季节性及bob全站app其Instagramreflects this. For summer, Old Navy brought out bright yellows, light sundresses, and generally tried to create backgrounds to reflect a summertime mood.

They also have a unique color strategy -- for instance, they might gradually transition from yellow to blue in a series of posts.

oldnavy-instagram-aesthetics-examplesSquarespace (@squarespace):193K追随者



Squarespace intrigues followers by using impressive images reflecting the brand’s minimalist aesthetic. Best of all, it features images from clients, showcasing success stories and the wide range of possibilities on how the Squarespace service can be used, which helps to engage followers and inspire potential clients.


ColourPop Cosmetics (@colourpopcosmetics):810万关注者

ColourPop is a cosmetics brand based in Los Angeles that understands what users want from makeup posts on Instagram, and delivers it. They maintain a bright collection of tutorial videos, product posts, swatches, images of influencers, and pop culture. Each image is glorious and eye-catching.


Nike (@nike): 90.9M Followers

With one of the largest followings on Instagram, Nike's feed goes beyond just great athletic sportswear and footwear. They have created a distinctive “去做就对了心态和系统地发展了社交媒体的影响力,以反映这种鼓舞人心的品牌形象。




Doug the Pug(@itsdougthepug):3.8M Followers


dougthepug-instagram-aesthetic example

红牛(@redbull): 11.6M Followers

当您想到红牛时,您会认为高能量。这就是为什么Red Bull的Instagram Feed包含许多“史诗般的”视频和图片的原因 - 每个视频和图片都比另一个更令人兴奋。

红色 - 示例.png

红牛associates their brand with a lifestyle that is exhilarating and pushes boundaries when it comes to extreme sports and weekend getaways. Another way they create a narrative is through the cohesive feel of their posts. Notice below how majority of their posts are set in the outdoors. It helps create the image that when you drink Red Bull, you live on the edge.go-pro-instagram-aesthetic.png


Tough Mudder建立了一张图像,以征服军事启发的障碍,需要团队合作,坚韧和完全感觉像是一个完全的“坏蛋”。强硬的Mudder的Instagram feed充满了图片,这些图片突出了泥泞的参与者,这些参与者都穿着泥泞的橙色,这些彩色是橙色的,这些参与者的图片是有助于表示在原本充满挑战的情况下存在的亮度和友情感。

The beauty of Tough Mudder’s Instagram feed is their ability to capture moments of participants’ emotions throughout the completion of the course. They have mastered the art of evoking feelings of strength and the desire to accomplish a difficult task that only a select group of people has achieved.

The pictures of training hard and being part of a program that pushes you to your limits is exciting as it is rewarding. Tough Mudder showcases a curated Instagram feed that addresses perseverance and toughness, just as its brand name indicates.



Striking visuals are everything on Instagram, andPantone's instagramlooks like a color wheel. The color consulting firm uses high resolution images, and each post captures a particular color in a unique way. Additionally, Pantone takes advantage of the space on their Instagram homepage -- every 3-6 photos highlights a different color through clothing, architectures, or paint color samples.


Office Depot(@officedepot):15K关注者

Through some well-thought planning, the Office Depot is able to showcase its sheer amount of products in fun and interesting combinations. Their “Gear Up for Great” campaign is a great example of featuring products inventively while staying true to its business.


办公用品也擅长策划内容那t’s relevant. They do this by working with themes and seasons like "Gearing up for School", as well as holidays like Teacher’s Day or Cinco de Mayo.



载脂-- one of the first companies to introduce the subscription model for athletic wear for women -- knows a thing or two about performance, quality, and style.



Ready to refresh your Instagram?


What tips do you have for creating a cohesive Instagram aesthetic? Share them below.


Originally published Aug 6, 2019 7:00:00 AM, updated February 18 2021


Instagram Marketing